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So I am not actively trying, but I do want one. My boyfriend and I are not actively preventing it but we use the pull out method and have been for a 1 1/2 years. But lately he has been having "accidents" and I thought something was up. Well I average 37 days and I think I ovulated on CD 19 and we had a couple "accidents" around that time. Then I started to feel nauseous, and have sore boobs and nipples, I was getting emotional for no reason, and this all started 7-8 days past suspected ovulation (DPSO). Well now I know this sounds stupid but I went to an amusement park and went on all of the rides and I know it is only warned against heavily pregnant ladies, but 14-15 DPSO I started spotting and it got a little heavier but not much and now 17 DPSO it has stopped except for a little when wiping. If this is my period it is 5 days early and took 2 hpt and both negative.... Additional info: I have been off the pill for 7 months and not really under any more stress than.

1 Answer • 10 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

1 - 1 of 1 Answers

Due to your cycle length you should O around CD23. Since you were intimate around CD19, that might have been close enough for you to get bfp since sperm can live up to 6 days inside of you. I would take a test when AF is due and see if you get bfp. Your bleeding sounds like more than implantation bleeding, but you never know. Someone I know had a light period and didn't think anything of it. The next month she totally missed and decided to test and she got bfp. Once she went to the doctor she found out she was almost 3 months along. Hope you get your bfp!

*23, Christian, PCOS Variant, TTC My 1st* User Image

10 years ago

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