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Psa on 6 day sooner frer

I bought 2 boxes of the double pack of these tests.
First test I took would have been around the 6 day point where it says 76% accuracy. Got a line so faint it could be mistaken for an evap. Over the next few days I took the remaining tests and even if I was off a couple of days one of them would have hit in the 96% accuracy according to the box. They were all negative. Waited a few days and period is late. Tested with dollar store test and got a strong positive.
Do not recommend these tests and if you question the results between 2 of them just buy a different brand or see a doctor. Not accurate at all. Photo of only positive received on those tests added.

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4 Comments • 4 years ago



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my test looked like this also. I took a total of 5 from 2 different boxes. One that I didn't use already had the line there. I got a faint positive on clear-blue at the same time. I'm going to test with another brand shortly just to confirm.

<img src=

4 years ago

Wow! I’m sitting here freaking out bc my lines aren’t getting darker (and I’m spotting) and this makes me feel a little better. But my clear blue was pretty faint too.

4 years ago

Maybe it was a bad batch because I got a strong positive two days before my period with mine.

user submitted image

4 years ago

What day before period is the picture you posted??

4 years ago

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