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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hay Hun!!!

I usualy try to baby dance 3 days in row after positive opk, just in case lol :) You might be still ovulating, thats y the mild pains :) good idea to baby dance tonight aswell, fx hun :)

O yea, the 2ww is so crazy, exciting and disappointing all at the same time :)

Yea its my big 30th tomorow :) still have to work morning shift and then we off to nice hotel my hubby booked :) Hope bfp any time tomorow aswell :) I really really trying not to put my hopes up, but its so hard!!

But so far no more other symptoms, just started braking out so much yesterday, ahhhh always get like that around af, it takes me like 2 weeks to clear up lol :)

Lods lods baby dust, hope this is the month for all of us!!!!


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi Nikolina!

That is indeed our plan (the 3-days in a row BD'ing), we've never tried that before, so I'm curious to see (in 2 weeks) if it helped ;-)

You're so right, it's a real roller-coaster :-p

Yay!! I hope you will have a wonderful time for your birthday!!!! And I wish you will get the present you've been waiting for for so long!!!!

Damn, you feel like that for 2 weeks?? Respect!!!

The best of luck and LOTS of babydust!!!!!!


9 years ago

Hey ladies!

Nikolina happy bday and best of luck for a BFPS, that would be an amazing gift!!

Alice, hope the TWW doesn't drive you too crazy :) how are you feeling?

AFM, AF is finally easing thank goodness! I'm scheduled for a much needed massage tomorrow so looking forward to that. It's the first day of spring but it's been really cloudy and rainy, I just want to go get in bed!!


9 years ago

Hi Ladies!!

Jada, I'm glad to hear AF is easing! Enjoy your massage!!!

Happy birthday, Nikolina!!! I'm crossing my fingers for you!!! Have fun today celebrating your birthday!!! :-)

AFM, I'm not crazy yet, but in a week from now that will probably be a different story... :-p

My best wishes and LOTS of luck and baby dust to you!!!!!!


9 years ago

Morning beautiful ladies!!!
Thank you so much for your lovely wishes!!
So im 11dpo ( not 100% sure could be 10dpo) I done another test, well 2 tests lol frer blank as paper , and internet dip test kinda has shadow but could be indent or something, so taking a bfn :( my ayes are gone funny from looking at them :)

Bit sad, but still a hope that i tested too early.

I had hot flashes this morning, but can not tell anything by them, cos i get them before af and last cycle i got it before bfp, so could be eather.

I can not help but feel like im out already this cycle :( hope im wrong!!!

Alice so glad you finaly joining me on 2ww :) yea the first week is fine, the secend week when i go crazy lol :) i will be here for you, hope at the end of this there is bfp waiting for you :)

Jada hun how nice, enjoy your massage :) glad af is nearly finished, and feritile week is around d corner :)

Lods lods baby dust to us all!!!


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

Nikolina, I've seen your test, it is indeed unclear. There might be something there, or not. So hard to tell!! I understand how you feel, the days right before AF is due are the most confusing... The signs point in all directions and can mean anything and you're left in uncertainty... And all you can do is wait :-s Luckily, your day is planned :-) 11dpo is indeed still early, so you're not out :-) I really hope you'll hold your BFP soon!!!!!!!

Thank you for your sweat words :-)

Have fun today and lots of baby dust!!!!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Hi ladies!!!! How is everyone??
Well af is due soon for me, tomorrow or Tuesday, done one test last night, i can see someth, but so faint that i dont belive it, and this morning aswell. Can they all be foulthy tests? Or i have a line aye??? Ahh soooo confusing!!! Should have just wated lil longer!!!

Alice how is your 2ww going?? Not crazy yet??? Lods lods baby dust hun!!! :)

Ps: hotel is amazing!!!


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!!

Nikolina, I saw your tests, there could be something there! I can imagine how confused you must feel! I hope that it will turn into a BFP!!!!! You will know soon now, but the waiting and the uncertainty!!!! Good that you are in an amazing hotel to distract you from the 2WW :-) Have fun and enjoy!!!

I'm still not crazy yet :-p Nothing to report, but I am remembering how long these 2 weeks are :-s

Jada, is AF finished? How are you feeling?

Best of luck and LOTS of baby dust!!!!!!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Hi Alice!!

Ahh them tests are so messing with my head...on both cb tedts lines came up before 10 min, but they were so faint that im sceard to belive, my hubby didnt see line on 11dpo one, but saw on 12dpo... i dont know what to think... im so scared to belive... ii decided that if line comes up tomorrow morning i will do digi... my hubby got me 3 clear blue digi tests :) so i can go crazy. He just belives them as it spells out lol no line hunting lol

Ahhh its back still bit hurts, bbs are sore but cramps kind of stopped...

How are you hun? How many dpo you are now? Ahhh the longest 2 weeks ever!!!!

Lods baby dust and God will bles us with beautiful healthy babys v v soon!!!


9 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies

Alice, how are you feeling? Af has left so that's good!

Nikolina, how was your bday? Can't wait to hear about the digital tests.

AFM, can't believe it's already time for work again :/ My massage was great! Now about to write a paper blah blah blah

9 years ago

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