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Anyone Testing This Week or Next Week??

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I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I really hope that she has decided to leave me alone for a while or more like 9 months. I'm going to be testing in the morning tomorrow but I'm scared and very anxious.

Anyone else that's on just about the same cylce or any words of encouragement.

Good Luck to you ladies!

353 Replies • 8 years ago



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@ Kresslove - hahaha - I am glad we aren't the only ones that joke about this! We bd'd again this afternoon and still nothing - still trying to not get my hopes up, but it's hard not to since I'll be officially late as of tomorrow. I work from home on Monday, so I may or may not wait to test - I don't have any cheapies left, I'd hate to waste a good test unless I am really late and given that the test on friday was stark white.

@Sophe - I am so sorry, I am right there with you. We really wanted to have a couple of kiddo's but I am 34 already and who knows how long its going to take to get pregnant (assuming we can). Keep us posted.

How is everyone else out there? HopefullyAMommy, have you recovered at all? Anyone else testing this weekend?

8 years ago

Sophe - Sorry to hear about af. For me af is due Tuesday. I just took another cheapie and it was stark white. I believe I'm out this month.

Twwtoolong - fx... we need a bfp!

I'm honestly tired of trying. I'm only 28, and if it was up to me, I'd only have sex to conceive. It's so draining. I wanted to surprise dh on his bday with a positive hpt. So much for that.

Good luck ladies

8 years ago

@Sophe28: sorry to hear that AF is making her gradual appearance.

Sounds promising for Kresslove and Twwlong. I really hope this is your month. Im really impressed that you manage to bd outside of tcc twwlong. Sounds brilliant.

For those of you who experience spotting before AF typically, do you find that this happens for you before every AF and has it been there from the beginning?

For me I do have enough to know that within a day or two I will be getting AF and this has been for about 3 years now but it is not 100% a relaible sign for me. On a minority of my cycles I get AF with no spotting.

I wonder if spotting can mean different things depending on regularity of onset? There is so much conflicting info online. Although spotting and IB seem s to be something that occurs frequently Ive read an article that puts spotting down to progesterone not building up in the system at a level adequate to maintain a healthy lining for conception. Some sources say that dosing up on vitamin c reduces likelihood of spotting and increases progesterone level (hence I made a link to spotting and low progesterone).

This month I want to try and eat a diet that is targeted at increasing conception and implantation. So I am taking in small doses of vitC a few times a day (give my body more exposure to it instead of one massive dose once a day). Im taking natural sources as well as powdered ascorbic acid. Also taking in more fluids, like souping meals and smoothie breakfasts. Here is a url for those interested (

Anyone else eating/drinking anything that they think has helped them?
Also, any sex positions that they find works for them best? Do you think coming makes a difference (for the lady of course) and would that be after the Mr has done his bit first? I think that may help 'pull up' them boys?

Best of luck, x

8 years ago

Good morning ladies. I had a huge temp dip this morning so I won't be testing.

Lucidity- when the woman has an orgasm, it helps a lot to get the stern past the cervix. Let's say the man had an orgasm. When you orgasm, the cervix repeatedly "dips" into the pool of waiting semen, and pulls up millions with each "dip. " There was an awesome video I saw on you tube, which I can't find now. If dh doesn't make me climax, I stay in bed with my hips elevated and make myself cum and I can feel the cervix "grabbing" the sperm.
The healthy diet sounds like great idea. I will read up on the website you provided.

8 years ago

Morning All,
Well AF hit like tonne of bricks this morning. I rarely have severe cramps, and this morning I had both major cramps and major backpain. Ugh, ususally I have a little warning - but I had no indication at all this month and then bam! Thank goodness for my magic bag hot pack!

@lucidity - I think whether spotting is a sign of implantation or not can be totally different between people. From what I have read, implantation bleeding only happens for 30% of women, so is not a super consistent sign, especially if you are prone to spotting in the LH phase anyways. I did not know about the small doses of vit. C and it's correlation with progesterone (or that spotting in LH phase might indicate lowering levels of progesterone). I have also heard female orgasm can help the sperm on their epic journey - and hey, a little for fun for us, so why not! We really don't want ttc to be a chore, so we keep the fun rolling, even during the tww. I have actually read (I am a researcher on all things ttc as well), that regular bding helps with sprem count (as long as there is no problems in that department) and some studies have found that couples that still bd after ovulation had higher rates of conception, than those who don't! One of the reasons I am so suprised that we haven't concieved is because we really do have a health bd schedule - even before ttc, we would bd 5-7 times a week.

@KressLove- I am sorry to hear about your temp dip. That's really frustrating. It's hard to be really ttc and sex having to be so well timed and then still letting yourself have fun with it. I feel pretty lucky that both DH and I have healthy libdo's, so it's not been too much of a chore for us, but we also do put some effort into it (ie. lingerie or candles or being spontaneous with when we make a move on each other, or we send sexy texts during work so we are ready to jump on each other when we get home!). You are still pretty young, so maybe taking a break of focusing on sex as just a method of ttc and finding some fun in being with your partner again would be a good thing to think about!

