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Anyone Testing This Week or Next Week??

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I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I really hope that she has decided to leave me alone for a while or more like 9 months. I'm going to be testing in the morning tomorrow but I'm scared and very anxious.

Anyone else that's on just about the same cylce or any words of encouragement.

Good Luck to you ladies!

353 Replies • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

41 - 50 of 353 Replies | Last Page

Swasts - Good luck! I am hoping you are still in the running!

HopefullyAMommy - I hear you with the up and down emotions. I really try to stay positive but it's hard. I half wanted to take this month off all together but at my age, time is of the essence! I have some time off work the week after next to I think it's time to visit the dr. and get checked out. At least that will give me some peace of mind that the plumbing is all working properly.

8 years ago

testing tomorrow morning! :) :) super anxious! today I am 21 DPO and still no AF! she usually comes to visit around 16DPO so I'm hoping!! fingers crossed and good luck to everybody else out there!! :) :)

8 years ago

twwtoolong- I was thinking of taking some time off as well but it's bittersweet you know. I want to take some time off but then I want to see and hear my baby finally you know. I don't know this process can turn you into a crazy person and I feel like I'm turning into one. Good Luck with the dr's visit and I do haope that everything goes well also. Definitely keep us posted. Plus do try and get some rest while your home.

bhughes6-good luck i have my fingers crossed for hunny!! baby dust!!

8 years ago • Post starter

11 DPO starting to have watery discharge and my back is hurting... is on her her way...

Good Luck to all you ladies who are testing soon!

8 years ago

myfamily1st- lets hope the witch doesn't show her face. I'm keeping positive for you. Good luck hun!! Definitely keep us posted! I'm starting a new cycle and trying to keep my head up. Good luck!! Baby dust

8 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies, I am totally new to this forum. I have read a lot but I'm still not familiar with the abbreviation. This is my 2nd IUI. I had a miscarriage last time. Today I am 9dpi. I don't know if I'm having symptoms but two days ago I had cramps and a lot (TMI) clear discharge. I have been sleeping a lot more, vivid dreams, gassy, bloated and I wake up several times in the night. I never wake up in the middle of the night. Can these be early pregnancy symptoms?

8 years ago

Hello ladies may I join? I was week late and then started spotting its light watery pink all day and when I push too hard tmi or in the am its bright red for a few then turns pink a little bit ago I wiped and there was this brown pale rubbery looking thing on the tp tmi sorry dk if that was my uterine lining or what but I definitely plan to test when I am done spotting today is day 3 I'm hoping this is implantation bleeding my cramps are mild and only in the center of my lady parts and left ovary FX baby dust

8 years ago

So i tested a lil bit back cause i couldn't hep myself and i thought it was a evap line. This morning i went and for a frer and before the 3 minutes was up got a faint positive i am so excited. I knew something was up with me waking up the last few days nausea.
I am currently 13 dpo.

Hoping everyone else gets there bfp.....

8 years ago

Louie79- lots of early pregnancy signs are very similar to PMS - so it can be hard to tell from symptoms alone! Any updates on how things are going?

myfamily1st - how is it going? did the witch come or are you still in the running?

Allhis21 - welcome! How many dpo are you? Is it a lot different than typical periods for you? It might be break through bleeding. If you are a full week late most tests should come up positive now if you are pregnant! Good luck! Keep us posted!

mrs.sumner2012- this is so exciting! I am crossing my fingers for a sticky bean for you!

8 years ago

thanks twwtwolong i was actually just telling my husband yesterday and think we was gonna be trying another month but when i woke up something told me to go by a test. funny thing is i took two day before yesterday and nothing i don't think i don like the blue dye test. they are hard to read sometimes.

best of luck to everyone in the group

8 years ago

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