Posts by Munchkin112

Success stories  

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Success story

almost 4 years TTC, Now BFP :D

Almost four years ago my school child hood sweetheart and I rekinddled our love once more. We decided striaght away we wanted babies.
I have a 9 year old daughter and my fiance has two teenage daughters from previous marriages.
We tried ttc and after a year no luck. I had been previously told I had PCOS and my chance was low. I became pregnant in 2013 but lost the baby within a week of finding out.

I have been to a gyne twice and it wasn't until I saw my endo that he fered me to a fertility specialist. As I am in the UK and have a child already clomid was my only option.
I tried clomid in 2014 but it made my cysts worse.

Then I though of the natural approach , I drank spearmint tea, took vitamin B, D and things improved my cycles became regualr and we discovered I ovualted on cycle day 20/21 not 14. Due to hving a 33-35 day cycle.

In february I tried something new Soy Isoflavones and was sad to learn it didn't work after all the good I thought. 22nd Mach 2015 I started my next cycle, I had bloods taken and they all came back NORMAL for the first time in 6 years!!.

At 8dpo I couldn't wait any longer and tested I had a super faint line, I tested at 11dpo and I got a faint BFP.
At 18 dpo I got a super positve BFP!!!! I am still in shock. I have had morning sickness already super tireness and sore breast in a way that is so different to a AF sore breasts.

I see the midwife on my daughters 9th birthday and have a scan at 5 1/2 weeks. I am so so happy.

Good luck everyone don't give up.


Latest 8 years ago


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