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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Skarcm: yay for the tww! Hopefully ur dr will get back with you so u can have some confirmation.

Zuberi: sending positive thoughts your way! Hopefully you will have a strong O!

Dbjohnson: yes, we would love to see an u/s pic!

Afm: counting down the days till my next u/s. I am def tired a lot. I want a nap everyday even though that's not possible. Bbs still sore. I had some sharp lower abdomen pains yesterday that went up to my belly button. They were pretty scary but haven't had them since so hopefully it was just my intestines fighting all this terrible constipation I'm having. On the up side I'm not dealing with much nausea (yet) so I'm enjoying that while it lasts lol. Also Christmas is sneaking up on us and we don't have any shopping done so I'm trying not to stress out.

10 years ago • Post starter

Zuberi: Hoping you get a good +OPK.

Amanda: When I was pregnant with DS I had bad constipation and had to take Colace the whole time I was pregnant. I hope it gets better for you.

10 years ago

Hi all

Good luck Zuberi!
Fingers crossed for you skarcm
Would love a pic Dbjohnson!

I'm feeling the same Dbjohnson. 6 weeks in and the belly has popped out. It's horrible how everything relaxes! I had worked hard to get my fitness bod back and now won't see it for a while!
Feeling exhausted alongside you Amanda. Feeling nauseous every two hours when hungry :-/ Iha ve my booking in appt a week fridaybefore plus a thyroid test next week. I won't get my first u/s until 12 weeks xx

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10 years ago

Hello, hello!

Zuberi: I always found it hard to get the DH to take any vitamins, but I think it's a good idea.

Skarcm: have you heard from your doc yet?

Amanda: I am pretty lucky my DS is a great napper, so I am able to sneak in a nap almost everyday.

AFM: I am 8 weeks today! Woohoo! My appointment went great! Baby measures exactly 8 weeks, with an amazing strong heartbeat! I posted a pic in the HPT image section. The medical assistant turned the machine off before the whole pic printed, so it isn't the greatest... But it is still pretty great to me!! [woot]

10 years ago

Hi ladies,

It's me Sandra!!

It's been months since I responded, but I have read your continual updates. I'm also sorry for the losses in between as I can relate to that pain as I have had two losses.

I'm 34 weeks now, and all is well. Our boy is due to arrive at the end of January. It's crazy how time flies! I'm so very excited to meet him soon.

Congratulations to all of your recent pregnancies! I'm so very excited for you all! I'm going to be deleting my account soon, so I won't any longer be getting the updates soon.

But, wanted to pop in and say hello, and say I still think about you ladies often and pray for you.

Much love. [heart]

10 years ago

I'm happy to hear that all of you pregnant ladies are hanging in there and have happy little sticky beans!

AFM: I had my progesterone test this morning so now I'm just waiting for the results. I go back and forth on my feelings as to whether or not I think I ovulated. I'm pretty sure I did, but since I wasn't on any fertility meds who knows if it was a good strong ovulation or not. Just playing the waiting game now.

Zuberi: how's everything going so far?

10 years ago

Hey ladies.

Sandra: wow......time really does fly. I'm glad you and your lil man are doing great! I'm glad you stopped by to say hi. Keep us posted.

Dbjohnson: I saw the pic in the gallery. I'm sooooo excited and happy for you guys! Dh said he was taking the vitamins and zinc. .....but I have only seen him take them one time. Lol

Skarcm: I hope I get one too. Its looking like the soy is going to make me O a little earlier than my usual(cd14). But we will see. I'm cd9 and my opk all readyhas a faint ssecond line. When its usually stalk white.

Afm: cd9 I had a couple of twinges in my left and right side. So that made me do a opk today. So that's about it.

Hope you ladies are having a great day!

10 years ago

This morning I received an email from my doctor...I did ovulate, woo hoo! Now we will just have to wait and see. I kind of think I feel to good to be pregnant, but I won't give up until AF arrives.

Zuberi: how are the OPK's looking?

10 years ago

Good morning ladies

Skarcm: yay for the e-mail!! Let's pray you guys caught the egg. ........ about the opk. Yesterday it was surprisingly dark for cd9. I haven't tested today yet because it's only 7am here. I will test around 10:30. Dh and I started our bding yesterday 1:00pm. We showered and went on about my day. I did not use a soft cup because I haven't gotten a +opk yet. Anyway. ........last night when I was about to shower for bed I had so much ewcm until I had to wipe 3 times with tp before I could get it all. I wasn't sperm because I went to the bathroom several times after we bd and it wasn't any ewcm on the tp.

Oh well just thought I would share. Lol

10 years ago

Good Morning!

Skarcm: Hooray!! I'm so happy for you! That is very exciting news that you ovulated all on your own! I'll be thinking sticky implantation thoughts for you!

Zuberi: hopefully you'll catch that egg! Sounds like you might be having a super strong O! Bd like you mean it! [lol]

10 years ago

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