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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hello Beautiful Ladies!!! :)

Happy New Year to all of yea, hope yea had a fab hollidays ;)

Alice, awww, she sounds sooo cutte!!! So happy to hear you are doing well hun ;) O i totally understand what you mean about spoiling tiny baby, but it is impossible not to!!!! I bet i gona be the same :) Does she sleeps true the night? Lol, we still dont know the gender, and its not too much left, we will find out v soon lol :) But i have strong feeling it is a boy, but i think its cos everyone around me are saying that it looks that im carrying boy lol Awww just can not wait to meet her/him ;) Thank you so much hun for checking in here and giving lil update ;) I still can not believe she is here and she is sooo super cutte :) Sending you lods lods love hun :)

Missytwoeshoes, so sorry to hear about your rash, hope its getting better. Its nothing worse than deal with that kind of stuff while pregnant!!! How are you feeling otherwise? Are you tired? Hope the flooding is gone, we have the same problem here in Ireland, for past month its been such a bad weather, the rain and wind, some towns are in the water, so many houses flooded, thank God we are not too bad, but wind did something to our roof, and its leaking in our bedroom when is raining, ahhhh, have to call insurance company and see if they cover, this is the least what we need right now ahhh... Just hope it will stop raining in here lol :) Awwhhun, not long to go, can not believe its January already :) Sending you lods lods of love and hope you are keeping well hun :)

Hay Jada hun!!! January is here, its big Month for you hun!!! :) Hope all goes by plan, and you can start treatment v v v soon!!!! Im Praying for you hun that everything will go like it have to, and you will have your 2016 rainbow baby :) Im strongly believe you will!!! Are you excited to start treatment?? When is your appointment?? Sending you lods lods baby dust and lods of love hun!!!! You are in my thoughts hun, and i have fx that everything is gona work out :) xx

Emmy hun, so sorry to hear that no rainbow baby yet, but i believe that 2016 will bring you BFP!!! How are you been hun?? I cant imagine how heartbreaking it is, but please hun, dont give up!!! It will happen hun!!! Hve you been to doctors to check your progesterone levels? Maybe could be something simple as that what keeps you from your rainbow baby. Im just hoping you are doing well hun, and we miss you here, and we are thinking of you!!!! Just please, dont give up hun!!! Lods of love and LODS baby dust!!!

As for me, nothing much to report. Ive been doing very well, still working 5 days a week, and feeling great!!! :) My bump is growing with every day, and lil baby is been v active in there, so cutte, love feeling her/him :) My hubby can not wait to meet him/her :) He wants to be here already lol :) We have nearly got everything for baby, just have to pack everything out, today i have carpet fitted in babys room, so then we can fit everything in!!! Can not wait,as we have so many boxes and bags in other room, i have forgotten what we got lol Went bit crazy with baby clothes,ahhhh they are soooo cutte, my hubby is not letting me buy anymore for now, cos baby will grow out of them so fast :) We booked lil break away in February, before baby comes we can use every break we get lol :)
My next scan is only at 32 weeks, so still 3 weeks to go. But not feeling too upset about it, cos now i can feel my baba all the time, so i know its all good!!!

Sending you all ladies LODS of love!!!


8 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies anyone still around??

8 years ago

Hi sweet ladies!!

I'm still around, Jada ;-)

How is everyone doing??

Everything is okay here. Anna is growing and growing ;-) She makes all kinds of noises now :-) I'm taking her to a 'babymassage learning session' this afternoon. Hopefully she won't be very hungry or very sleepy :-p Or start pooping :-p Or cry all the time :-p Or have to listen to other babies crying all the time :-p Hope I won't regret it :-s

Best wishes!!!


8 years ago

Hi Alice! Glad to hear all is well with you and your little beautiful girl ;) Hoe did the class go?

I'm ok...lost my grandmother today so dealing with that on top of going through my first IVF cycle. We had to come to NC but God has been so great to us! Had 27 eggs retrieved on Monday and 22 have remained fertilized up to today. So we have our transfer on Sat. Any and all prayers are appreciated!!


8 years ago

Hi Ladies!!!

Alice, awww thats sooo cutte!!! How did you get on with Emma at the classes? Hope she was good to mommy :) How is she with night sleeping? Are you breastfeeding? So glad to hear that you are doing well, and thanks for still updating, thats so nice from you!!!! Lods lods love to you and lil baby Emma xxx

Jada, hun im so sorry for your lost. Hope you are doing well. How did your IVF went? When did you had that done? And when will you find out if it worked? Sending you sticky sticky vibes and hope that v v v soon we will see your BFP here!!! Lods prayers from me hun xxx

Emmyflower, just wanted to say im thinking of you, and Congratulations on BFP!!!!! :) I knew it will happen hun!!! So happy for you!!! Hope you are doing well hun!!!

Missytwoeshoes, how are you doing??? Hope its all well hun xxx

Well im hitting 34 weeks, started feeling very uncomfortable, especialy at night and evenings.Babys head is v low, so having some pressure.... ahhh just not feeling myself. Just want him/her to be here already :) But otherwise its all good, still working 5 days and haing good bit energy to go around :)

Lods of love


8 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies. :) so sorry I haven't been super active. I've got so much going on it's not even funny. :( between the gestational diabetes, pupps and just trying to be mom and third trimester pregnant, I'm exhausted. I also came down with the stomach flu over the weekend and had to go to the ER for fluids. I'm still not better but hopefully soon. C-section is scheduled for March 16 at 7:30am but I'm hoping for the 14th, apperantly they're booked that day but hopefully someone goes into labor early and we can take their slot. We shall see. I have another ultrasound tomorrow to check her growth and that could bump it up as well if she's looking big. Guess we'll see. Not completely ready for her yet though... Finally got the girls' room changed up so their toys are in there and not the nursery. Didn't have a chance to get bunk beds but we made it work. :) still gotta wash all the clothes and buy a few more things. :p but it's coming up soon!
Hope you all are well!! <3

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

8 years ago

Hi sweet ladies!!

Jada, I'm crossing my fingers for you, hun!!! How are you surviving the TWW?

Nikolina, Anna did well in the classes :-) Although she did start crying at some point and inspired the other babies! :-p Luckily there were only 2 other babies :-p Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling yourself... It probably didn't get better in the meantime? :-s But your little baby will be here soon!!! :-) I'm sooo excited for you!!! :-) Can't wait to 'meet' him/her!!! :-) Also very curious to find out whether it is a him or her! :-)

Missytwoshoes, I can totally understand your time is limited :-) Wow, it's so real now that the date is scheduled!!! :-) Any luck on changing slots? :-)

Emmy, your little rainbow baby is in my prayers!!!!

AFM, Anna is having some issues with her food lately. It's not nice to see her in pain :-( Some doctor visits are coming up. But she can still smile, fortunately. That smile makes your heart melt :-)

Best wishes!!!!!


8 years ago

We're pregnant!!

8 years ago

Jada!!!! so so so happy for you!!! ahhhhh!!! congrats! sending you lots and lots of sticky dust!

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

8 years ago

OMG, JADA!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOO happy and excited for you!!!!! My heart made a jump when reading your message :-) Sticky vibes!!!!!!!!!

PS: I had been thinking (a few days back), when I saw you had 999 posts: "Wouldn't it be awesome if her 1000th post was her pregnancy announcement?" :-) How weird is that :-) I bet if you knew, you would have posted a 1000 messages a lot faster, LOL ;-)

8 years ago

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