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Never been so happy to throw up in my life.

I have a lot of pregnant friends right now, which made it very difficult when I miscarried. One in particular is due the day after I was. I was due March 25th, She is due march 26th. Yesterday she posted a picture of her huge 33 week belly on Facebook, and I was filled with some jealousy and annoyance, but I brushed it off. Then last night she posted a comment about how her daughter was flopping around in her uterus and keeping her up, basically COMPLAINING about having a living baby inside her, a baby she is going to get to hold in a coupe short months. I was furious. How can people complain about that stuff? They complain about being pregnant, about their morning sickness, about EVERYTHING. Do they not realise there are people out there that would give anything to experience these things?

This pregnancy I have had no symptoms and became worried I would be having another missed miscarriage. My breasts are slightly tender, but not as bas as the used to be. I get nausea if I don't eat enough but it never results in vomiting. I wake up early in the morning to take my son to school and I always feel fine.

Last night I had tomato soup for dinner since I was feeling queasy, because I took too long to get up and make something, but I ate pretty slow and felt perfectly fine. I went and took a bath, did the usual bedtime routine and while brushing my teeth realised I had a piece of lunch stuck back on my still intact wisdom tooth, I guess I shoved the toothbrush too far bad because I made myself gag. I didn't vomit, I just stood there, mouth watering, talking myself out of puking. Then out of nowhere all my tomato soup was in the sink. I couldn't stop, migrated to the toilet, my throat was sore I, I started dry heaving I wanted to quit. When I wiped my face off I realised I was laughing, I was SMILING. I was just so damn happy that I was pregnant and threw up. My gag relex has always been sensitive and I remember I had to skip brushing my teeth in the mornings with both my boys. I can say I have never been that happy to throw up before. Yes it was awful, yes it was gross, it hurt and I hated puking, but man I LOVE that for once through this entire pregnancy I felt pregnant. I hope I have many more puking moments where I can rest assured that things are going well.

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1 Comment • 10 years ago



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That's awesome. I will remember this post when my time comes and I feel like crap. I miscarried 4 months ago and my symptoms faded toward the end of my pregnancy. I lost mine and my good friend became pregnant with two. She was very sick and is uncomfortable and makes sense for her to whine here and there but every time she complains I feel that loss and sadness. If I get pregnant again I will probably want to complain but will always remember to be thankful that it's for my baby. Wishing you a healthy pregnancy!!!

10 years ago

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