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5 or 6 DPO with brownish Pink and blood streaked Cm

Had a ton of off and on cramping yesterday and today went to the bathroom today and checked my cm and cervix and noticed blood streaked and brownish pink Creamy discharge My temp dipped slightly today but nothing major Never experienced this kind of spotting not even before AF Period is due the 17 or 18th anyone experience this before.

6 Replies • 10 years ago



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yup had it this cycle. So weird coz it never happened before. Had brown CM when checking Cervix and then the next day got a bigger streak on TP.Third Day full blown AF. Now I am not sure if this was indeed AF or not. Im checking again today and will let you know. But I have no symptoms.. This was on CD 25.

10 years ago

I'm strictly 29-30 day cycle never early never late so I know at 5dpo I wouldn't be getting AF and I never spot before the witch anyway

10 years ago • Post starter

Could be implantation bleeding--slight bleeding caused by a fertilized egg implanting in the uterus. I've seen reputable sources differ, but they say it occurs 6-14 days after ovulation. (See the Mayo Clinic link) How many days past O are you? Was it accompanied by a one-day dip in BBT of at least .3, that was followed by a rise back up to a post-ovulatory level? If you're more than 6 DPO and experienced a BBT dip, that's a good sign of pregnancy, but not absolute. I'd start testing in a few days, but I test a lot because I find it eases my TWW anxiety. If you did not experience a dip, that's not a bad sign--because not all women who get pregnant have a BBT dip, either. Also, if you're charting, watch to see if your temperature goes back down around the time you expect your period, even if your period is late. If it goes down for a couple days or more, even if AF hasn't arrived yet, you're probably not pregnant and AF is just taking her sweet time. If you BBT doesn't fall around AF's visit date and it stays elevated at least 18 days, you're probably pregnant. Test immediately.

There are other possible explanations. It could be from a tiny tear caused by sex, it could be ovulation spotting if you haven't yet ovulated, or it could just be a freak occurrence that you'll never be able to explain. Also, for future reference, lack of implantation bleeding does not indicate that you are not pregnant, since a good majority of pregnant women do not experience it or do not notice it.

Like many other ladies on this website, I bought the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. My OBGYN suggested it. Absolutely the most informative resource I've encountered. If you're charting, I'd suggest reading it.

My AF is due on the 18th too. Hope we both get good news :)

10 years ago

I'm 5 or 6 Dpo I'm new at this charting and opk's so going off of 29-30 days I ov.either the 3rd or 4th of July I wouldnt of noticed the pink cm or blood steak if I didnt check my Cm My first what i swore was pos. on cd 14 so I should of Ov. cd15 or cd16 Hopefully but just monitoring not gonna test till closer to AF Just confused because I've never had this before or even know what to expect but everyone is different with my son I never noticed because he just happened.

10 years ago • Post starter

Just a Update Temps slightly lower today in past two days its dropped maybe .4 ( Son was up and down last night so i didnt sleep much either) after the spotting yesterday I haven't had any again yet its early in the day tho so we will see all last night and this am I've had really low low cramping/ dull pulling on my right right and have felt slightly Nauseated and last night woke up drenched in sweat like it was almost a hot flash type of thing I know the spotting isn't from sex Husband and I are following a strict schedule when it comes to that. It could be a fluke instance but Im either 6 or 7 dpo today so Ill test Friday and see what happens if not ill wait and try again next cycle

10 years ago • Post starter

My Chart !!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

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