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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hi sweet ladies!

Yay, Nikolina, you just posted message nr 300! :-) We have been chatting nicely ;-) As being 'busy' a lot seems to be your way to catch the egg, things are looking good! :-) I wouldn't worry about the cover line temp. Mine was similar (97.3 or something). Do you temp orally? That always results in lower temps. Most women temp vaginally, that could explain the difference. If you decide to switch your temping strategy, it's convenient to do it somewhere in between cycles. But hopefully that opportunity won't come in another 9 months!!! :-)

So funny about the dates! Missytwoshoes, we also celebrated Mother's day yesterday. And we also celebrate Father's day the 21st of June, Emmy. But in Belgium, there is even a difference in dates between cities :-s In Antwerp, apparently, they celebrate Father's day the 19th of March, and Mother's day the 15th of August. Strange people living in Antwerp ;-)

Emmy, I hope you're having a lovely time!!! It's so nice to hear that we were able to help you a little bit, by thinking of you... I hope you're enjoying your time off with your family, you so deserve it!!!!

Missytwoshoes, don't you just hate it when your long post disappears before you can send it??? I feel your frustration and I totally get it! It would be so amazing if your mother in law is right!!! And I guess if you have a double ovulation, you have a double chance in catching at least one egg! :-) I'm pulling for you!!!! :-)

Jada, I hope you're well! Are you okay with the surgery? Do you feel ready for it? I've never had surgery before, I would probably be nervous. How are you feeling?

AFM, all fine as far as I know! Still nauseous every now and then, little more tired than usual. But overall, I really can't complain about how I'm feeling.
Emmy, so sweet that you have been thinking of me :-) Here in Belgium, I'm very lucky with scans. The 6w-scan was not usual (that was because of my concerns about the spotting), but the 9w-scan is normal here. As also is the 12w, 16w, 20w, 24w-scan and I didn't even check for further along, but it's a lot. So definitely no complains on that matter!
Nikolina, I'm touched by how moved you were to see the pic... :-) I'm not showing yet, at least not visibly ;-) Maybe I can see a small difference, but I'm sure no one else can :-p My next appointment is at 11w5d. I really hope that soon, it will be your own pic with your own little baby that you will be watching!!!!
Missytwoshoes, yes, it was so nice to hear the heartbeat :-) Although it was all over in a heartbeat, lol :-p Sometimes I'm thinking about how strange it is that this little baby on the pic is actually inside of me. It's truly a strange thought. Did you also experience that feeling? Did you, Emmy?

Sending you ladies lots of love and positive vibes!!!!!!


9 years ago

Hay Ladies!!!!

Alice hun, i got lil emotional when i saw your picture, but cos i was happy, you are my girly, you been here for me from v v start, and we both went true the same at the same time, so to see that it can happen give me hope and positive toughs, knowing that it will happen for all of us :) And you really deserve this hun,and you gona be a great mum:) So glad to hear that you feeling great ;) You are one of the lucky ones :) Wow your next scan is nearly around the corner :) Thats so great that in your country yea get all these scans, so you can make sure that everything is fine and have piece of mind :) Well im temp orally but been having bit problems of falling asleep last few nights, and the worst part im up early lol i think its just too hot in the house lol ;) Gona see if i can buy some tee or something for falling asleep :) Sending you lods lods hugs :) To you andlil baba :)

Hay Missytwoeshoes, how are you? Any symptoms yet? Sending you lods lods lods baby dust!!!!

Well im 4dpo today, lil cramping and twitching was back last night, i dont know what is going on with my body, cos i know its too early to be related to pregnancy! I dont know how to explane what i feeling, nearly as if i would have bruises in the middle right under my bellybutton... wierd... and this morning i feeling like getting uti again... i drank lods cranberry juice, just in case... So thats about it soo far...

Sending you all lods lods baby dust and sticky vibes :)


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi sweet ladies!!

