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I don't even know why I bother, no one ever answers ...

Well I never get answers to any of my questions but here goes ...

Strict 28 day cycles . Two months after ectopic pregnancy with removal of left tube.

15 DPO Negative B-HCG (blood test) and Negative urine tests. No symptoms but VERY nauseated after morning vitamin. Backache comes and goes.

Desperate. Need Hope. Need prayer. Thanks

11 Answers • 9 years ago



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Answers (sorted by hugs)

1 - 10 of 11 Answers | Last Page

The vitamins could be giving you that nauseated feeling... especially if you don't eat anything. Do you take it on an empty stomach? If so, try to eat something before hand and than take it.

I am 17 DPO and only my ovulation tests are coming back positive. My home pregnancy tests are all negative (today anyway).

Not sure if any of this helps.

to everyone

9 years ago

I usually take them with my coffee. I'll try eating before, thanks :) and GOOD LUCK to us both

9 years ago • Post starter

Sure, any time. GL to you too! I plan to do another test tomorrow depending how heavy this blood flow gets.

to everyone

9 years ago


I am sorry you feel ignored, I didn't see your other questions. Although you didn't really ask a question here, either, so maybe people just didn't know what they were supposed to be answering? I hope you get a BFP very soon :)

9 years ago


I just checked your other questions and they were all answered, so that is confusing. I asked a question once and nobody answered, I just figured nobody knew the answer.

9 years ago

All of your previous questions have answers. And like another reply says, you haven't asked a question here, so it's difficult to know how to respond.

9 years ago

I wish I could give you a better answer, but with my first pregnancy, I went through many different prenatal vitamins before we found one that didn't make me sick. I also had to take them at night, so I wouldn't get sick! Ask your doctor for some samples and find the one that works best!! Good luck:)

9 years ago

Hey ladies ! I asked two last night but deleted them after getting depressed !! Hormones I guess or whatever I've been all over the place . My question is do i still have hope for this cycle even tho both blood and urine came back negative and AF was due yday?

9 years ago • Post starter

Unlikely if the bloodds test was done in the last couple of days. But I wish you the best.

9 years ago

What was your beta result for the blood test? If it was 0, than it is unlikely. If it was too low, then it is technically negative. They won't tell you it's positive until it meets their threshold.

9 years ago

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