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male fertility drugs

my dh had SA done and he was diagnosed with low sperm count and motility he is on fertilaid for men for almost 3months now but no pregnancy. Any suggested drugs to boost his count and motility will be appreciated.

7 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hope this helps, remember it takes three months to renew sperm so try be patient. I know it's hard but your both doing the right things, hope you get your bfp soon xx

ZINC 15 - 50mg
Very important for healthy sperm. Higher sperm count.

VITAMIN C 200 - 1000mg
Less clumping of sperm. Higher quantity (up to 140%) and better quality sperm. IMPORTANT! Take lower doses with short boosters of higher doses periodically. High doses may negatively affect sperm quality if taken for long periods. DO NOT take high doses of vitamin c with high doses of vitamin e as can induce sperm DNA damage!

VITAMIN E 400 - 800IUI's
Improves sperm quality and motility by up to 2.5 Times. Don't take high doses of vitamin e and vitamin c at the same time (see above).

VITAMIN D. 600 - 1000IUI's
Vitamin D3 is best. Improves sperm mobility and morphology. Balance with vitamin A and K. Problems arise when you have too much vitamin D and too little vitamins A and K.

Very important for healthy sperm.

VITAMIN B12 10 - 1000mcg
Helps balance testosterone and LH/FSH secretions. Very important for healthy sperm.

L'ARGININE 200 - 1000mg
A natural cigars. Improves erectile function and increases sperm by up to 250%. Improves sperm motility and health. Avoid if you have herpes as can cause an outbreak.

CO ENZYME Q10 30 - 300mg
Only take if you have poor sperm motility, take lower doses and do booster amounts.

PYCONOGENOL 25 - 200mg
Improves sperm morphology by up to 40%.

SELENIUM 70 - 200mcg
Can double sperm count and improves quality of sperm. Toxic in high doses so I would advise to take lower doses or adjust your diet to give you sufficient selenium.

L-CARNITINE 1 - 3g and L-ACETYLE CARNITINE 500mg (twice a day)
Significant increase in motility, live sperm count, membrane integrity and linearity of alternative movement after 3 - 6 months of use.

Improves sperm production.

OMEGA OIL 200 - 1200mg
Take a mix of flax seed oil and fish oil. Improves sperm count. Avoid cod liver oil as it can contains mercury and has too much vitamin A in it. Be careful to not take too much if on blood thinners.

8 years ago

Thanks kerzie for your reply. I will try and get the listed vitamin supplement. but fertilaid has most of these vitamins but I think its not enough so I will try and get it separately. right now in serious cramping cos I just got my AF today that suppose to come in 2days so it early and cramping is much. thanks again and sorry to bother u with my AF matter.

8 years ago • Post starter

At sucks big time, I get crappy cramps too. As if it's not bad enough not to be pregnant but getting pain on top is just rubbing salt into the wound. I hope it passes quick for you and the cramps are nice to you. Hope next month you don't have to put up with it xx

8 years ago

Thanks dear. I got Dh SA yesterday and I was devastated as the test shows nil count, motility everything is nil. I don't know what causes his sperm to be on and off. he is still on fertilaid for men. right now I gave up TTCing.

8 years ago • Post starter

Sorry to hear your having such a Crap time Do research on the internet about others going through the same thing. I was researching for a friend about a year ago and came a cross a lady who's dh was exactly like yours. They both changed their lifestyle, ate healthy, gave up sugar, caffeine and processed foods, and started exercising daily. Within three months his results were above normal, the doctors couldn't believe the drastic change. If I find the link will pass it on. I just wanted to let you know that there is hope and others have turned it around. Good luck to you both xx

8 years ago

thanks again kerzie for being a good shoulder to cry on. I will do some research as per what should be done again. 6yrs ttcing is not a joke. thanks again and have a good day.

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi - i read that fertilsan M is excellent, my partner hasn't tried it though, but i have been researching for future use. x

8 years ago

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