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Positive test at 12dpo but spotting

Hi everyone
Been taking tests for couple of days now and the lines are progressively getting darker for my BFP however this evening 12dpo I have noticed light pink/brown spotting mixed in with my CM (TMI sorry) only when I wipe that's it. This is not normal AF symptoms for me
I have been trying to conceive for a long time as I have PCOS just hoping this isn't me out again and AF coming for a visit

Anyone else had this happen and still ended up with a BFP

10 Answers • 7 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

1 - 10 of 10 Answers

Early spotting is not usually cause for concern. If it turns bright red and is heavier like a period than I would go get checked out. I know plenty of women that have had this happen and delivered beautiful babies. Sticky Baby Dust your way:)

7 years ago

Thank you I hope so I trying not to think about it don't want to drive myself loopy lol.

7 years ago • Post starter

I myself ahd bleeding like that with my oldest. She is 7 lol. I wouldn't worry unless if because heavy or has clots. :-)

7 years ago

Thanks PrincessCmomof? Makes me feel a bit better the spotting has turned brown now so hoping that's defo a good sign. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed now. Hopefully it's finally my time ????

7 years ago • Post starter

Forgot to mention that the sensations I have in my stomach aren't usual AF symptoms
It feels heavy and feels like it's being dragged down if that makes sense. I also keep getting a sharp twinge every so often near my right hip

7 years ago • Post starter

I had a miscarriage August 8 of this year. Around 6 weeks I experience pink fluid and went to that point everything was fine. At 10 weeks I woke up to bright red bleeding (not a whole lot but I knew it wasnt good). I wouldnt worry about the twinging, as all sorts of things are going on to prepare your body. You will know when its something to truly worry about (I knew the minute I saw the blood the second time that I was going to miscarry...we just know...I knew I was not pregnant anymore) , but our bodies are our protectors and everything happens for a reason. I was extremely sad and even more discouraged afterward because I did not get another period for over 6 weeks. Then I never got another one....turns out I am pregnant. I have no idea when I ov or conceived but I am hoping for the best.

7 years ago

Update I had 2 days of bleeding heavy ish not as heavy as my period then on the 3rd day it stopped and started turning to brown spitting again with today being just old blood not a lot. I never have a period last less then 5 days so this is very unusual to me especially as I presumed I was having a chemical. There's still a line appearing to so confused now I just want to know ????

7 years ago • Post starter

If you are having a early mc or "chemical preg" first let me say I am sorry. I am sure you are going nuts just wanting to know one way or the other. The only way to definitively know is to have bloodwork done to check your levels. Otherwise, if you continue to take preg test at home, the line should get progressively lighter as hcg drops. If it continues to get darker, I would just go the ER so you can get some answers... you never know...Pls keep us updated

7 years ago

If your lines continue to get darker, I would presume you are still pregnant, but I just wanted to say it would probably be time to try to find out what is going on with a doc. Bleeding does not necessarily mean loss, but it also (as you know) mean the pregnancy is no longer viable. I hope your little one is fine...fingers crossed.

7 years ago

Thanks hun I will defo keep u updated. I have now stopped bleeding all together there is still a line there so just keeping my fingers crossed now and hoping I have a sticky bean

7 years ago • Post starter

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