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May 2016 Babies

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This is a forum for all the precious ladies, anxious and enthusiastic ladies hoping to conceive this month with hopes of having a baby in May 2016. Join me to discuss strategies, share the pain, obsess over the symptoms and celebrating !!!

Loads and loads of and ...
for conceiving the baby !

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206 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi ladies hope everyone's ok. Goodluck with whoever is testing in the next couple of days.

AFM: started having sore aching bbs for 2 days lil bit of nausea on and off still some mild cramping. Tested BFN again 13dpo. Expecting the witch on tuesday hoping and praying she stays away. I never have sore boobs before AF so hope its a good sign. Its not over till AF makes a show.

8 years ago

Hi ladies hope everyone's ok. Goodluck with whoever is testing in the next couple of days.

AFM: started having sore aching bbs for 2 days lil bit of nausea on and off still some mild cramping. Tested BFN again 13dpo. Expecting the witch on tuesday hoping and praying she stays away. I never have sore boobs before AF so hope its a good sign. Its not over till AF makes a show.

8 years ago

Well, 9 dpo here and still. Feeling pretty bummed and a lot less hopeful than I was a few days ago. Expecting on my birthday Friday, so I guess we'll see what happens. At the very least if she shows up I can drink, I guess.

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8 years ago

Hi ladies how is everyone doing?

SheRiskers how are you feeling? Did your symptoms continue?

Mrsmwalla sore bbs were my only early symptom for a long time with my son. Fingers crossed for you!

Effyocouch that sounds pretty promising. Hoping for your BFP.

Murps. Definitely get those twinges around O time

Dsinha. I hope your appt goes well. Emotional roller coaster for sure that no one understands unless they've been dealt the same hand.

Welcome new ladies and sorry to anyone I missed! Using a phone on this site is tough!

AFM finally a pos OPK yesterday on day 17, pos again this morning so not sure when O will happen. If it takes much longer my LP will be 10 days or less, so I might be out before my TWW has even started . The silver lining will be a family wedding in 3 weeks that I will be able to have some wine at so my inlaws don't drive me bananas.

8 years ago

Sorry all. My phone froze and saved my post a million times. Sorry.

8 years ago

This is going to be a long post since I haven't checked in for a while... sorry! Also, has anyone else been having trouble with accessing this website recently? I've been getting errors the last few days but only here!

jeskalillis: Sorry the showed but it's good that you can move forward with an IUI! I hope your appointment(s) go well!

trying_for_another: Did you figure out when you actually ovulated and start the TWW? I'm not sure what internet cheapies you're using but I've had good luck with the Wondfo brand that I bought from Amazon. I think I originally ordered 100 and have only had one dud so far. I probably have 20-30 left.

Holly860: Welcome to the May board! I'm sorry you're a regular and that you've had such a hard time... and it definitely stinks when someone close to you ends up pregnant accidentally when you've been trying so long. I imagine there are a lot of conflicting feelings there. We're all here to give and receive support, though, so we will help you get through it! I really hope the Clomid works for you this cycle. How goes the low carb diet?

NikkiN: Welcome back! Are you doing another IUI this cycle? If so, good luck, as it seems you're due to ovulate any day now.

Anxiousme: I know it's been a few days since your last post... Have you had any other symptoms yet or taken a test? Might still be a little early but you could give it a shot!

Mrsmawalla1: Hopefully you're just one of the women who gets a late positive. The sore boobs is a positive... symptom spotting is all about noticing differences from whatever is typical/normal.

kmksmd: All that nausea, cramping and soreness is a good sign! When are you planning on testing?

jbean: I have had positive OPKs for 2 days in a row in the last two cycles and I tend to ovulate the day after the last positive. Maybe it's the same for you? It's hard to say, honestly, but you'll probably get a feel for it if you've used them for a few cycles. Also, your LP doesn't really change, usually only by a day or so if it does at all. The length of your cycle is actually dictated by when you ovulate so if you ovulate later, you'll have a longer cycle. Don't sweat it!

WishingforViolet: Welcome! Did you get a positive OPK yet? How do you like temping so far? I know some people find that it makes them anxious but I definitely like having a better understanding of what the heck my body is doing sometimes. Both really help with timing. you catch an egg!

dsinha: Aww, I feel so bad. I'm sorry that you've had to go through such a crazy cycle but at least there's some closure there now so you're not just sitting around and wondering. I'm also surprised they didn't just do a blood test but I guess there's not really a need since you had an U/S instead. Hopefully your RE will be able to shed some light on what's going on so you can get off the roller coaster. Be positive!

MummyHillsdon: Welcome! Hopefully your TWW also passes quickly. Sometimes it feels like an eternity!