Nikolina, thank you for your sweet words!!! :-) I'm definitely very lucky so far!!!! I truly, truly hope your BFP waits for you around the corner!!! That sticky baby will be so lucky to have you as a mom!!!!!
Temping orally, bad sleeping and definitely waking early can all lower your temps! So I really wouldn't worry about those temps! Your chart is looking fine :-) And you HAVE a coverline! CTP rarely gave me a coverline, cause my temps were too weird :-p
I'm not sure about the crampy feelings you're experiencing. Maybe it's still O-related but seems rather late for that. Maybe you are one of these women who already feel something before implantation? Maybe it means your egg was fertilized? Or maybe it's just hormone stuff? I really don't know, but I'm definitely praying that it's a good sign!!!!

Ah, uti is so annoying! I'm having the same issue! I feel like a need to pee a lot, but then on the toilet not much happens. I've been taking cranberry pills as well, to prevent uti. Maybe they are not working? I guess we'll both have to drink a lot and see how it evolves?

Lots and lots of positive vibes to all of you!!!!!!


9 years ago

Happy belated mothers day to you all!! Each and every one of you are a mama in my eyes, ever since that positive pregnancy test. <3 Our sweet angels are missed. <3

Emmy, don't be sorry for not being around! We understand how difficult it is. <3 Plus, we all have lives and sometimes get busy too. :) Thank you for the positivity about being preggo before the appt. I sure hope you're right! Yes, I did have a good monthers day thank you. :) We went out to breakfast, and then I watched 'The Book of Life' one of the movies I asked for for mothers day with my daughter and then we gave other people their gifts from us, and then we went out to dinner. We rarely get to eat out twice in one day so it was a real treat. :D Yes, fathers day is June 21st here too. Weird that fathers day is the same and mothers day is different. lol. I hope you have a good time on your trip and are able to relax some. <3

Nikolina, I'm ok. No real signs yet it would seem. oh man... LOL about keep going. Get it girl!! hahaha. No wonder you might be getting a uti! LOL Nikolina, go pee right after and it will decrease your chances of getting one! ;) About the B6, I'm not sure. I just started taking it after O, since it says its for lengthening your cycle and helping with progesterone. However, since I've been taking it for 5 days now, I honestly don't think it's helping... hubs says to give it longer but I think 5 days is plenty time for it to be working by now. My temps are still pretty low. :( Pretty sure I'm out. I mean they did rise, they're just not high enough to show pregnancy I'm afraid. I looked at your chart. it looks kinda like mine. Not very high temps either, only yours are more stable and mine are jagged. I don't know girl. I was pretty much deciding to count myself out, but I hope that's not true for you or me! I hope it's just low because we're going to see a temp jump soon and it will be triphasic and signal pregnancy! hope hope hope!! fingers crossed for us!

Alice, I'm glad to hear that the pregnancy is going pretty smoothly for you! you are very lucky! :) Wow! that is a lot of ultrasounds. We don't get that many here unless complications arise. We have around around 9 weeks as a 'dating ultrasound' and then we have one again around 20 weeks and it's the 'anatomy' ultrasound. That's usually it. How nice for you to get to see your bebe so often! Yes, I felt like that too until I started feeling kicks and punches and it felt more real. <3

Thinking of you Jada. <3 Let us know when surgery is so we can be praying for it!

AFM, Not much to report at 5dpo. Don't feel pregnant... don't think b6 is working and temps are low... Don't have any symptoms. I know it's still early, so I'm trying to just not think about it so I don't stress myself out.

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hay Girlies!!! :)

Alice, i know uti can be pain in the ass!!! ;/ I drank lods lods lods water, cranberry juice and raspberry tea, and its seems to be gone, didnt got it the worst :) Hope yours are gone aswell, but i think its v common to get uti while pregnant, just keep drinking lods liquids to flash bacteria out :) Yea my temp v low this cycle, but last cycle i was taking temp with normal thermometer and until cd7 this cycle, then i changed to proper one, and so temp went down aswell, hmmmm Hope they will go up soon :) Sending you lods of love and positive toughts :)

Hay Missytwoeshoes, lol lol about uti, i was about to say that that is y i probably got it, from all the baby dancing, as i google it lol I always think that if i go to bathroom straght away, all good stuff gona come out lol but defo gona do it future :)Your temp looks great hun, they are way higher than mine, mines after o is the same as yours before o lol, but i wont be worry about it, everyone is different, and seen so many bbt charts with low temp, and still bfp there :) But yours looks like keep claiming up :) How are you feeling otherwise?? Ahh we nearly half way there :) Yeeyyy next week when the crazy starts!!! :) Sending you lods lods lods baby dust and praying that this is the month for you!!! :)

Hay Emmy and Jada, hope yea are doing well!!! Thinking of yea, and sending you lods of love and baby dust!!!

