Replies by SandraK

Replies 11 - 20

Everyone's HCG levels are different. They can vary so much. Especially depending on what day implantation actually took place, which you wouldn't know. There are charts online, but honestly, I would stay away from those. It can just cause unnecessary fear in you. Trust me, from my personal experience. The most important thing in regards to hcg#'s is whether they increase/ double every 48 hours. With all my kids, my hcg levels were always tracked by my doctor from the first day of a + pregnancy test due to a previous difficult ectopic pregnancy years ago. So, I know a lot about hcg levels. =) Like I said, everyone and every pregnancy is different in regards to hcg levels. They really do vary. It's more if they are increasing appropriately that can you tell you more. Hope that helps.

9 years ago
Reply to Really confuse???


If your never late on a period, then if you can wait, I would wait 2 more days, then test again. Try FRER (First Response) test. Those are quite accurate in my opinion. Good luck!

9 years ago
Reply to 33cd on a 30 day cycle. How long should I wait?



Agree with other response. Your urine was probably diluted and too close from previous tests you had just took to get another positive so soon. Try testing more like a few hours apart, or first morning. The first few days when it's early and the hcg #'s are lower and starting, holding urine and drinking fluids makes a lot of difference in the results of your testing. As the days go on, and your hcg#'s increase, it won't matter what time of the day or how many hours apart you test as the hcg will be high enough by then. Congratulations!!!

9 years ago
Reply to Really confuse???


I would always get FRER positive line tests 12 dpo, 13 dpo. The "Pregnant" didn't show up until 13 dpo or 14 dpo with my other pregnancies. Congratulations!!!

9 years ago
Reply to When does ClearBlue digital show you're pregnant?


First response pink dye lined test is my favorite. Once I got a second line, then use clearblue digital to see the words "pregnant" loud and clear! =)

9 years ago
Reply to What type of pregnancy test brands do u girls recommend ?


Yes, very normal to have cramps after showing a positive test. Just embedding itself inside your uterus and getting comfortable for the next 9 months. You may have cramps on and off for the first trimester too. Congratulations!!!

9 years ago
Reply to 14 DPO Faint Positive now Cramping


Even if it's first morning urine, it could just be diluted from fluid intake, etc... You got a clear positive, so focus on that. Remember, you still are only 12 dpo, so those lines will get darker as the days go on. I know easier said than done (as I too would always do a zillion follow up tests with my other pregnancies), you have to stop taking more tests at least for a bit. Maybe wait a few days to do another. Congratulations!!

9 years ago
Reply to Clear positive one day, faint positive the next day.


Hi ladies,

It's me Sandra!!

It's been months since I responded, but I have read your continual updates. I'm also sorry for the losses in between as I can relate to that pain as I have had two losses.

I'm 34 weeks now, and all is well. Our boy is due to arrive at the end of January. It's crazy how time flies! I'm so very excited to meet him soon.

Congratulations to all of your recent pregnancies! I'm so very excited for you all! I'm going to be deleting my account soon, so I won't any longer be getting the updates soon.

But, wanted to pop in and say hello, and say I still think about you ladies often and pray for you.

Much love. [heart]

10 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!


Hi ladies,

Wanted to jump on and say hello really quick! It's been a while, but I have loved reading all your updates. Amanda, I live in S. Cal

Coastal places are beautiful! Newport Beach is nice too, Hungtington beach, San Clemente, La Jolla, and San Diego too...more affordable and has a lot of great spots in the downtown area. The northeren coast (Santa Barbara, Pismo Beach, etc.. are all gorgeous).

I have beyond thrilled for you Zuberi!!!!!!!!! SOOOO exciting! So happy it all looks good!

Welcome Mewling! these are a great group of ladies!

Nothing new here for me. I have my next scan this next Wednesday. I have felt so very awful on most days. Today is one of the better days though and I feel like I can function. I really don't want to wish my days away despite how crappy I feel because so grateful, so trying to go with it.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!



I looked at your images, especially the latest one at 15 dpo, and that is a definite positive! With my daughter, I spotted, then bled lighlty, then turned into a normal period like flow. This lasted for almost 2 weeks. I thought for sure I miscarried, and even drank wine on my birthday. We were shocked as my hcg levels continued to rise, and everything turned out okay. Also, my hcg levels didn't double intially like they were supoose to, I forgot the minimum % rise, but it was at that point of % which was the minimum. Then then rose as they should about a week after, and everything was fine despite the bleeding. I couldn't believe it at first. The only thing I did have with that pregnancy, was extremely low progesterone (mine was a 8).

Can you get into the doctor this week? If so, have them check your hcg levels and progesterone. I know the feeling of being cautiouslly optimistic with this, but with the line progression getting darker on the tests, there still is much hope Zuberi!!! Have you tried another test today, or digital? Please, keep us updated.

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!
