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Anyone getting so emotionlly drained from this monthly wait

I know I shouldn't say much because I'm so very blessed for my 6 year old daughter that is my world...I'm just so emotionally tore up that I have not given her a sibling...I went of bc last may but really started watching and timing ovulation in December/janurary...I had a m/c in March which I feel like took a part of me...I made the mistake of telling my daughter...(which after I miscarried I told her the test was wrong...i know it's a lie but I didnt want her to be sad...although she is very prespective and figures something was wrong) anyways everyday she rubs my belly and says she is going to pretend there is a baby in it...this tears me up everytime...I'm starting to have a harder struggle with this emotionally...people kept telling me I will probably get pregnant fast so I was expecting it are u all dealing with's so hard...

5 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

1 - 5 of 5 Answers

I know how you feel. In 2007, 2009,2010 ans 2011 around this time of year June/July I had 2 e-topics and 2 miscarriages SO its about that time of the year again and I would like to have a healthy pregnacy but I am just waiting for all the bad news to start back up :( I try to not think about it and keep myslef busy BUT I find myself thinking,dreaming,reading about everything that has to do with being pregnant. Well good luck to you!!!!

12 years ago

(((Hugs))) I lost a pg'cy in March too. I have 7 and 9 year old daughters but that doesn't completely take away the pain of wanting another child and not knowing when or if it will happen! It is draining, but try to stay positive and stay involved in other activities as well. (I know I spend tons of time thinking about and researching pregnancy, but I also work, run, lift weights, read, and of course cook and play with me kiddos...)

Hugs coming your way! I'd send baby dust but I don't know if you want mine, lol!

12 years ago

Yep, the whole thing drives me insane, testing to see when your ovulating, the waiting two weeks, reading into every little "symptom" only to get af. Then starting the whole cycle again. Oh and freaking out if my temps aren't doing the right thing. I'm 12 dpo and got a bfn, I feel like I'm getting af early, cramping ect but I'll know I'll POAS in the morning. I have a an almost five year old and would love to give her a sibling. Planned pregnancies are hard work, but I know eventually I'll get there. FX for all of us!

12 years ago


I just want to get pregnant and to have a baby, but doesnt look like that will ever happen

12 years ago

I know that feeling well i have 5 yr old daughter who desperately wants a sibling,we mc 3 years ago we told her i was preg then when i lost it i had to b taken away in ambo.the last time we fell preg i did not tell her we have since mc twice more since then. I currently feel preg again ay 9dpo so fingers crossed its 4 th time lucky

11 years ago

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