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34,TTC#1 going on 3rd mo now CD1 since the effin witch came

hi everyone, i apologize for the negative attitude but i am just SO sad and disappointed and feeling like a fool for thinking that i really was pregnant this past time... i quit taking b/c over our honeymoon at the beginning of april, but dh and i have been together for over 8 years now... since i was in a bad car accident almost 7 years ago now (my more detailed story is on my countdown page) that left me in constant pain and unable to work or do much of what i use to love to do, i never felt the desire to have a child... as SOON as my dh and i got married, it hit me like a ton of bricks(making up for lost time maybe?) i've been going through hell quitting smoking and getting off of what meds that i possible can and dealing with resulting severe withdrawals that i guess some of the symptoms very cruely mimic those of pregnancy...started spotting yesterday but it was brown, still held out hope, but this am it's here in all its bloody redness and i am so sad... dh keeps telling me to just relax and it will happen, but i'm 34 and will be 35 at least, if we are blessed with a child... the car accident(which btw was of no fault of my own) has taken so much away from me already and the thought of not being able to be a mom breaks my heart... sorry i just had to get this off my chest:(
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6 Replies • 13 years ago



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Thanks for any words of encouragement...

13 years ago • Post starter

Hi Karen,

I somewhat know what your going through, DF and I have been ttc our first for almost 2 years.. and just like you, thought for sure this was the month, but the ol hag showed this morning.. It can be so discouraging at times.. But, the moment I get to hold my friends baby, I can't wait to get back trying lol.. Maybe we can be cycle buddies? Keep your chin up honey, it will happen, its just a matter of time! :)

13 years ago

I hear you too....I either have so many symptoms and get myself all excited that this month is it, or I have no symptoms and I'm down from the start. Every cycle I say I'm not going to obsess, but every month I do.

Hopefully the house will help take our minds off things a little. It's so frustrating, but that's why we're all here to vent to!

13 years ago

just wanted to thank you TWO ladies that reached out to me... going through such a hard time and finally trying to talk about it and share my difficult story, and feel as if no one cares...i've been let down by my parents, my sister, my now ex church and "friends" over the past 2 weeks and it's almost unbearable, especially on top of going through the withdrawals from the meds that i'm getting off AND quitting i thank you both for sending a kind and empathetic word my way...i wish you both the best of luck ttc and thanks for caring enough to respond....

13 years ago • Post starter

I know your having a hard time right now.. so anytime you want to vent.. feel free to message me :) We all need someone we can turn to, who knows how hard it can be..

13 years ago

Hey Karen!
Congratulations on your wedding!
We seem 2 have a lot in common: Age, TTC#1, Long term b/c.. & while u recently tied the knot, I got engaged! (2weeks ago.)

I understand your frustration n I believe the angel meant for you will come at the perfect time for you. There is so much to learn between now and then... enjoy the journey.

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13 years ago

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