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1st Cycle for 1st Baby: Somewhere between hope and denial?

So I'm pretty new to all of this. My husband and I have decided, after almost 6 very happy years, to bring a baby into the world.

It took us a while to bring up the subject of children, but now that it's all out in the open... I'm so excited and happy, but I'm also suddenly filled with frustration and impatience. I'm sure everyone on here knows the feeling! I'm also finding that every little thing that might be a symptom, I can also justify. Even the constant bloating and constipation (possibly the prenatal vitamins that I'm still getting used to?)

Ive never really tracked or taken any note of my usual monthly symptoms, so now in my first cycle I'm too scared to hope. Im currently 7dpo and experiencing the TWW struggle for the first time. It really is a loooong 2 weeks!! I'm thinking i will test on 11dpo, and see where that goes.

My symptoms so far are as follows:

- bloated (since 3dpo). Could be the prenatal vitamins I'm still getting used to?

- very sore breasts!! Started the evening of 3dpo and although this is one of my normal AF symptoms, its never come on so early or so constant!

- dizzy spells. Not often and mainly in the morning. Started 4dpo.

- strange very slight cramping on 7dpo, but I'm not sure if i was imagining it.... only lasted 20mins or so.

- at about 1pm on 7dpo i began feeling quite tired. i do however have a bit of a stressful job and this week was pretty long.

- i have been slightly constipated today. not comfortable at all...

- more cm than usual?? Im not sure about this. As i have never really tracked my cycle before, i am not very in tune with my usual cm consistencies or frequency. After ovulation i did notice that the egg white/ runny consistency hasn't dissipated.

Anyway, i think thats it so far. its hard to tell if I'm overthinking things and just having AF symptoms, but i will update once I've tested. Just trying not to let it rule my days, as i know its rare to conceive first try!

Talk soon

Tiarna :)

4 Comments • 9 years ago



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1 - 4 of 4 Comments

Hello and welcome! :) We are at the same spot in our cycle, and yes this tww is awful! This is my second cycle ttc. My first we actually got pregnant but sadly that ended in 14 week preterm labor. So here we are again hoping for our rainbow baby! :)

When are you planning to test?

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9 years ago

Welcome! This community is a great place for support and understanding...especially when DH just doesn't get it. Me and my husband have been together almost 10 yrs and finally when we decided to try for a baby I was super excited and wanted it like yesterday.....went from not wanting any to wanting one like last year, lol. It's a strange feeling. Good luck and finger crossed for you!

9 years ago

Hey there and welcome! I totally understand the impatience. I think it comes with the territory. Sadly. :)

9 years ago

Wow, thanks so much ladies! I appreciate the support and I'm sending positive vibes right back to you!!

Haha, yeah the DH isn't nearly as obsessive about every possible symptom as i am. Tends to joke about it all instead. I actually think it helps me- I've always been a more anxious person, so it lightens my mood instantly!
Suppose that's one of the reasons i married him!

tcinks- im so sorry to hear that! I hope you are blessed with your rainbow baby soon, lovely!

Oh, and i am trying to wait until 12dpo to test again. I ended up testing yesterday (7dpo), knowing it would be negative either way... but i'd never used a pregnancy test before, so wanted to try it out! I can see how it is super addictive though... probably was a bad move.

Thank you again for the comments ladies- I know my story is only beginning and my story is not one of loss, but I'm very thankful for the support regardless! Good luck everyone!!

9 years ago • Post starter

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