I think we are going to be super laid back this cycle. DH is travelling just after the holidays (leaving on boxing day) and I am super busy the weekend I am supposed to be ovulating, which is right before the holidays, this cycle. So, we are just going to sit back and relax and I will throughly enjoy being able to have bailey's and coffee on Christmas morning!

I'll still be checking in on you all! So I'd love to hear how you are doing!

8 years ago

Hey Ladies.....

@twwtoolong-I'm sorry the witch showed her ugly face this morning and so painful without any warning too.

@kresslove-when is AF due?

@lucidity-you can actually try both coming at the same time or having him come before you do. That way ask the spern will be there and once you have your orgasm the uterus dips down into the pool of sperm. I have also heard to have him not take out his penis once this process is done just for like a couple of minutes to make sure if anything last minute sonnets want to come out you know. Then you can still try keeping your hips up or even try propping up your hips with a pillow while you guys are bd'ing. Hopefully this helps!

I know I missed allot I'm trying to get caught up but it's hard to read everything and then respond on my phone. It's so much easier being on a computer. Forgive me if I missed anything. Good luck ladies!

As for me:

It's definitely been a while since I've been on but I'm recovering really well though. My breathing is back to normal but I'm still here with some major aches and pains but I'm okay with having aches and pains because the er doctors had to do what they needed to do since I was in such distress when they saw me. Finally I'll be able to go back to work after being on need rest for an entire week. AF was due on Saturday, but she didn't show so I thought I was in the clear until Tuesday came and she didn't hold back at all. I'm just confused as to why it still hasn't happened to me yet at all.

I was and still mad at DH because he was not there with me while I was in icu and decided to go to work instead. He says he didn't come because he knew that I was OK but that isn't enough for me at all. So I don't really know how to make this work anymore. He doesn't even ask me about anything that is going on or doesn't even show that he wants to have a baby with me at all, so I don't feel like he wants it. All he says is that he doesn't pull out and that he's on board but I don't believe him. So I'm really frustrated with him right now. We haven't even had a date night or anything and I'm slowly getting fed up with this relationship because when is something that I want from him going to happen. Just needed to vent a little.

Would it be wrong if I asked him for his sperm and have a specialist put then in for me when they are ready?

8 years ago • Post starter

HopefullyAMommy - It's so good to hear from you and I am glad you are doing better. That is super scary! If I am being honest, I was hoping you might have been in hiding because you had gotten a bfp! I am really sorry to hear AF showed her ugly face!

It sounds like you and DH are going through a bit of a hard time. I am sorry he wasn't the for you in the hospital. That must have been a really scary time and it's really too bad that he didn't feel he needed to be there for you, especially since you would have liked him to be there. Sometimes the pressure of trying to concieve can overload a couple. I totally get where you are at in terms of wanting your sticky bean, but I think it's good to be on the same page with your partner when it comes to this stuff. Totally vent here, and try and talk it out with your DH to come to some common ground or at least have your feelings heard. Big hug - that sounds like a tough time.

Take care ladies!

8 years ago

Twwtoolong-I was actually pretty happy because she had actually come two days late so I thought this was good but clearly it wasn't. I'm just really tired of talking to him about this same subject. I think is time that I take matters into my own hands at this point. I don't think I should have to wait for something that I want. I have an appointment with my gyn in January and I'm going to talk to her about iui with his sperm and see what I can do. I'm tired of putting off my dreams because of him, someone who was more concerned to go to work while their wife was in icu.

8 years ago • Post starter

HopefullyAMommy - welcome back! Glad to hear that you have recovered, but sorry about dh not being by your bedside. I suggest talking to him and tell him exactly how it made you feel when he decided to go to work instead. As far as ttc, it will be nice to hear more than "I'm not pulling out. " sadly, most guys think that's the biggest statement towards wanting children. But it's not enough. If you do decide to have an iui, think about everything else that comes with it. It may cause more stress in your marriage, so I think you should only do it, if dh agrees. Medication, ultrasounds, doctor visits, etc. Do you think you'll be fine doing those things without him by your side every step of the way? I hope this doesn't come out the wrong way, but if he wasn't there when you were in icu, I don't think he'll be there for routine doctor visits, ultrasounds or whatever. Think it through and make a decision as one.
Af was probably late because of the stress you were under. I would've gotten excited if af was 3 days late! Lol.

Afm- Today is the third day ina row I've had a temp dip, so I'm pretty sure I'm out. Af is due tomorrow (Tuesday). At this point, I just want to get it over with, I've been cramping for nearly a week. Twwtoolong - if I chill this cycle, I'm falling all the way back, not even temping. We'll see...

8 years ago

Just had 2 specs of pink spotting... I'm just ready to start if she is going to come! Kept wiping but it stopped. Tried to check my cervix but I couldn't reach it, and there was no pink spotting on the glove.

8 years ago

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