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PCOS Buddies

After 8 unsuccessful cycles of charting, Preseed,softcups, green tea, mucinex and legs in the air, I was The news has been very hard on me and I am having trouble coping. My ob/gyn wants to put me on metformin pending my hsg to be sure my tubes are clear first. I felt so alone until I read that PCOS isthe leading cause of impared fertility.
I am a factory worker at one of the Big 3 automakers. I spent 6 months laid off due to the recession and returned to work in October 2009. I suddenly put on about 35 pounds between November and January for no known reason. Despite diet and exercise, I could not lose an ounce which upset me greatly because I was preparing for my wedding in October 2010. In June 2010, my ordinarily dry skin that was more prone to flaking rather than acne began to break out horribly. I tried everything and even bought Proactive with no results. I thought it was just a part of getting older because I was knocking on 30's dooor. We began ttc immediately after the wedding. I was only charted my temp to get an idea of how to do it the first two months. I began to chart cm and cp and realized I do not get ewcm, so I bought Preseed. My chart showed a biphasic pattern, I was getting positive opk's and my cp was indicating a fertile period, so I thought for sure I was ovulating. Finally, after 8 unsuccessful cycles, I called my doctor. He did bloodwork and ordered an u/s. The bloodwork basically showed that my body was going through all the motions of o, but never actually releasing an egg and the u/s confirmed PCOS. All I read on the disorder talked about diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and the like. I have NONE of those things so I cried and cried until I found my answer as to WHY ME?!? A study done by Stanford University concluded that PCOS is caused by insulin resistance (why they use metformin). I have hypoglycemia. My bodyh does not use insulin properly, causing VERY low blood sugars. This is a form of insulin resistance. I have been put on a steady regimen of Serafem to help the extreme depression I have been feeling. I am scared to death nothing will work, but my husband insists everything will work out.
Has anyone else used herbal remedies for PCOS? If so, what? I am having fairly normal periods because my body thinks I am ovulating. I read that many women do not have normal periods with PCOS. That may make a difference in what treatments may work for me. I just wish the hsg was scheduled and done with already so I could get started!


7 Replies • 13 years ago



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hi corvina!

im Shea i have pcos also. i have no know causes of it though. EVERYTHING has came back normal. i have nothing wrong with my prolactin, LH, FSH, insulin, testosterone, estrogin, progesterone, thyroid, adreanals, pituitary, not over or under weight, dont smoke, or anything else unhealth so they dont know what causes it (maybe stress idk).

But i have started taking soy isoflavones (natural clomid) 50 mg and i take it just like clomid and i actually Od last cycle. Earliest ovulation ever and i had a nice 37 day cycle(a little lengthy but it beats a 62D cycle). However i did not get pregnant but i am going to use it again this cycle since it worked for me last time.

I dont know if you are a religious person but i will be keeping you in my prayers and mybe this will be the month for us some BFP!!!!!

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

13 years ago

Hi Shea! Thanks for your input. I have considered soy isoflavones, Vitex, B6 and Fertilaid. The only issue I have with taking these is the fact that my specific case is atypical to what I read about PCOS. I tend to have very regular 25 day cycles with the occassional 1-2 day deviation. I do not know how these supplements would affect me taking that into consideration. I am not worried about a potentially longer cycle if it means I could get pregnant naturally, but I worry that these things may actually impair my fertility even more.
I am becoming more and more impatient about the scheduling of my HSG. It took a week for insurance to approve the procedure and for some reason, my ob/gyn's office is seeming to have a heck of a time scheduling the procedure with the surgical center. They are blaming it on the surgical center, but I am starting to wonder if he is just THAT heavily booked with procedures since he only does them on Thursdays. I was in his office for my annual, to get test results and to have a consult about the HSG this past Wednesday and the receptionist told me then she was trying to get it booked and to expect a call by Friday. Of course Friday came and went with no call. DH gets his SA on Tuesday. I just want all of the diagnostics to be done and to get on with this process asap!


13 years ago • Post starter

i completely understand. maybe you should call them back. and i hope everything comes back ok! please keep me posted!
AFM im on my second day of soy....i hope i get an early early O the worst part of ttc is the waiting game. grrr.

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

13 years ago

hello ladies..... i had an ultra sound test done n discovered i had pcos last summer .... blood tests came bak with problems.... my doc gave me metaformin... but took me off it after a month ... sayin it didnt look like it was workin.... im now waitin 2 c a gyno to give me clomid.... i havent even heard from the gyno yet.... im worried... that my doc sees it that i already have 2 kids so im not that important.... my partner doesnt have kids ... this would b his 1st ... i feel guity that im robbing him of the chance... and i feel like its my fault.... ne advice? x

13 years ago

I have mild PCOS and I've gone gluten free, it seems that gluten intolerance/sensitivity can make one infertile. Gluten problems have also been linked to PCOS and many other problems (please google for more info)'s about a 50/50 shot of having a gluten problem so I don't think it would hurt to try it.

13 years ago


I was diagnosed with PCOS as well, maybe 2 or 3years back. All my bloodtests came back normal, i am overweight and the dr saw it directly when he did the ultrasound. I had no periods unless i took provera. Now, after being on metformin, my cycles are fairly regular, ranging from 30-35 days, i get positive OPKs, EWCM and all that stuff. I am very dry down there though, so we use conceive plus instead of pre-seed. No luck yet, but hopefully soon!

Miasmum, i am surprised the dr took you off metformin so early actually. For me, it took about 6 months before it started to have an effect on my body, and my dr did tell me that, and that i had to be patient. I had side effects in the beginning, but not anymore.

I wanted to try the soy isoflavones too, but im a little scared to do that. Last time i went to the dr, he wanted to put me on 250mg clomid, i dont even want to think about how many pills of soy isoflavones that would be... im already a pill popping monster!

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13 years ago

I had my HSG this morning and it hurt so badly, I nearly passed out. One tube is blocked and the other is open. He wanted to start me on metformin once he confirmed my tubes are open, but I don't know if this will still be the case considering one is blocked. I guess I will find out in two weeks at my appointment in his office. I nearly passed out when I came home and tried to wash dishes, so I decided to just lay down and take it easy for the day.

I have been on a low GI, high fiber, dairy-free diet since I got my diagnosis in early May. The first week, I lost 6 pounds, the second I lost 2. I have not been following the diet as well as I should be the past couple of weeks because I have been experiencing severe depression and anxiety. I am on Serafem to help that, but it hasn't made me 100% because the reason for my depression is still a prevalent issue in my life. I figure, if I actually want to eat something (since my appetite has been so poor), I am going to let myself have what I want within reason. I have not gained any weight back, but I am, still shooting for 160 (11 pounds away). It is a far cry from the fit 130 I was 2 years ago, but I will take small victories.

I am currently on sick leave from work for mental health. My family doctor felt it was the best thing for me right now because the stress I experience from work only makes my depression over struggling with infertility worse. I am going kind of stir crazy and it is only my fourth day off work. Of coursel, I have been keeping myself busy by cleaning house and, with the way I feel thanks to my HSG, cleaning is not a good idea today. I just need something to keep myself busy that does not involve standing for long periods of time or stenuous activity. I am such a busy body!


13 years ago • Post starter

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