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November 2015 IUI/IVF

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For us women having trouble conceiving the natural way....YAY IUI and IVF!

312 Replies • 8 years ago



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Yayyyy!!! Excited to hear your beta numbers!!

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8 years ago

Keth, that is amazing news :) congratulations to you guys! I am so happy for you!

Jesk, I am sorry you are disappointed. I hope all works for you the natural/fun way and you receive good news in a couple of weeks!

8 years ago

Jesk, i hope Friday the scan shows more matured follicles, but dont be dissapointed, natural conceives happen with one follicle, so stay positive!
In case it doesnt work, the doctor knows how you respond to the meds and next time the meds will be adjusted. My best wishes for this cycle.

As about my btest, it is shocking! My levels are at 820. I have started believing that i didnt hear the number correctly by the phone, but i remember she also commented that it is too high. I called the clinic and they said that they are excited! Oh my God, i know they can be twins! I pray for a good pregnancy and healthy baby(ies)!
Thank you so much for being happy for me! You are great! I hope from now on only good news to be written here! The best luck for all of us!

8 years ago

Keth~I knew it!!!! Yay!!!! I'm SO very happy for u girl!!!!! I remember that feeling like it was yesterday and it's the best feeling in the world!!!! Oh wow def sounds like twins or maybe even triplets!!! Yay!!!

Jesk~I'm sorry about ur follicle check :/ I hope ur little eggies continue to grow and r much bigger by the time u trigger and BD :)

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8 years ago

Shan, thank you!!!! We had 3days transfer of two eggs. Can they be triplets? (I thought it wasnt possible, but I have heard something about embryo dividing, which i dont know when it can be happen). Oh my God!

8 years ago

Twins are certainly a possibility as well as triplets. Embryos usually split into twins on days 4-6 so if one of the babies split that's a possibility. Then again I had high number and just have one little baby so who knows! Every womans HCG can mean different things! When will you have your first ultrasound?

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8 years ago

@Keth- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! I am SO happy for you! I knew when i got lots of notifications from here that we must have some news! 820 is insane! I am for sure calling twins!! Yes it could totally be trips too. One egg can absolutely spit! I hope for your bodies sake, its twins or a single! When is your first u/s??

@jeskalillis- Oh i am sorry you are feeling disappointed. I pray that you are able to make it work without the IUI. I am shocked your clinic doesn't offer weekend IUI's! Well, i will be thinking of you and have fun doing it the old fashion way :)

@AFM- 37 weeks today ladies. Go in to get checked at noon and PRAYING for more dilation. Let's get this baby outta here!

8 years ago

Chaf and LS, thank you both for your wishes! The possible of having triplets is scary! Oh my God, i hope they are healthy, no matter the number!

LS, i am so excited that your delivery date is coming! My best wishes for that special day!

8 years ago

Kethryes - That is so amazing! You must be thrilled. Are you doing a follow up beta? When are they going to do an U/S? FX that it's only twins at most.

LS - Good luck at you appointment. I'm so excited for your due date.

jeska - I'm sorry about the follicle check. I really hope that the all natural way is enough and that you get your BFP this month.

AFM - I'm still waiting to receive confirmation that I've been referred to the IVF clinic. I've signed up for a new fitness program that I will start in just over a week. In the mean time I'm almost on vacation. I'm packing tonight. I can't wait. I'm really looking forward to a week of relaxation. I'm going to enjoy my time away from TTC as much as possible.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

Kethryes - these were my numbers after IVF:
1st beta at 13 DPO - HCG 144; Progesterone 20.8
2nd beta at 15 DPO - HCG 364; Progesterone 38.8
3rd beta at 22 DPO - HCG 5672; Progesterone 53.8

800 is a high number and it can be a sign of twins but also could be just your body and really strong pregnancy. Or you could have implanted earlier then you think

As long as the baby(or babies) are healthy :D

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

8 years ago

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