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Pregnancy Support Group

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So, congrats you got your BFP. This thread is intended for those who love CTP and want to continue giving and receiving support throughout their pregnancy. Share your fears, baby name ideas, symptoms, and announcement stories (just to name a few things)--anything really! We all know how exciting even the most inconsequential of details can be.

Im looking forward to experiencing this beautiful pregnancy journey with all of you!

186 Replies • 10 years ago



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Law: Yes my little sister is young, my dad got remarried when I was 8 and they had her when I was 13. My dad and Grandpa owned a restaurant until my Grandpa passed away (3 months before I was born, Dec 15th) and my dad couldn't go back in there without him so he sold it, but he still taught us how to cook :) No big get together planned. Culinary school sister can't be here since she is coming out at the end of Jan for my baby shower. My mom and little brother live in Florida and my mil is going to her other daughters house this year since she hasn't spent Christmas with them in 13 years. We are doing an "early Christmas" with her before she leaves. Do you have anything planned for the holidays?

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10 years ago

Oh I have followed her pregnancy calendar since the beginning, she is so funny!

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10 years ago

mamak--nothing really planned. Our closest relatives are in California and we aren't going back until May or after we have the baby...haven't completely decided yet. Do you enjoy cooking? I LOVE cooking!

10 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning!!
So I was able to find a local place that will do a gender ultrasound between 16 and 20 weeks. If we wanted we would get a package that includes another one later on in the pregnancy. But its great to know that its an option!!

At the same time, I still cant seem to get excited about my pregnancy because it doesnt seem real to me yet. My best friend who didnt even know if she ever wanted to have kids last year, is now 12 weeks, had 3 ultrasounds and now saying to me that I should try and bond with the baby and not miss out on these moments. I told her that Im just not there yet. I wonder if she would be bonding the same way if she never got to hear her babys heartbeat or see it moving around? Is there something wrong with me because Im not excited yet? Its not that I dont want this because I do but I feel like this anxiety and nerves of not knowing whats going on is getting the best of me :(

10 years ago

Law: I LOVE cooking and baking! The kitchen is my zen place where I can clear my head and focus. DH got me an awesome food processor for Christmas and I am SOO excited to get to use it! I plan on making homemade baby food for Kimilynne and the food processor will be a BIG help with that!

Rice: There is nothing wrong with you. It takes a while for it to seem real! Right now you look and feel the same so its just abstract and surreal. As time goes on and you get your u/s or feel baby kicking it will be more real. Are you on Countdown My Pregnancy?

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10 years ago

MamaK---Thanks, its always nice to hear that there is nothing wrong with me, ha ha. No, I dont belong to that yet, but I will check it out now.

10 years ago

Rice--I don't think you're weird at all. I think it's natural to be more anxious than anything since you haven't had much in the way of reassurance. I think your friend is being a little insensitive and "holier than thou" with her "advice"...I mean how much "bonding" can you do within 10 weeks of finding out you're pregnant. I think "bonding" would be overstated but that's just me...I mean I am beyond thrilled and truly overjoyed but my baby is the size of a pencil eraser...I don't really know how much bonding is possible at this point. So, that's my 2 cents. How are you feeling otherwise? Are you going to do a 16 week u/s to find out the sex?

mamak--I plan to make my own baby food as well. It will be so exciting. I will take a while to get to that point but it's nice to think about. What's your "specialty" food/baking wise?

10 years ago • Post starter

I make chocolate chip cookies that people beg me for, pumpkin pie, apple pie, but mostly cupcakes! My most requested cupcake is a milk chocolate cupcake with gooey ganache filling and whipped ganache frosting with a chocolate covered strawberry on top... you have to REALLY like chocolate though lol. I make cupcakes all the time, for every occasion or whenever I want to try out a new idea or get bored lol. Whats your specialty??

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10 years ago

My specialty is most definitely cheesecakes...I've made red velvet, nutter butter, tiramisu, cookies and cream, NY style, smores, almond roca, pumpkin, and probably a few others. I really like getting creative with my treats. I do the same with cinnamon rolls. I've made cookies and cream, apple crisp, and peanut butter chocolate cinnamon rolls. Quite fun and delicious of course.

10 years ago • Post starter

@rice: I did not start bonding with my baby until the 12 week u/s when I knew everything was ok. I think the fear of losing her was just too great. With my first pregnany I bonded with the baby right away and then lost it. I think everyone is different. When your pregnancy becomes more real to you, the bonding will come. Don't let anyone tell you how you should feel or when you should feel it :) You are your own person and each and every pregnancy is completely different. What you are feeling is normal for you. No worries girlie!

@Mamak & Law: You are making me HUNGRY! I am making cupcakes today for my Superintendents birthday tomorrow :)

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10 years ago

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