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Late February/ Early March 2017 Babies?

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Just looking for other ladies due around the same time to experience this adventure with.

I'm a dietitian/nutritionist who helps keep other's babies healthy. Pregnant with my first after TTC 3 years (found out 6/23/16) + Endometriosis. In my 30's.

129 Replies • 8 years ago



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Is anyone else having the Harmony or Percept test done?

7 years ago


Is that the blood test that allows you to find out gender earlier? If so I have considered it- but heard it was very costly even after insurance pays their part. Are you planning to do it?

7 years ago

I think I will. My OB said that it has 99.5% accuracy for the chromosomal disorders it can test for whereas the usual combined test is 95%. It will be $400 out of pocket (not covered by insurance or public health here in Australia).

Finding out the sex is a cool aspect but I'd save the money and wait til 20 weeks if that all it showed me. It is crazy to think that we'll know the sex in only a couple of weeks.

I heard some clinics will do an ultrasound before they take your blood to make sure you are past 10 weeks (test doesn't work before then). Just wondering how long the results take to come back... It will be a nerve wracking time!

7 years ago


I have had all the tests I could possibly have but I think it's different in the UK. I have had blood tests for downs, Edwards & patau syndrome. Plus tests for infectious and genetic diseases, there is so much to take in lol.
I have also started mum to be physiotherapy and have another appointment tomorrow. I have my 17 week scan in 11 days which is when we find out if we are having a boy or a girl ?

I hope you have all had a great weekend x

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7 years ago

I am really interested in the blood test you've mentioned smells and am really going to consider doing that!

7w3d today and yesterday and today have been rough! I was so sick this morning, couldn't get through brushing my teeth without vomiting. I just ate some lunch and am finally feeling better.

Thursday is my first scan and I CANT WAIT!!!! I am so excited!!

7 years ago


Brushing my teeth was the worst for me and always started my sickness off lol However I am pleased to report that my sickness is finally over I am also not feeling as exhausted and now my skin is clearing up. I feel so much better and you will too

For me it felt like week 6 -12 dragged and now the 2nd trimester is whizzing by, can't believe I will be 16 weeks on Friday and already have a small bump. I have felt the baby move twice so far, it just felt like flutters.

Keep me updated with your progress

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7 years ago

I hope everybody's doing fine!

Nausea and fatigue had been kicking my ass for the past 2-3 weeks already. Although yesterday one of my colleagues got me a box of these candies called "preggie pop drops." Man, they worked! Its sour candies infused with vitamin b6. I use them before nausea comes into full effect and it works!

7 years ago

Winter, I'm going to have to look into those drops!!!

Ladies, today is my first ultrasound! Have about 4 hours til appt time! I am so nervous and anxious and excited! Please say a prayer for me!

7 years ago

Ultrasound went great! Measured at 7w3d so maybe I O'd just a couple days later than I had thought? Baby measured 1.81cm and had a heartrate of 169!! :))

7 years ago

Yay! That's a great heart rate for 7 weeks!

7 years ago

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