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TTC after miscarriage

Me and my boyfriend got a surprise in February when we discovered I was around 5 weeks pregnant, however, less than a week later I miscarried.

We have no decided to try to concieve again as we realised how happy we were the last time even though it was a surprise!

Any tips/advice/general chit chat is welcome! Would like to meet and chat to women who could be similar xx

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9 Replies • 12 years ago



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So you guys are now TTC? :) that's awesome, good luck! I just had my third miscarriage yesterday. I started bleeding 14dpo but blood work came back & my levels doubled I been bleeding since May 30th so I went to the er yesterday again, because of the pain I was feeling, & they couldn't find a heartbeat. We been TTC since our first miscarriage in Nov 2010.. we can get pregnant I just can't seem to keep a pregnancy. :(

-> please forgive any typeos, i type fast without checking and sometimes i'm on my phone. thanks! <- & User ImageUser Image

12 years ago

Hi Kirsty!! Sorry to hear about your M/C. I did in January, as well, and let me tell was no walk in the park trying again right after. Im not sure if there was still tissue left over or whatever the case, but it took us until this month until we became pregnant again! <3

Anywho, my husband and I are two healthy individuals, Im probably considered "over weight" but recently started Weight Watchers to lose a few pounds. I started back in April and since than have been eating SO well. I also lost 10 pounds. I eat tons of fruits and veggies and still took prenatals and I think all of this helped. Fruits and veggies equal major FOLATE. SO, load up on anything that has folate. 2) I always used Clearblue Digital OPKs, because they accurately tell you when you have an LH Surge, so when your about to ovulate. Expensive, but worth it. 3) We used Pre Seed every single time we baby danced! Its a sperm friendly lubricant that helps the sperm travel more smoothly to the cervix. 4) We started baby dancing 4 days after my period ended till 3 days after I ovulated. So, yes, we had sex every single day!! (about 7 days in a row for me) 5) I slept a lot and decreased my stress and alcohol intake. AND VOILA, I WAS PREGGO. Hope this long a@s post helped ya. Goodluck, lady!

12 years ago

I had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago after 2.5 years of TTC... I'm ready to get this miscarriage in the past and look toward the future...

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12 years ago

USMCWIFE317 - I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage, even though we didnt know for long we were both devastated. Baby dust to you !!!!!

PookieKittens - Thank you so much for the advice! Finding it hard to calculate when I'm ovulating as I have a 34 day cycle also (as if I couldn't be more confused already! lol) This was our first month trying and I think I ovulated roughly around the 8th of June so we baby danced quite a few days leading up to that! Although do to work commitments we failed to baby dance the actual day of ovulation :(! How far along are you now? xxx

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12 years ago • Post starter

Jynelluary - We are also trying to do this, however I'm finding it very hard not to think what if?? I also have a few friends who went on to discover they were pregnant around the same time as me finding out and having the miscarriage... finding it very hard not to feel slightly jealous as they show off their growing tummies and scan pics xxx

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hey Kirsty! Im literally like, 4 weeks today, still early. If you look at the HPT pics mine is the one that says 15 DPO in black marker, just a little down. :)

Ya know, the only day we didnt BD is the day I got my LH Surge. I hear having sex before you surge/ovulate is wayyyy better than the day of or after, so you may have a pretty darn good chance this cycle!!

12 years ago

Well I hope so! I'm 9 dpo today and I've been exhausted pretty much since ovulation! Keep getting sore heads and my bodys just achy in general. I have noticed a few twinges and pulls but I dunno if I'm imagining symptoms xxx

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12 years ago • Post starter

Adding a reply to this to let you all know i got a BFP today! 12 DPO :D xxxxx

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12 years ago • Post starter

@Kristy how is everything going? have you gotten your BFP?

-> please forgive any typeos, i type fast without checking and sometimes i'm on my phone. thanks! <- & User ImageUser Image

11 years ago

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