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"Surprise" O on CD 20...Had BD night before. Probl

Quickly- We suffered at MC at 9 weeks in February. My very regular cycle started back like clockwork... 28 days, ovulating on day 14. With one exception month where I o'd on day 17/18. Last month we had a chemical pregnancy and I started my cycle 4 days late (likely due to the progesterone I am on). My OB said I likely would have started my cycle normally had I not been on it, never realizing even I was pregnant. DH didn't want us to be "trying" (i.e. OPK's) necessarily. Our first two DD's were conceived very much on not trying. I vaguely agreed and didn't really test to check O. We BD on CD 9 and 10. I really didn't think I was O'ing around day 14 like normal so I did take an OPK which was negative. I took one a day over the next 4 days and assumed either I was a screwed up now, or I had O'd and missed it somehow or was having a ever convenient anovulatory cycle. Well...we had a little wine one night and BD on CD 19. The next morning I was going to throw out the box and put the last test away for next month when something told me to take it. Your guessed it- positive! I had to laugh. I didn't tell DH because it was so nice to have fun without 'trying' or him thinking that's all I want from him. NOW- I'm having either all kinds of early symptoms and/or I'll be starting my cycle, as scheduled, on Friday. I was under the impression though that AF will come 14 days after you ovulate...then why in the pregnancy test calculator is it telling me to take one tomorrow (a day that would normally be CD 26, but, is only 7 DPO). Secondly, WHile I am taking a load of supplements to help with implantation, I'd love to hear some encouraging stories where ladies O on CD 20+ and have had normal pregnancies... I certainly have no trouble getting pregnant, it's just the keeping them now that freaks me out. HELP! :)
...and thank you!

2 Replies • 11 years ago



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First, I'm sorry for your loss. I had an MC at 8 weeks and it's never easy, even if the doctors do tell you it's perfectly typical and "normal." (but rest assured that one early MC doesn't mean there's anything wrong with your ability to hold a normal pregnancy!)

I normally O late, sometime between CD17 - 20 (once I didn't O until CD24!!) And it's not a problem in and of itself... as long as your luteal phase isn't shorter than 12 days (I believe). Very few women O exactly on day 14 or halfway through their cycles.

As for the pregnancy test tool thingy, it might just be going based on your normal cycle length? I would *try* to hold off testing until at least 10-12 days after O, but then I know how impatient I can get so I'm not going to say don't do it! Just be prepared for a negative and try again in a few days.

lots of luck and sticky vibes!!

BFP 11/2011; missed m/c 12/2012; D&C 1/2012. Surgery to remove fibroids 4/2012. Trying again 7/2012~ --------- I'm on a quest to live life as if every day were vacation. Follow my journey at

11 years ago

Thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I'm sorry for your loss too~ Do you have any children now? We have 2 little girls, ages 1 and 2. We're likely only trying for #3 this month and next. I am 39 and we are already very blessed. In our grief we had our baby we lost tested and she was chromosomally normal. A tough blow when you always hear exactly what you said! Annoying- huh? I'm sure I'm still working through some of the grief surrounding our loss- I passed the baby at home a couple of hours before my scheduled D and C, and was NOT prepared for seeing what I did. With that loss and our two girls being early-ish (3.5 weeks and 7.5 weeks), I'm taking progesterone. We'll see, right? THanks again for your thoughtful reply- sticky dust to you too!!!

11 years ago • Post starter

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