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6 days dpo...hopeful...

Well I'm 5 or 6 days DPO, depending on which site/calculator I choose to look at. Having some "symptoms" but I'm really trying not to get my hope up. I feel bloated, I'm gassy, have to go to the bathroom A LOT, headache, back and legs ache, and weird metallic taste in my mouth. All of these things are new for me...only been here 3 days so far. I would really love to be pregnant. What I would REALLY love is to test on Sunday and it be positive. Then I could find a really cool way to give than to Dan on Fathers' Day. How great would that be?!? But I know Sunday is still technically too early to test, so I guess I'll just try my very hardest to wait til Tuesday to test. Here's hoping!

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2 Comments • 12 years ago



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Comments (sorted by hugs)

1 - 2 of 2 Comments

I'm totally with you. I'm 6DPO and every symptom has me guessing both ways. I don't want to get my hopes up either, but I'm praying! All of your symptoms look about the same as mine. Good or bad? only time will tell...
It's so hard to stay focused on other things...things that I should really be focused on rather than waiting around for something that I know I'll have to keep waiting for!
Funny that you mentioned Sunday and testing and wouldn't that be an awesome Father's Day present... I was thinking the same thing!
I hope you get the positive news you are looking for!

12 years ago

I know what you mean! It's all I can think about! I'm sitting at work and daydreaming about being pregnant and what DH's reaction would be. I'm SO anxious about it! When are you testing?

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12 years ago • Post starter

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