SheRiskers: I suppose tomorrow is your birthday so happy early birthday! I hope it's awesome and you can keep your mind off of testing so you can wait until the 29th!

murps227: Sorry for your loss I know how you feel, I had a miscarriage back in May and we started trying again in July. From what I understand, it's common after a m/c to not ovulate for a cycle or two. The only way you'd really know would be if you're temping. The pains could definitely be ovulation though... if they are, welcome to the TWW!

effyocouch: You aren't out, yet! 9 DPO is still early for testing... I think the average positive is somewhere around 13 DPO. It's good to look at the bright side, though... being able to drink on your birthday would be nice!

AFM: I ovulated on CD16 and I'm currently 4 DPO. I'm a little backwards when it comes to symptom spotting since my symptoms usually are PMS. The absence of symptoms is what clued me in early last time so here's hoping I feel completely normal for my TWW! :) The only thing that has me worried is that my temperature isn't very high and I'm not sure if it's something to be worried about. I'm not going to sweat it right now. If I don't get a BFP this cycle, I think I'll go back to taking my B-Complex supplement since that seemed to help last time. It's supposed to help lengthen the luteal phase and increase progesterone and my LP is on the shorter side (11 days) so it can't hurt!

to us all!

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8 years ago

Hi purelex thanx I hope so too, yeah iv been having issues gettung in hete and posting as well, im feeling like im out this cycle having cramping and boobs still tender. Checked my cervix feels high and soft. Iv been doing my research and if AF shows up in gonna start taking evening primrose, Vitex and Red rasbberry leaf I found tablet suppliment for all. They are all supose to help with fertility, cevical mucus, ovulation increase LH surge and all that so its worth a shot.

Vitex, Chaste tree berry (Vitex agnus-castus): Aid in regulating hormonal balance, promotes ovulation, improves timing of the menstrual cycle

Evening Primrose Oil, cold pressed seed(Oenothera biennis): This oil is high in omega-6 essential fatty acids. It works to increase cervical mucous and balance hormones

Red Raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus): Raspberry leaf works to tone the uterine muscles and normalize blood flow during menses. This is one of the best normalizing herbs for the female reproductive organs. Raspberry leaf is astringent, contracting and shrinking internal and external body tissues. May help prevent hemorrhage excessive bleeding. Helps to reduce bleeding of endometrial tissues. 

I found all this information and more on here maybe it will help someone too.

DH is stubborn he wont take any suppliments at all so its on me to do the servicing . Just want the witch to arrive already so I can get started. If AF shows this will be TTC cycle #3.

8 years ago

Hi everyone,

No positive OPKs yet , but I think I may have missed it. Should I be testing for an LH surge twice a day? I've been testing in the evening when I get home from work.

I definitely had a temp spike this morning, but no fertile CM??? Timing of my temp spike matches what my calendar says O day should be.

A little concerned. Will wait and see tomorrow if this is a sustained temp shift.

8 years ago

Wishingforviolet- I tested twice a day at 10am and at 4pm and I got 1 positive OPK with clearblue digital advanced at 4pm solid smiley face and after 2days and another at 10am solid smiley face. Goodluck

8 years ago

Hello everyone! I didn't know if it was just me or not but the whole website being down the last 2 days occasionally really threw me off with my "research." lol Glad to hear we're all starting to make some progress... sorry to those of you who feel AF coming :-(

AFM: Yes, my symptoms are still very much here. Problem is.. these are fairly common PMS symptoms for me, just exaggerated. So, I don't know if it's a good sign or I'm just in for a doozy of an AF! The fatigue this cycle has been crrrazy! I yawn constantly and can't take naps with my job. I just walked up 3 flights of stairs and felt like I ran a marathon! Also, the breast tenderness continues. It hadn't really gotten worse until just this morning. I'm finally starting to notice some swelling too (yet another thing that coincides with AF) I just can't believe I've had it since 3DPO. The other thing symptom that seems most persistent is this backache. It's so bad! And sitting in a chair for 10 hrs. at work doesn't help. Today I started getting some light AF type cramps... it's very early for that. I usually don't get them until roughly 2 days before the witch arrives.

Sooo... I haven't really learned much but I am still only 10 DPO and fingers are massively crossed that all these exaggerated symptoms mean something good!

Thank you for the birthday wishes! It is tomorrow. DH has fun things planned so hopefully I feel well enough to participate! I'm actually feeling quite feverish right now. (I've never felt feverish twice after O...hmm....)

Good luck ladies! I hope we get some BFP's soon! (Even some super late ones will do! ;-) )

8 years ago

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