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i just want to start off by apologising for not being online. i always forget to update my online blogs as i am so busy all of the time now and by the time i get a free minute, im usually far to shattered to type!

i am now 23 weeks and 3 days pregnant and me and my partner found out 3 weeks ago that we are expecting a little girl! we have a few name ideas but nothing major yet as i would prefer to wait until she is born before we name her.

i have had such a terrible start to my pregnancy! i feel awful for moaning as i was trying for a baby for nearly two years before finally getting pregnant, but up until i was 18 and a half weeks i was still suffering with severe morning sickness at least 5 or 6 times a day. And seriously, i will never understand why they call it morning sickness.. it happened at any time of day for me!

as soon as morning sickness eased up i began getting severely dizzy and now i have got sciatica! so yes, pregnancy hates me haha!

i hope everyone is well! its been so long and i wish that you all are okay and hopefully some of you have gotten your bfps since the last time i blogged? keep me updated ladies. i will try to get on more!


1 Comment • 9 years ago



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Hi sweetie, I have missed you so very much! You will have so much fun with your little girl, I know I just love mine to bits. So glad your morning sickness has ended and it really sucks about the sciatica, but hopefully that will ease up too. I got terrible round ligament pain when I was preggers around the midway point, but it did ease up finally. So glad to hear from you I hope everything is going well with you and your family.

9 years ago

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