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1 year & 10 month NO LUCK

I have reached the point in this "trying to conceive" where I just figure there is no way I am able to conceive. I have yet to go to the doctor because I wanted to try natural for as long as I could. I just never thought that it would be this hard looking back when your a teenager and so worried about the possibility of getting pregnant and all a long maybe I never could? It is definitely really hard to deal with, I don't speak much to my fiance about it because he just keeps telling me that it will happen "it only takes one time" but the wait is ridiculous! Wishing for a hopeful future at this point with a possibility of a little one!? If anyone has any ideas of what helped them I would be glad to listen! Thank you.

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2 Comments • 9 years ago



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Wow, don't be a matyr chick, go get it checked out. It could be something simple. Even if not, at least you will know and figure it out from there. Every bit of information and diagnosing helps - even if it's just for our sanity. I really do wish you the best of luck!

9 years ago

I agree with Musically. Get yourself checked out. It could be a number of things. I found out a bunch of things that was causing my infertility and most likely the reason why I had a miscarriage. It is all worth it believe me! Make that appointment! It is a little nerve wrecking making the first call to a specialist but when you meet the dr and he explains everything, it becomes easy and you may actually look forward to all of your appointments!

Jan 6 2010 - DS Preston May 27, 2013 "Angel Baby" - (13 weeks) Feb 20, 2015 Sleeping Angel Connor Everett - (36w4d) Mommy loves you Sweet Angel.

9 years ago

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