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Afraid to test... Anyone feels like this?

Most women are eager to test, and I did it myself in other cycles, but this time I'm afraid of a BFN. Did anyone ever feel this way?
My AF was due yesterday - I'm on 9Dpo, my lutheal phase is short. Except that, since I'm on progesterone, I know missing my period is probably for the medication.
Although I read it's possible to have your AF even using progesterone, I think it's more likely to delay it until yous top taking it. So this I why I'm afraid...
I keep waiting for it to come, for mu BBT to drop, or for a definitive sign that I'll have my BFP...

What do you think, should I wait a few more days or test tomorrow? I feel like another negative is going to make me quit trying...
My only family right now are my husband and my 22 months-daughter, and he can't hear another word about testing, anymore. It's very lonely to go through this TWW by myself...

(Sorry for the huge text, girls.)

4 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 4 of 4 Answers

I know the waiting can practically kill you but you should wait 12-14 dpo since your cycles run short. Are you having any symptoms of pregnancy at all?

12 years ago

Yes, I do have symptoms, but I'm not sure if they're from pregnancy, AF coming or the progesterone. The extreme fatigue I've been feeling it's probably from the latter... I also have dizziness, weird sensations in my uterus, cramps unlike AF, backache, headache, and today I've been urinating more than usual. I had tender breasts for a few days, but it disappeared since yesterday.
Do you think these symptoms are a good sign at all?
Anyway, I'm on my 27cd, because I had late ovulation...

12 years ago • Post starter

I'm in a similar boat right now. My issue was unexpected and with someone I'd briefly dated for a month or so and now he refuses to talk to me for this and other things he's made up in his own head. Even though it's a sticky situation, I'm on the fence about how I feel about it. I'm scared of both a BFP and a BFN. On one hand, I might have to do it alone which I never wanted to, but on the other, I've been wanting babies lately. I'm 25. It's about time. I convince myself I am, and then that I'm not, and then really confused. Testing scares the crap out of me. I took one a few days ago even though I'm not "late yet" (been having every strange symptom in the book) and when it came up with inconclusive results I was incredibly sad, but knew it was too early so I have to play the horrible waiting game some more. Either way, it's gonna be difficult but a relief for me.

You're not alone here. At least you're only afraid of one outcome and have a family to fall back on, right? ;)

12 years ago

pnsndls: I'm sorry that you situation is so complicated. I'm in a different cycle now, but I found that I have to trust my body. We can't force it to do what we want, or anxiey will mess the cycle even more and make it harder. It's easier said than done, I know...
If you have a BFP, maybe it won't be as bad as you think doing it alone. I know more than one woman who does it on her own - sometimes I'm on my own myself.
If it's a BFN, then the bright side is you ge to try it with someone who's going to want it as much as you. 25 years old is very young still. :)

12 years ago • Post starter

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