Posts by AT0203

Success stories  

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Success story

BFP. Thank you Jesus

Okay so! During the pandemic I took a huge hit. I had two miscarriages and one of them was an ectopic pregnancy. I was devastated.

This year I started praying daily and that has kept me at peace and stress free.

So, I started taking sinus mucinex like crazy because I have sinuses really bad and I often get flare ups. We had sex as normal. But when my period (which is normally 27 days to the T) didn’t come... I was shocked because there were no noticeable signs. I was a bit hungrier but that’s it.

I had a prophet tell me that God was opening my womb, and I would be pregnant but I’m thinking it would be years from now. I took a test today in the evening at 13 dpo and low and be hold..... two strong lines appeared!!! Which gives me so much hope seeing as faint lines was the first thing that alerted me prior to having previous miscarriages.

Anyways, I can’t thank God enough. I had to share. Please believe there’s hope. It’s God who opens and closes wombs and I am so grateful. To God be all the glory. Blessing ladies.

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