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Need an obsessing partner! ;)

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Hey all, I'm 7 DPO and am going insane! I am quite shamed to admit, but I've taken 3 or 4 early tests already...even though I'm quite sure it's pointless! lol. I keep buying them and then sneaking them in because my bf already thinks I'm being crazy! hehe. Someone please stop me from taking another!

109 Replies • 9 years ago



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I am an idiot!!!! So excited to take my test, I sit down, open the package and while I'm imagining the two lines....I'm peeing!!! In the toilet!!!! My precious urine!! lol. Does anyone know what the best thing would be to do? From what I've read it says I should wait 4 hours before trying again.

9 years ago • Post starter

Oh Kkimke!! Oh no! But Lol... I know that you're supposed to wait as long as you can between to get the best concentration... Did you test again this morning??

How is everyone else doing?

I have to retract my statement from yesterday about feeling "normal"... I spent most of the afternoon/evening a sobbing, depressed mess!! and I'm really bloated and fairly nauseate this morning... Of course this could all be from the hormones. I can't believe anything I feel anymore. Ugh!

Even though it'll be way too early, I'm thinking about testing Sat morning (It's my bday)... Anyone ever gotten a BFP 11Dpo??

9 years ago

I had a positive at 10DPO last time around. I have a 27 day cycle though and ovulated on day 16. I don't know if that matters. When's AF due? So excited to hear you're a bloated sick mess! lol. This is probably the only time I'll ever say that. Hehe. I'm on DPO 11, and my period is due today. Funniest thing, I used a cheapy test yesterday at about 11. It didn't show anything , so I just left it in my car (needed to go to my car to check it cus I didn't want to freak anyone out). I went to clean out my car after work, at it had a faint pink line in it!!! I know there's a such thig as an evap line, do I didn't get too excited. I took an other before bed and if you look CAREFULLY, there's a faint line. I was so excited to test this AM, and I jut have that faint faint faint line again! I've heard that a line is a line, no matter how faint. It happened to me last time too, but I don't think it was this faint. I'm going to get my blood taken today, so that should tell me for sure! I'll prolly take another one at noon, just because I enjoy wasting money, ;)

9 years ago • Post starter

I typically have a 26 day cycle, but my RE automatically operates on a 28/29day cycle... I think I'm going to go ahead and test tomorrow morning... Just b/c. I've been really irritable all day today with indigestion and lots of excess cm. But again... It could just be the meds!

Soooooo... Any updates? Are you still seeing lines kkimke? HH how are you doing?

9 years ago

So ladies...
surprise, surprise, AF is here! (b*tch!) My obsessing with my own symptoms has died down for this month and my pouting for last month has nearly ended and I'm ready for good news! Which one of you girls has some! Odds are, one of us should have gotten preggo this month!!!

9 years ago

Hey HH! Sorry to hear that the old witch has arrived! Have you ever been in a position where you couldn't wait o see AF? I can! Isn't it funny how things change! I got a BFP officially today from blood tests, but I'm not getting too optimistic. I've had two miscarriages so it's hard to get excited. I'll get an ultrasound at about 8 weeks so I guess I just sit and wait now. Please keep us updated. My fingers are crossed for you!

9 years ago • Post starter

You were right HH! Congratulations kkimke!! That's so fantastic!

I wish I could say the same for myself... I'm just waiting around for AF. 3 negative tests and I had a complete meltdown yesterday. Had to leave work early and just laid on the couch and sobbed/napped until DH got home :'-(

Talked to my RE nurse about the HSG and we'll be loosing a whole cycle by doing it. So I'm out this cycle (which hasn't even started) too. Terror doesn't even begin to describe the emotions I have about this test. They won't let my DH be in the room for it... And I'm not sure yet whether or not that's a deal breaker. (Did I mention I'm psycho? Lol.)

So now I'm just trying to get through today one hour at a time without losing it again... Which is super fun to do with my A**hat of a boss!

*Hugs* to you both!

9 years ago

Kkimke!!!! Woohoo! Congrats!!! Yay!!!! I'm very excited for you!
Step 1 down, onto the next waiting game! I know the feeling, I've had 2 miscarriages as well- it's hard to get excited and hard not to get excited all at the same time! Just think of it as the beginning of 18+ years of worry! Keep me updated! Fingers crossed for lucky #3!
Did I mention WOOHOO!

Mrs carper!!! Ugggh! It's so hard to know that one month is totally out. I feel like my life is revolving around my cycle and "life on hold" is a frustrating feeling. This HSG you speak of- not to play down this awful nonsense that we shouldn't even have to go through but Ive done it twice- once when I had scar tissue in my uterus and once after it was fixed. It's really not bad at all-I've had more uncomfortable Pap smears. I could be missing something but with all that you've already had to do, this may not be worth the worry. The hubs didn't even come with me for either of them. Having said this- what bs! I'm constantly jealous of those who get pregnant and stay that way so effortlessly. You got this, just endure October- I'm calling November as YOUR month!

How was that for a pep talk? Darn storks thinking they can skip us...

9 years ago

I think that was a fantastic pep talk!!! :-) Thanks Harriet.

I've been focusing on shelving my pity party for the month. I've decided I'm going to get a BUNCH of stuff done around the farm this month, and I'm going to have fun, darn it! :-)

Kkimke, I'm sending lots of happy, squishy baby thoughts your way! Tell that little peanut to hang in there! *hugs*

9 years ago

Hey all! I miss talking to you! Mrs. Carper, I'm glad that you've decided to have fun this month! When I got my period last cycle the positive attitude (when I managed to find it) really helped. I took the opportunity to do things that are a no no when pregnant. I took a gravol when I couldn't sleep, had gallons of coffee and got quite tipsy on the weekend. It was a tad liberating to do things I normally wouldn't do!
HH- you give the best pep talks!

I too have had a HSG. It's super fast. Before you know it, it's done. I have to take a sedative when I go to the dentist because I hate doctors, but I managed to get thorough the HSG undrugged!!

9 years ago • Post starter

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