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Threatful partner

Hell ladies. My partner was very excited to try for a baby. Now that we've done the deed he is threatening to break up and keeps talking about aborting the baby and eating it.. I'm not sure what to do, as he is very serious about it. Probably not about eating it but he keeps saying it. Well we broke up, but If I am pregnant (( test in a week )) should I still not contact him or should I move on and make a better life for my child?

15 Answers • 9 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

1 - 10 of 15 Answers | Last Page

If it was me, given his comments about wanting to abort/eat the baby (I mean, who says that??).
I'd run away as fast as I could. Sounds like he needs professional help!!
Take care x

9 years ago

He has been violent with me in the past and I'm afraid to bring a child anywhere near him. He hasn't been physical with me in about a month, he's getting help, but his words are still bad. I don't want to leave a child after less but I also need to do what's best for it. Thank you for your answer. I'm going to try and not stress myself out over it..

9 years ago • Post starter

No problem x
Is hard when you love someone but if he is/has been violent towards you before being pregnant, research shows it could get a hell of a lot worse :(

9 years ago

Omg, who says something like that. I don't care if he's getting help or not. He is a sicko. I would get as far away as possible from him. There is something so creepy about this; I have the chills. Forgive me, but there is something wrong with you if you even consider bringing that baby near him.

9 years ago

RUN. Please RUN as far and as fast as you can. Contact your local domestic violence centre for women. They will help you with accommodation, money, counselling etc. things will not get better with this man trust me. Men like this cannot be rehabilitated, you will never not be scared of what he may be capable of. Pregnancy is a factor that is known to increase violent behaviour in these men. Do this for your baby even if you can't do it for yourself.

He cannot change. It may seem like he has turned over a new leaf at times, even for months at a time but he will relapse. I stayed with my husband for 8 years and had 3 children before leaving. That was 2 years ago and now I have met the man of my dreams and we are trying for number 4.

Do not stay with this lunatic out of any sense of duty or even compassion that he is the father of you're child. My ex used to tell me he loved me with such sincerity that I was scared I'd break his heart if I left. Victims logic! Run!

9 years ago

Move, change your name, and don't ever see him again! Saying those things are NOT normal!! Def not safe for a baby, and I am worried for your safety as well. Seek help from him ASAP!

9 years ago


I'll agree with Maggie! There are many local and national agencies that can assist you during this time! His behavior is not normal in any stretch of the imagination!

9 years ago


Agree with everyone. Evil words, evil thoughts....definitely points to a spiritual issue. Since you are not married to him a decision to leave him for good (whether pregnant or not) should be easy. All the best.

9 years ago

Something seriously isn't right. Things will not get better and they will continue to escalate if you stay. My ex strangled and slammed my head up against the bed post at 6 months pregnancy... if I didn't scratch his face up, I wouldn't be here today. Don't do what I did and stay to hope for the best... Leave, stay with Family... make sure you get a restraining order against him whether you are pregnant or not. Violence in the past and NOW, the judge will not hesitate to sign the order.

Jan 6 2010 - DS Preston May 27, 2013 "Angel Baby" - (13 weeks) Feb 20, 2015 Sleeping Angel Connor Everett - (36w4d) Mommy loves you Sweet Angel.

9 years ago

I agree that you should NOT involve him ever. I work with people with mental illness and that is a very disturbing comment. I see people who go down the road with partners like this and they could have saved a lot of heartache, stress and possibly abuse by breaking off the relationship sooner. If you are pregnant, you may even have any inkling to be with him because you "made the baby with him", but do not fool yourself. There is something very wrong with him and for your sake and possibly a child's sake, you need to never communicate wit him again. If he threatens you, you need to call the police and get it on record, even if they can't do anything, it is best to have the record started. Do not believe him if he says he'll change, they don't. . . you have seen his true colors. And it sound like you are smart and already knew what to do, but being in such a stressful situation, it is natural want reassurance, just find it in a good friend or family member, counselor, e

9 years ago

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