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unhealthy fear

Hi ladies... I know that I am being irrational, and that being in this state is not healthy for me or my baby, but I seem to have fallen into a trap and was wondering if anyone had any encouraging words of wisdom. I def ovulated on June 2, as I had a clear thermal shift. On June 12, I had a secnd thermal shift, resulting in a tripahsic chart. On June 12, I also had terrible stitch pains in my side, and feel 99% certain that was when my baby implanted. BFP June 15! Confirmed at doctor June 18, however have not have quantitive beta, only qualitive. For whatever reason, they don't deem it necessary to check for doubling numbers. Anyway, according to lmp, May 17, I am 6wks 2 days. According to ovulation, I am 5wks, 4 days, and according to implantation, I am 4wks, 4 days. Anyway, I stupidly bought those clearblue digitals with weeks estimator, which go by ovulation. Mine has been stuck at 2-3weeks for nearly 2 weeks, and I am beginning to freak out. More than freak out. I went to doctor to request scan, but since I have had no bleeding or excessive cramping, they told me to basically relax and enjoy my pregnancy. In Nov, I suffered a missed miscarriage at 7wks 3 days, when I should have been 9wks along, and I had no cramping or bleeding then, and waited yet another 2 weeks to the day before miscarrying naturally. Scan set for 7/9, (was originally 7/2, but they ,moved it back a week, because it would have been at the time when my baby's heartbeat might possibly not have been detected and they didn't want ne to be alarmed unnecessarily). I just don't know how to feel. I want to continue buying the tests until I see my 3+, as according to lmp, I definitely should be 3+ and according to ovulation, I should be 3+ also. Any advice? Anyone have this experience and go on to have a healthy baby?

1 Reply • 10 years ago



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1 - 1 of 1 Replies

I'm very sorry about your los. TTC and the roller coasterof emotions that comes with it is enough to make us scared and nervous. Your not alone in those fears I too still test way more than needed and watch lines just terrified they will get lighter. As for these test. They seem to be doing more harm than good and cause in needed stress.I my self have taken 5 of them ( yes I have a problem) the last two I took I was looking for the 3+ got 2-3..freaked out and googled it. I found many women had this happen and all was well. Also if you drink a lot and your urine is diluted it throws it off. I took the first one with Fmu 2-3, and then limited fluids 2 hours later took the other and it was 3+. I'm sure all is well try as hard as it is to relax an get a good hold before trying again. HAPPY AND HEALTHY NINE MONTHS!

10 years ago

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