Well, 5dpo here :) Sorry if tmi, but yesterday i was checking cervix and i had LOOODDDSSSS of creamy cm, i mean i was coverd in it, never ever ever i seen so much, and there is no smell, sorry tmi,but had to rool out infection. just wierd one, and this morning bad bad diarrhea, dont remember last time i had it so bad, i was so close to ring in sick to work, but its seems bit better now. sorry tmi lol Maybe cos of all the cranberry's andd teas yesterday? Thats about it for 5dpo, nothing other unusual. :)

Sending you all lods lods baby dust :)


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies! I'm still around, just been crazy busy with work and preparing for the surgery. Thank you ALL for thinking of me, that means more than I can say!

nikolina, I'm excited for you! Your symptoms even this early sound GREAT!! Hope you're feeling better, you make it to work?

Missy, I'm sorry you feel out, but you aren't until she shows. So sending you positive thoughts and prayers! I find it easier to "prepare" myself for the worse, but trying to consciously be more positive be only God truly knows the future :)

Alice, I haven't seen the pic yet, but just your recalling of the visit made my heart smile! I'm soooo happy for you :)

Emmy, hoping you are doing much better, mentally and physically:) And trust we all need breaks some times, but know we are here ;)

AFM, surgery is on June 19th, but I am also on prescription vitamin D2 and Monday had my first of two iron infusions. The next is next Monday, bc my blood count is low. I go in for my pelvic MRI in the morning, and I'm already freaking out a little....but it's a part of the process. This is my second myomectomy, but to be honest with you all I am nervous yet excited. There's always the fear of the unknown, you and the doctor go in with a plan, but things can change once they get in there...on the other hand I keep telling myself that I am in a place to get my body healthy and that's best for me and my future LO. Sooooo...I'm waiting for AF to show bc I will start birth control so I don't have my period before surgery ( that will be nice!) she should be here tomorrow. Of course I keep having the thought, what if I did get pregnant on my own this month with the surgery My DH and I are headed to TX this weekend for my cousin's wedding and again in June for my nephews high school graduation, so know I'm here and will be thinking of each of you!!

P.S. Always select your message and copy it just in case :)



9 years ago

Hi sweet ladies!!

Jada, so great to hear you! :-) I can totally understand you're both nervous and excited for the surgery! I think I would feel the same way. Nerves are normal and healthy :-) But since you have such a good feeling with the doc and the staff, I'm sure all will go well!!! OMG, I'm secretly hoping AF doesn't show!!!! :-) How awesome would that be :-)

Nikolina, I don't know if the diarrhea could be caused by all the juice, it might be :-) But I'm thinking surely the creamy cm isn't :-) I think 6dpo is still too early to derive anything from your chart, temps usually rise noticeably after implantation, right? And that usually occurs no earlier than 6dpo. So crossing my fingers for you!!!!!

Missytwoshoes, your chart is looking good in my opinion :-) I agree with Nikolina, your temps are rising, so that's the right direction, isn't it? :-) Plus you're right that there might be a dip first before there is a clear rise. I understand your feelings though, I often counted myself out this early. I guess I did it to protect myself from disappointment. But I'm not counting you out :-p I'm crossing my fingers for you!!!!!

