Posts by givekayababe

A friendly and supportive place to meet and share with women from all over the world. Ask questions, share in discussions, journal your thoughts and post helpful information.

Posts 1 - 10



26 Day Cycle - Ovulation?

currently 2-5dpo! who knows!!! so i have a 26 day cycle but only have a 2 day period. so would my ovulation ...

1 Reply      

Latest 1 year ago



!!! Help !!! CD 17, 5/6DPO, Bleeding

Hi ladies, All last night, I was up tossing and turning. I woke up this morning feeling wet and I wipe ...

2 Replies      

Latest 1 year ago





I'm Tired...

I'm losing hope. Me and my boyfriend have been trying for almost 1.5 years with 1 loss at 6 weeks. I am 9DP ...

1 Reply      

Latest 2 years ago


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