Replies by writergirl04

Replies 1 - 10

Two+1 - I'm same as you - doing third round of IUI this week. My ultrasound is tomorrow so thinking Wednesday for IUI. We aren't doing IVF though so if this doesn't work for us we'll likely be done and leaving it in God's hands. We meet with the specialist next week, I think. Won't know if IUI worked at that point but will discuss next steps. Good luck to you. Hoping third times a charm for both of us.

7 years ago
Reply to 2017 IUI/IVF


Iggy - Welcome. I will be doing my third round of IUI next week. Not sure I have much advice other than good luck and don't give up hope (talking to myself here too) :). That is a long way to travel. We live about an hour away from ours and my husband has had to go at like 7 in the morning so we usually go the night before and stay. It's an added expense but makes it a little easier. Feel free to ask me any questions and keep us updated!

All - last weekend was a struggle. Had a very emotional day on Sunday and was being short with my husband and couldn't stop crying. It was a combination of frustartion of him having to work all weekend and being on the Femera. After he gave me some attitude back and remembered I was on the medicine he apologized and I just lost it. I asked him to tell me it was going to be worth it and he turned me around to look at my daughter and said "It was worth it for her." Of course, it wasn't quite as much work with our daughter but it was a good reminder.

Have a great day all!

7 years ago
Reply to 2017 IUI/IVF



My mid-cycle ultrasound is scheduled for a week from Monday. Thinking IUI will be Wednesday or Thursday of that week.

I'm struggling with the timing though and wonder if anyone has any insight. So my obgyn told me a while ago that you know when you ovulated because it happens 14 days before you start your period. So once you start your period you can count back and see. If that's true then I'm ovulating on cycle day 17 but we've done IUI on cycle day 15...are we doing it to early? But I'm also doing the trigger shot usually 24-48 hours before IUI so that should make me ovulate at the right time, right?! Ugh. I plan on talking to the specialist about the timing (different than my obgyn that told me the 14 day before thing) but wondered if anyone had any thoughts.

7 years ago
Reply to 2017 IUI/IVF


Big day today! Sending hugs and good thoughts to all of you! And I'm starting the crazy medicine today (Femera) - I hate it, I either cry for no reason or have NO patience. Feel bad for my husband and daughter. :/

Jandei - this will be our third IUI attempt. We started Femera and Trigger shots in December and just did timed intercourse December and January. When that didn't work we did IUI in Feb, April and now May. We have an appointment scheduled with the specialist to discuss next steps in case we aren't successful in May.

7 years ago
Reply to 2017 IUI/IVF


I'm sorry Two+1, I know the feeling. AF showed up yesterday so I have my mid-cycle ultrasound scheduled. What round of IUI are you on? Hugs to you. <3

7 years ago
Reply to 2017 IUI/IVF


I took a PT on Saturday morning and it was negative. It was a little early but can feel AF coming on. Waiting for that and then will call to schedule mid-cycle ultrasound. Looks like round three of IUI will be coming up in May.

Dancemom - yes, the age thing is so frustrating. I get that risks go up and it can be harder and all that but they make you feel like its impossible. Ugh. As for the other factors - I am overweight but down 24 pounds with no plans to stop so I'm hoping that will help!

Ma_esp - Congraulations! So excited for you!

Two+1 - Good luck. Hoping you get your BFP this week!

7 years ago
Reply to 2017 IUI/IVF


Thanks, Future. Yeah - I try and stay positive but I'm 36 so I worry if the age is a factor...and the way they talk "well you're 36 now so..." jeesh, put me in a nursing home already. ;) so that doesn't help.

Two+1 - Since we're waiting for results on our second attempt I don't know but I wondered that as well since in my chart it says we would have a follow-up visit after unsuccessful attempts at IUI. I too wondered what next steps would be. Good luck!

7 years ago
Reply to 2017 IUI/IVF


Hi, all. New to this thread. We did our second round of IUI last Monday, after trying for more than a year for our second child. I got pregnant with our daughter on our own after two rounds of clomid. Not so easy this time around. Feeling frustrated and not pregnant. Can test next week.

7 years ago
Reply to 2017 IUI/IVF


Hello to the ladies who joined and welcome. I am 7 DPO - or estimated ovulation anyway. My progesterone test (on clomid) showed a much higher number than last month, so that's encouraging. Yesterday I kept feeling weird twinges in my stomach, but felt too high to be implantation/baby related but who knows. This morning I had a co-worker come over and tell me she had a dream I was pregnant and said I should check! I told her I can't until early next week. Not sure what to think about that! I've definitely been emotional but have also been in an autoimmune hard to know what is causing what. Hope everyone has a great day and lots of baby dust!

8 years ago
Reply to March 2017


Hugs Calvin! Yeah...they doubled my clomid dose this month so we'll see how that goes with my emotions. :/ Last month I was over emotional and my anxiety was through the roof - not sure if clomid contributed to that, but probably. And I think someone mentioned it before but I feel like everyone around me is pregnant right now. And people are starting to ask when we're having another one. I know they are well-meaning but it's such a loaded question!

Chicks - hope the temping works for you. I never really saw a rise when I was doing it. My doctor said the OPKs are more reliable than temping. When she looked at my log of my cycles and when the OPK was saying I was ovulating, she didn't think they all matched who knows. All a big guessing game. :/

8 years ago
Reply to March 2017