Emmy, I hope you're having such a great time!!! :-)

AFM, still little irritated bladder, although I'm thinking maybe it's because I'm constantly thinking of it, cause it was better at night :-p Will keep drinking a lot though, Nikolina :-)

Best wishes and LOTS of positive, sticky vibes!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Nikolina, I wait like 15 min and then go when TTC, personally, and I haven't had a uti in years. So you could try that. :) I think my temps only look higher because you're charting in Celsius (right?) and I'm charting in Fahrenheit. But I dunno, just a guess. Feeling ok, yesterday I thought well 'maybe I am!' Then today I'm back to... 'no... probably not...' lol. it's like up and down up and down... all the emotions. How're you feeling? Your temps look good still too. :)

Jada, yes, that is me too. Prepare myself for the worst, less disappointment. Wow. You've got a lot going on! Between the transfusions, surgery, and weddings and graduations! Yes, I usually copy just incase but the ONE time I didn't and lost it all.... lol.

Alice, yes, it is rising so I hope its good news. :) I hope all is well with your little bebe. <3

Emmy, hope all is well! <3

AFM, I was expecting an implantation dip today... I was 7 dpo with the miscarriage when the dip happened and I'm 7dpo today. But temp is still up there. Maybe it'll be tomorrow? If I get to 10dpo and still no dip I'm not going to really be holding out much hope anymore. I was thinking positive because my boobs are kinda sore underneath where they were with the mc. But they're even less now I'm thinking I was just imagining it. lol. I mean sometimes I totally understand how people can imagine whole pregnancies for months BELIEVING that they're pregnant and they have symptoms because they talk themselves into it... because, you want it so bad you start thinking you must be. I totally understand that and feel like I do that during the 2ww. o.O I feel like I'm going crazy some days lol.

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Morning ladies :)

Hay Jada hun, thank you soo much for update. I will be praying and thinking of you that everything goes well!! Well, did af showed? How amazing it would be when you least expect af wouldnt show :) Glad to hear that you been doing well and thank you soo much for checking in for us :) Sending you lods lods love and positive toughts!!! :)

Hay Missytwoeshoes :) Your chart looks fab :) Not everyone gets implantation dip, so i wouldn't worry about that hun if you dont get one, as long your temps are high! Yea, i totaly understand you about feeling pregnant one day, and not pregnant other day... im the same, today im feeling totaly out, just everything seems not pregnant!! When you thinking of testing?? Are you gona wait untill af is late? Well i dont think there is difference if you charting Celsius or F, i think i just have low temps!!! :( Sending you lods lods baby dust!!! Fx this is the month!!! :)

Hay Alice hun! How are you feeling?? Still uti feeling? Hope cranberry juice helped. You can also try tea spoon of baking soda in glass of water, that should be v good for that. :)

Well, 7dpo today. And defo nasty uti!!!! I have the urin strips for that, and it is positive :( Donno what to do, as its not the v v worst, just lil sting, should i go to doct? I dont want to take antiobatic just in case i could be pregnant.... I think if its not gone by sunday, im defo going to doctor. Hope will go away on its own!!! Nasty think, can not even bd all these days :( No other symptoms so far. Well temp went down this morning, so its not looking good for me this month!!! :(

Sending you all lods lods baby dust and positive sticky vibes!!! :)


9 years ago • Post starter

Nikolina, um, I'm not sure. I think I'll test on Sunday. Period is expected on Tuesday and I'll be 10dpo sunday, which is still early... usually I get a bfp on 11dpo, but we'll see, maybe I'll get a squinter. ;) lol. Oh no, I'm sorry you have a UTI! I know they're safe to take while pregnant because I had one when I was 6 weeks with my first. I can understand the hesitance to take it though, I would be hesitant too. But it's good to get it treated quickly so it doesn't turn into a kidney infection! I'm sorry your temp dipped, but I have my FX that it will be rising higher than it has been!!

AFM, well my temp dipped today, but I'm not sure if I should trust it as an implantation dip. I woke at 4am to use the potty and took my temp and got the temp I recorded on my chart of 98.08. Then I took my temp again when I got up 3 hours later and it was 98.32. About the same as it has been. Not sure which to choose. I mean I know they say to pick the first one (so I did) but since I went back to sleep... I'm wondering if I should pick the second one? Also I've been crampy today which could be due to implantation, no spotting though so I don't know. ahh wish these days would just pass quicker so I can know one way or the other!!

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

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