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trying to conceive and jealousy

why do i get so jealous of new moms i hate it my brother and his wife. they jest had a baby and i don't want to even hear about him i get mad every time some one brings him up or about how great of a dad my brother is. trying to put a fake smile on and act like i am so happy for them is killing me i hate it why cant i get over this it all started with her pregnancy announcement 3 days after another failed clomid cycle and i was really really hoping it will work that month it was the due date i always wanted September the perfect month for outside birthday party's i want so badly to be happy for them has any one else been though this what helped you get over it.

Started ttc #1 8/22/09 10/09-7/10 7/23/10 prevera 11/27/10 started fertilaid for women 4/16/11 11/25/11 baby girl 36 weeks 5lb 15 oz Started ttc #2 8/16/12 5/3/13 50mg Clomid no ovulation 6/4/13 100mg Clomid no ovulation 7/12/13-11/20/13 fertilaid for women RE apt 11/20/13 11/23/13 femara 2.5 mg ovulated 12/22/13 femara 5 mg 1/22/14 femara 5 mg 3/14/14 Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy - Unicornuate Uterus 4/27/14 femara 5 mg 5/21/14

23 Replies • 10 years ago



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Sweetie I feel your pain! I do the same thing! I had to stop hanging out with a group of girls cause that would be all they talk about! How long have you been trying?

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10 years ago

i have not been on any thing to prevent since i got married in 2009 been taking clomid and fertility aid science Oct 2012.

Started ttc #1 8/22/09 10/09-7/10 7/23/10 prevera 11/27/10 started fertilaid for women 4/16/11 11/25/11 baby girl 36 weeks 5lb 15 oz Started ttc #2 8/16/12 5/3/13 50mg Clomid no ovulation 6/4/13 100mg Clomid no ovulation 7/12/13-11/20/13 fertilaid for women RE apt 11/20/13 11/23/13 femara 2.5 mg ovulated 12/22/13 femara 5 mg 1/22/14 femara 5 mg 3/14/14 Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy - Unicornuate Uterus 4/27/14 femara 5 mg 5/21/14

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi there ladies mind if I join?? I know how you feel. We have been trying to a year for baby #1 and my best friend started trying 2 months ago and sent me a photo of her positive test. So the next day I would test just to do it. Well I was completely blown away by a BFP. I was ecstatic. Well long story short I miscarried at 4 weeks. I was devastated . it's so hard to hear about her pregnancy and her telling her family. I am so happy for her and wish her a very healthy pregnancy. But why after we had been trying sooooo long and we lose our pregnancy. just sucks!

10 years ago

I feel your pain, We are TTC for only 3 months right now, but it seems EVERYONE around me is prego. 3 women at my work, 4 of my friends, and 5 women at my husbands work. I put on a smile trying to be happy but inside it kills me.

10 years ago

I feel your pain, We are TTC for only 3 months right now, but it seems EVERYONE around me is prego. 3 women at my work, 4 of my friends, and 5 women at my husbands work. I put on a smile trying to be happy but inside it kills me.

10 years ago

Oh...yeah, I feel the same!! :) I'm not even friends with a girl who used to be my best friend because of all this ttc mess!! She would send me positive OPKs knowing that I can't even ovulate on my own. Just sucked. I get really jealous when I see a pregnant woman, even randomly on a street. My friend was pregnant, did not know about it, miscarried. Called me to talk, and all I kept concentrating on was the fact that she was NOT PREGNANT ANYMORE!!! How horrible of me!!! Hate myself for it, and honestly don't even know how to deal with it- so I just put a fake smile on my face and carry on, as if nothing happened.

10 years ago

Hi all!!! Mind if I join in. I have been trying to concieve a year n half now and have had 2 miscarriages, and every time I see pregnant woman the jelousy runs threw me sooo much it kills me, my best mate is pregnant and due next month and I use to see her all the time but since she fell pregnant I've only seen her like 3 times and know we have fallen out and don't speak anymore cause she cAnt understand why I'm like this, I guess people just don't understand how hard it is for me. Also I would of been due to have my 2nd baby in 2 weeks (the 2nd miscarriage) and it's soooo hard to try and forget it but I can't, and I feel horrible feeling like this, I just hate seen people pregnant and it don't help when neat all my friends are pregnant and not me xx

10 years ago

Finally! A group to vent frustrations in and so far no one has uttered those 5 horrible words, "Don't worry. It'll be okay!" So, can I crash the party?

DH and I have been TTC since we got married in September of last year. My Facebook might as well have tumbleweeds rolling through it because I've had to hide so many friends from my news feed. I've lost count of all the ladies whose posts I've had to turn off. Also, I work in a pharmacy that is directly across the street from a couple of OB/GYN offices. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm the only one in the general area that hasn't been hit with the fertility stick!

User Image WE WANNA SEE THE BFP...GO...LIKE...THIS..... Dang it, BFP! Show up for all of us, already!

10 years ago

Or if it is Meant to be it will Happen omg I hate that I'm like no it won't I don't Ovulate. My mom says that all the time.

Started ttc #1 8/22/09 10/09-7/10 7/23/10 prevera 11/27/10 started fertilaid for women 4/16/11 11/25/11 baby girl 36 weeks 5lb 15 oz Started ttc #2 8/16/12 5/3/13 50mg Clomid no ovulation 6/4/13 100mg Clomid no ovulation 7/12/13-11/20/13 fertilaid for women RE apt 11/20/13 11/23/13 femara 2.5 mg ovulated 12/22/13 femara 5 mg 1/22/14 femara 5 mg 3/14/14 Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy - Unicornuate Uterus 4/27/14 femara 5 mg 5/21/14

10 years ago • Post starter

Pfft! One of my favorites is "It'll happen when you stop trying." I wanna kick people in the teeth when they tell me that!

User Image WE WANNA SEE THE BFP...GO...LIKE...THIS..... Dang it, BFP! Show up for all of us, already!

10 years ago

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