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April 2017 Babies

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Figured I'd start the April round. Hopefully we get lots of Bfps this month!

I'm on CD2 and deep in shark week. I can't wait to start this month's Clomid. ????

244 Replies • 8 years ago



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I'm CD 16, got a positive OPK yesterday but haven't got sufficient temp rise yet. Just hoping I'm ovulating this month.
I totally get where you're coming from with the trying to BD every second day being tiring calvingirl. I've tried that a couple of months but found my DH and I were both too exhausted some nights. I'm just trying to focus on BDing as much as we can during my fertile time.
Hope this is our month ladies

8 years ago

CD11 and Well HELLO GOBS OF EWCM! I'm so thrilled! I haven't had this much since last year when I got pregnant with my son. Can't wait to get home and take a opk. Before this hell of a year, I always ovulated early, and yesterday's opk was strong - still negative but clearly beginning to surge.

Either way, DH and I are BD'ing tonight! Wish me luck!

8 years ago • Post starter

Sending baby vibes your way!!! Enjoy your night. I'm 10 DPO, still waiting but thinking AF going to show anytime.

8 years ago

That sucks Chicks. I always get so depressed the day AF comes. I've taken off work just to cry. My dh gets a little scared and wants to stop TTC if it makes me this miserable, and I tell him just to let me have this ONE DAY to be hormonal and disappointed.

Hope you have a good cry. :(

8 years ago • Post starter

Calvin how are things going your way?
12dpo still cramping, have a heavy feeling in my stomach, bad backache, headache, temp is up and spotting off and on brownish/ pink AF will be here with in next 2-3 days. Cried a lot yesterday. 8 months is a long time yet I know so many out there been doing this for years. Much love to them because this is heart breaking and stressful. We got pg on first try with DD, just don't understand why I'm having so much trouble now. My 14 yr old DD said she's not having kids, she's going to buy a monkey.

8 years ago

I'm going ok. CD13 and OPKs are still not even close to positive - and I'm an On the Day 14 ovulator normally. But I've heard clomid can make you ovulate late...idk. I did a day 3-7 run this month as opposed to the 5-9 day and I've been having mass amounts of EWCM and light cramping all month, but no LH surge and no temp spike.

So weird.

DH and I have been BD'ing every other day, so whenever it happens, hopefully we'll catch it.

I've been trying for 11 months now, and we got pregnant with my stillborn son last year really easy. I was barely trying. I think it took me 3 cycles, and the first cycle I temped, we got a BFP. But that was when I was 39...

Still. I can't imagine that I turned 40 and BAM! infertile. It's only been one year, but I just can't seem to get pregnant. This is my second month of trying preseed too - you should try it. I'm not a lube user, so it was weird, but it works really good.

Your 14 yr old is smart...except for the monkey part. They smell weird. :)

8 years ago • Post starter

I am now on CD 10. Yesterday I got a high test on my fertility monitor and another high reading today. I am also in the evening going to double check it with OPK as its my first month with fertility monitor and i heard it take a month for it to get use to your cycle. According to the app i will be O sat / sun. We have been doing the EOD and i used pre seed last night for the first time and actually like it.

AF is due July 31st so i will be starting to test aroudn the 28th which better come fast because this TWW that i am about to go into is going to be torches. Luckily my 3.5 year old will keep me busy and hopefully distracted as i plan his birthday party.

I am wishing everyone lots of luck this month and lets get a bunch of BFP.

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8 years ago

I am now on CD 10. Yesterday I got a high test on my fertility monitor and another high reading today. I am also in the evening going to double check it with OPK as its my first month with fertility monitor and i heard it take a month for it to get use to your cycle. According to the app i will be O sat / sun. We have been doing the EOD and i used pre seed last night for the first time and actually like it.

AF is due July 31st so i will be starting to test aroudn the 28th which better come fast because this TWW that i am about to go into is going to be torches. Luckily my 3.5 year old will keep me busy and hopefully distracted as i plan his birthday party.

I am wishing everyone lots of luck this month and lets get a bunch of BFP.

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8 years ago

I am now on CD 10. Yesterday I got a high test on my fertility monitor and another high reading today. I am also in the evening going to double check it with OPK as its my first month with fertility monitor and i heard it take a month for it to get use to your cycle. According to the app i will be O sat / sun. We have been doing the EOD and i used pre seed last night for the first time and actually like it.

AF is due July 31st so i will be starting to test aroudn the 28th which better come fast because this TWW that i am about to go into is going to be torches. Luckily my 3.5 year old will keep me busy and hopefully distracted as i plan his birthday party.

I am wishing everyone lots of luck this month and lets get a bunch of BFP.

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8 years ago

Welcome and good luck! I think I'm ovulating today, so I'm not far off your schedule. I got a positive OPK yesterday at 4pm, but a negative 4 hrs later. I just did one at 11am and it's negative, but almost positive. But I had a temp drop today, so I think today is O day.

8 years ago • Post starter

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