Photo #740085


dillon20  6 years ago

Just progression to show that a lot of times afternoon and early evening urine picks up more HCG than morning for those testing! It does and has always for me anyways!











Comments (7)


KaylaStarMucha  6 years ago

I got my positives in the evening also

dillon20   6 years ago

the night before and tested that morning you are not really using 9DPO urine but 8DPO. Now if you test that AFTERNOON instead of morning you're actually using 9DPO urine. The next day (afternoon) urine is fresher from that current day! thats my logic LOL!

dillon20   6 years ago

Personally I think the directions say to use FMU so you get a faint questionable positive or a false negative and then have to go buy another test! LOL! but urine built up over night is really the day before urine, so if you were 8DPO

dillon20   6 years ago

than FMU where all night urine is mixed with the night before urine. It seems logical. That's why I usually test midday or even before I go to bed cause I know my line will be darker.

dillon20   6 years ago

I've always got stronger + later in the day. Not sure why. I've read a bunch online where many woman have stronger +'s later in the day too whethe rit be energy level or less hold unlike mornings where urine is held all night. you would think afternoon is more fresh anyways because its a less hold

dillon20   6 years ago

I really dont drink that much at night. Usually I go to bed around 9 cause I have a 2 year old and 1 year old so after that time no fluids until morning and during the morning and early afternoon I have maybe a cup of coffee and one cup of water but that's it.

Moonbaby15  6 years ago

Cool, I wonder why. Do you drink a lot of water before bed or in the night? Or do you not drink a lot through the day. I've been peeing all the time already and I got my BFP 2 days after IB using afternoon pee and it was a standard strong positive. Didn't test again after so can't compare.
