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How long after birth do I need to wait to start trying again? I am 36 and don't have much time left

How long to wait to have another after birth? I have heard a year. Are there any older ladies that have only waited six mos. Before trying? I am 36

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7 Answers • 11 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 7 of 7 Answers

I fell pregnant 7 months after giving birth. other women have had just 9 weeks from giving birth to falling pregnant. if you had a c section i strongly suggest waiting to a minimum of 6 months. my sister fell pregnant 3 months after a c section and the internal cut split back open and she lost her little girl at 15 weeks. If you had a natural birth try waiting at least 3 months. with my 2 so close i had some complications. i had an irritated uterus and went into pre term labour twice. they managed to stop it luckily. its also best to go speak yo your Dr who knows you and ur health. gl

11 years ago

I would think it depends if you had trouble concieving last time you got pregnant. But there are many many women who get pregnant right away by accident, so I don't think it would be "dangerous" per say.

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11 years ago

Well I am not 36 but I am 33 and a half hubby is 38 trying for my first. I want two pregnancies and I plan on expecting my second as soon as I get the go ahead from the doc. If there are no problems and doc guves the green light then go for it!!!!! I know how you're feeling on the time frame :)

11 years ago

I had a section and became pregnant 5 months after birth- we weren't trying- but had an opps...LOL.... I love how close my 2nd and 3rd are. My 1st and 2nd are 5.5 years apart...I didn't have any difficulties with my scar or with delivery... I did have to be on bed rest for 2 weeks at 16 weeks- but that was from a blood pool that had formed near my cervix and I was bleeding....not from getting pregnant too soon....

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11 years ago

We fell pregnant 6 weeks after giving birth to my daughter, doc said my uterus looked healthy and ready, that pregnancy ended in miscarriage not due to my body not being ready because it was ready, it happened because my first daughter had a genetic abnormality and the doctor thinks it might be hereditary, if i were u, I would take into consideration wat ur doc says but ultimately try when U feel u r ready! That's just my opinion, good luck

11 years ago

If you had a c-section, they prefer there to be at least 18 months between births (so you could get pregnant 9 months after delivery) to decrease the risk of uterine rupture along the incision.

Of course, I have a friend who had 9 years between babies and her incision ruptured anyway. Baby (and mom) survived, but was 2 months early.

If you delivered vaginally, I think it's a question you should ask at your 6 week appointment.

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

11 years ago

A friend of mine was in her early thirties and got pregnant one after the other... her body is still out of wack. She wishes she waited 3 months in-between pregnancies, not 3 weeks... and she was a c-section... hope that helps ^.^

11 years ago

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