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8dpo.!!!I feel out dis month.. Need buddies:-)

Hey gals..I'm 24 and my husband is 26...we are officially trying for the past 4 months..i started using opk's which helps me to determine sone approx dates and hance we had BD..For all these days I got symptoms like spotting,frequent urination,temp rise,diarrhea,constipation,fatigue etc..but AF was showing up frustrated and went to doc last month..she suggested me follicular study of my ovaries..after study I came to know that my ovaries and uterus all were normal and the egg got ruptured on12-13 day of my cycle..we had BD on 12th and 13th day and unfortunately not after least for all these days I experience some symptoms but dis month I don't have any..I feel out dis doc suggested I started taking some prenatal vitamins and she suggested me dydrogesterone tablets too.(don't know much abt tat)...

Need some cycle buddies to share their stories too..

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8 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi angel,

I'm 8 dpo too, I'm 40 and dh is 37. I've had two miscarriages and 2 chemicals but we are still trying. If you need someone to chat to and vent your frustrations to then let me know. Maybe this month we will be lucky and will end on a happy note but if not then we can get through it together!!
It's never easy and the 2ww drives me crazy, I can't add up how mich money I've spent on tests but have now bought a clearblue digital fertility monitor and am bang on time every month!! We've also started using a method where we bd every 1 in 3 days/nights as my friend has had 4 babies using this method so lets get that baby dust out and fingers crossed.....our time won't be too far away.
Stay positve as your not alone
Kitty xx

11 years ago

I'm also 8dpo and its been just under four years for me. I am currently on Clomid. Fingers crossed for some successs stories this month. Best of luck and as hard as it is, try to remian positive.

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11 years ago

I am approximately 10dpo.. Probably off due to mc, but we are trying again. We are pretty determined to have a little baby to join our family. This mc has been a nightmare and I'm glad it's over, and I'm just ready to try again. I am thinking I need to find a dr who is willing to do stuff to help my pregnancy like what waiting4anangel mentioned. My last dr said they weren't able to test levels to make sure they were normal... Um, wouldn't that be helpful to know for future reference? Don't I pay for insurance and pay my co-pays for a reason? lol. Sorry for the venting. It's just frustrating to have a million questions and feel like I'm rushed etc. I wasn't even seen to make sure my levels dropped (they canceled my appt saying there was no need) or to make sure everything is clear in my stomach (not bleeding anymore so hopefully that's a good sign).

I am still taking my prenatal vitamins and no caffeine and am exercising and just trying to be as healthy as possible. I will start testing with OPK's maybe tomorrow or the 18th and we use Preseed. Good luck everyone and baby dust to everyone!!!!

11 years ago

Hi angel
Yes the two week wait is one of the worst times for women and there is nothing anyone of us can do, it's just so frustrating :(.
I just wanted to say that I tried for 8 years before conceiving my third baby and I had no reason as why I was not becoming pregnant and the only thing I did was lose a bit of weight and 5 months later I was pregnant .
I am not saying that you need to lose weight but I had it to spare so I did this for myself and it worked for me.
I also used a clear blue fertility monitor which was wonderful for me and I also used for the very first time pre-seed and a vaginal cup and that is the month I fell pregnant with my son.
I had no symptoms at all with my second and third pregnancies ,none and I remember with my second that I didn't get a positive until my period was due and with the other pregnancy I had a BFP at 9 dpo so no pregnancies I have had have been the same.
My nerves are screwed up this month thou and one min I think I am prego and the next I don't , Oooo how it drags.
Keep your spirts up as no symptoms doesn't mean no BFP
Baby dust to everyone :)

11 years ago

Thank u all for ur responses.I feel like i'm not sailing in the boat alone.Each of us have our own worries...


I feel sorry for u..May i know the difference between miscarriage and chemical pg??Thanx that i got a buddy to vent out my frustrations.Seriously i go mad every time once i pass on my O day.I'm hardly trying to find the resaon why im not getting pg.I never drink coffee.My BMI says that my weight is ideal.All my results r normal.I think ill find the reason thro my doc.I put my hopes on her.By the way all the best for ur new method of trying.Good luck.


Hi..Four years...??I can feel ur pain dear.. for u..!!


I see ur frustrations and could undertsand how u feel..When u r planning to test??im for u..


Hey don't be so nervous and mount pressure.Everything ll be alright.Stop thinking abt it.Concentrate on some thing else like cooking,hobbies..etc..Do u feel any specific symptoms in ur body??

I felt very feverish for past 2-3 days.Today started my day with 9 dpo...Had some mild cramps yesterday night..I stopped relying on my symptoms..even though if i get IB im not getting pg..

Hey ladies lets make dis discussion an active one.Please share ur symptoms and what u feel..Let us share if we discover some new things too and our thoughts..!!

Loads and Loads of to u gals

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11 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies, I'am 9 Dpo and took clomid this cyle 50 mg, so I maybe off for my O day cause of clomid, since I didn't use OPK and just BD every other starting CD 10 up to CD 20 skip CD 18 was just tired. Hoping that was enougth! Will be normally exepecting my period on the 24th of NoV. But will test if AF doesn't show on the 1st of December only. So in 2 weeks, getting back pains, shotting on and off pains in my left breast, and lower abdomen cramps! Unfortunaly all those symthoms could be Clomid's side effects, PMS, or pregnancy symthoms! So the only thing to do is to wait and see! Have my fingers cross for all of us!

11 years ago

Hi ladies, well I have no news to report and still testing like an idiot every day! I feel I'm out this month but am positive as I'm O right on time so bring on the BDing! chemicàls happened this year, I had bfps early on (up to 14dpo & 15 dpo) then AF arrived or what they call a chemical. It's basically when you have a very very early miscarriage but a lot of women have these but don't realise as they just think that af is a few days late!
How is everyone feeling today? Hope your all keeping yourselves busy and if you need to let of steam or have a natter then just yell!
Lots of baby dust to everyone and keep us updated.
Remember ladies, were all in this together xxxx

11 years ago

Hey kitty...!! Today it's my due..waiting for AF arrival being ready with my napkin...looks funny uh ???everybody ll pray tat AF shouldn't come but I'm doing just may arrive at any moment now..feeling like it s coming..I'm passing thro a worst hard ship..God is playing trick from mrng by showing some symptoms but I dint fall on his trap...!!eaiting to start my next cycle...I'm fingers X for u too... Baby dust to all

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11 years ago • Post starter

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