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Do I tell, or do I wait?

Hello there! I found out less than a week ago that I, too, am also pregnant! By my calculation, I am due December 26th. Do you count 40 weeks from the first day of your cycle? That's what I did, anyway. I'll be having an ultrasound here in the next week or two. My husband and I have been trying for one year now. I've had a septate uterus resected and been put on many different hormones, two rounds of Clomid, one of them being monitored (which did the trick!!!!). I am 4.5 weeks along and still can't believe it's true. I know most people wait til 12ish weeks to announce their pregnancies but I am having to lie to all my family about my infertility treatments that I'm not actually going through anymore! They know my business since it's been taking so long/having surgery and they all realize how badly we've wanted a baby. They're all asking how things are going and I just want to tell them I'm PREGNANT!!! Anyways, my sister-in-laws baby showers are this coming weekend. I'll be 5 weeks along at that time. I don't see my family very often, especially my siblings since we all live hours apart. We'll all be at my parents in between showers, evenings this weekend. I soooo sooo sooo badly want to tell them all in person and this would be the best time to do it, BUT it's my sil's baby shower weekend. Is that a bad time to do it? I obviously wouldn't want to tell any extended family, just my immediate so there wouldn't be ANY talk of it at the actual showers. I would actually tell them after one of the showers (that night), and then there would be an afternoon shower the next day. My husband is totally against it and so was I, but I'm dreading lying to them and then telling them by phone or mail in a few weeks. So...what is your opinion...1: Is it too early to announce it to ONLY immediate family at 5 weeks? 2: Is it too rude to announce it this weekend when it's my sil's baby shower weekend? (I feel like, it is MY family, I can do what I want to do!!) P.S. My SIL is not the jealous type, she was able to get pregnant when she wanted to and I know she'd love to hear I'm pregnant, I just don't know if she'd love to hear it at that time...?

9 Replies • 10 years ago



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1 - 9 of 9 Replies

I think it's best to wait tell your family in a few weeks. Just putting myself in your SIL's shoes...I'd be over joyed for you but I'd also feel hurt that you had to choose "my" weekend to announce it.

10 years ago

Tell your SIL in private and ask her if shes ok with you annoucing your pregnancy.

10 years ago

Tell your SIL in private and ask her if shes ok with you annoucing your pregnancy.

10 years ago

It's just such an amazing opportunity to personally tell my entire family. I don't want to pass it up. If I don't do it this weekend. I'll only be telling my parents in person and all of my siblings via phone/mail. That just bums me out :( I could ask her I suppose. I don't think she would say no to it even if she would be offended. Ugh, I just want to tell them so bad!

10 years ago • Post starter

When it come to spilling the beans this early, my only advice is to tell the people who you wouldn't mind telling if god forbid you lost the pregnancy. Who would you call for support? I would only tell those few people.

The sil situation is up to you, but also think how you would feel if someone announced there pregnancy at your baby shower? You know your sil better then any of us, so use your better judgment and try not to only think of yourself when making your decision.

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10 years ago

Wwell its not like id announce it AT the shower. We wouldnt even talk to any of my other relatives about it

10 years ago • Post starter

That happened at a shower once. Everyone was uber annoyed at the lady that thought it was a good time to announce she was pregnant at someone else's shower. It was very awkward. Basically it ruined the shower.

10 years ago

Oh my goodness. That would be awful. I would never do that. I dont want anyone to even kjow at the showers just my immediate family

10 years ago • Post starter

I personally would wait. But that's my decision and of course everyone is different. But I suffered a mc a few years ago and had to then tell everyone. I am not saying the same will happen to you of course, I'm just saying it's made me uber cautious. If Me and my partner get pregnant eventually then i would wait until i was about 5 months. Also I wouldn't want to take focus away from your silon her day even if it was family because they are of course her family too.

10 years ago

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