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Two Week Wait Support

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Hi Ladies,
My TWW is about to start and I would like friends to cheer, support & accompany each other through these dreadful (and exciting few weeks). Who wants to join me?

244 Replies • 7 years ago



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Hi Ladies,

I'm 2DPO and hopeful. again. The doc appointments were good, but it just entailed blood-work at this point. They are running test to see if Liam and I have some genetic problems that are resulting in miscarriages. In the meantime they said just keep trying and perhaps one pregnancy will not end in a miscarriage.

I have really been struggling with seeing my best friend go through pregnancy. She was the one who got pregnant her very first time (not even first month... but first BD) of trying. I have been trying to be patient and understanding but its been so hard because when she says comments like, "maybe you will just have to be a little more patient" I feel so hurt. We have been trying for a year now. Anyways, I guess this is a chance for some serious personal development on my part.

I'm going to Australia for work at the end of the week (in business class... yipeee!!!) and then to Ghana to attend a seminar. I'm really glad that I have something exciting to look forward to during the remaining dreadful 10 days of my 12 day wait.

Ash... congrats, i went and looked on your page at your beautiful BFP. Just seeing it made me happy!

Mollsk, your positive attitude really amazes me. I'm sorry to hear about your Fallopian tubes. I look forward to hearing what the doc says and who knows... maybe an egg gets through!

Hope2b2, thinking of you
Longed4, how are you feeling?
MarieO, have you taken anymore tests?
RickeyandLucy, any updates?
Everyone else... any updates?

much love,

7 years ago • Post starter

Hi Alaska, hang in there girl. I feel you. It seems like everywhere I look, everyone is either pregnant or has adorable babies.

11 DPO, BFN this morning. But my chart sure looks promising! So frustrating. Possible implantation dip AND triphasic. Sore bb's started around 9 DPO, which is normal for AF, but she isn't due for a few more days. AF like cramps yesterday. Trying to keep my spirits up, but not get my hopes up too much either.

7 years ago

Oh Lucy,
this is such fantastic news. Can you post a link to your chart in here?

7 years ago • Post starter

Here is my chart, tell me what you guys think. Not sure if it is real or just wishful thinking:User Image

7 years ago

Hi Ladies!

So just got back from the OB doc.

So they are going to do a second opinion, they are going to do a ultrasound of my ovaries and fallopian tubes, because they want to confirm if my right fallopian tube is blocked or simply just not there, like it never developed.

The ultrasound will better show if its present or blocked, if its blocked there are things they can do surgically to unblock it if I wish to do, but its painful and not always does it work.

HOWEVER, if it simply just never existed, that is the diagnosis I kind of want because it means that EVERY MONTH I have a chance to get pregnant because eggs just release from my left side ovary because that it what is always does because my left side doesn't know any different since my right fallopian tube and ovary never formed.

He is starting me on metformin because im on the higher end of A1c for my insulin. NO NOT DIABETIC but I can take the chance to take the meds and decrease my insulin stores and be able to ovulate the other woman with all the signs and symptoms because currently my ovulation is on the lighter side, so the med should help me ovulate and maybe catch a sticky egg.

Im on we shall ovulation this month was more intense than it usually is. I changed up my diet a lot to a lot of clean eating and I cant help to think that played a part that since I was putting so much healthy stuff in my body my horomone levels, leveled out and my body did what It was supposed to do.
im super hopeful..this month.

defiantly could use my miracle baby this month.
against all odds.

7 years ago

BBT fell again this morning. Well above the cover line still, but trending down. Feel like I am out, but prob won't know for a few more days. My hope to give DH a BFP for Valentine's Day is gone. 12 DPO today; BFN on FRER. I feel so depressed. I just want to curl in a ball and cry. I was feeling so good about this cycle. My chart was looking really good. I just don't understand.

Going out of town for work tomorrow. Might test one more time tomorrow morning before I leave, and then take a break until I get home. If AF still hasn't arrived, I will test again Sat morning.

It doesn't help that I had a dream about a baby last night. It felt very real. I was changing his/her diaper in our current bedroom. Never thought I would long for a dirty diaper to change, lol.

7 years ago

@rcikyandlucy - I'm really sorry to hear this. That's just crappy. I totally get the bummed out feeling. I know you're not out yet but it still doesn't help when you feel out this month. I really hope you're not out yet but if you are I hope AF comes ASAP so you can get going again. I did try to look at your chart but for some reason it doesn't let me click on the image.

I'm so sick of BBT because it is not following the beautiful pattern that I want it to. I'm pretty much feeling nothing today. I have a hint of a headache, a good few dizzy spells. CM dried up as usual. I'm extremely tired but I have been waking during the night. So in reality, if I wasn't paying attention I probably wouldn't notice. HATE TWW.

@ashkenull wow - congratz. That is just savage news. hope you enjoy all those lovely but horrible symtoms that the rest of us are dying to feel. It's so nice to hear a positive story

7 years ago

Here's my chart. What do you guys think?
User Image

7 years ago

Lucy I don't think your out of the game yet :) that's not a big temp drop.

7 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Alaska. I needed that, and I think you are right, but I guess I am just nervous about the downward trend. I was feeling so good about it all yesterday, and now I just don't know. :/

7 years ago

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