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March 2015 IUI/IVF

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This will be our month !!!
I can feel it :)


Good luck girls !!! I wish you a stress free month and lots of BFPs. And if you are taking a month or few off from TTC - good luck to you as well and hopefully this time will fly quickly.

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

574 Replies • 9 years ago



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tubalrevsalttc30's firstly CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy!! How exciting!! I hope baby boy stay comfortable and healthy for 5 more months!

Thank you so much for the reply- very informative and made me feel much better. I will definitely look into bleeding when the placenta attaches. I can't even imagine what it must feel like for you waking up to so much blood! I would have a proper meltdown. I really hope you stop bleeding soon- how are your iron levels?

I've stopped bleeding today, it tapered off throughout the day, but boy did it cause me some poor husband

My cramping has slowed down too, having a bit of back pain today- I started cleaning the bathroom and just stopped was causing me too much discomfort.

TTClate30: Ahh it's a HORRIBLE obsession isn't it??? I don't know how many times DH has walked in on me with me looking down my pants to my pad 'just to check'. I'm so sorry for your previous loss...I can't even imagine how much more paranoid and emotionally draining it must be. Fingers crossed this round works and you get your

kethryes: Thank you!! And thank you for letting me know where to find all you ladies! It makes this journey so much easier with support. IVF seems to be such a taboo topic to those who have not had to go through the process.

9 years ago

Mptyle-glad you are feeling better! Take it easy girl! I've found its best to just let some things go until later. Right now, taking care of yourself and the LO is the most important thing! Thanks! I'm actually 5 weeks pregnant now. So hopefully we have a nice stucky bean growing now. I had low betas a couple weeks ago when they were monitoring them so I go in Tuesday for an U/S. I will feel better (hopefully) after Tuesday and confirm location of this baby.

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

9 years ago

TTClate30's: Thanks love! I will! What are BETA's? I'm in Sweden we don't do those here. I've got my first U/S March 23rd- I'm so excited but worried either I won't get to that point OR they'll find somethings gone wrong sigh.

I wonder if there are stats about percentage of miscarriage week by week.

I hope your BETA results increase and baby stays put for a few more months!

9 years ago

Mptyle, beta test is the blood test for the hcg levels. Did you have any?
As about miscarriages, dont think about them and dont look at the stats. Stay positive.

9 years ago

Kethryes: no I've ne had any of them. They don't order them here in Sweden o guess- maybe at my 7 week U/S they'll take some blood and check it?? Perhaps they only do BETA tests here if you're on your 3rd IVF cycle, as this is the last one that's government paid for (I'm very fortunate to live in a county that gives 3 free IVF cycles through the public health system, a very gracious perk of the high taxes)

You're right I shou just stay positive. It's hard because I'm hearing a lot of 'the first 3months are so dangerous so just keep quiet and hope you stay pregnant'. I just want a heart warming congratulations and positive thoughts about pregnancy!!

9 years ago

The truth is that sweden has a more social profile in health issues! So, did you have only a home test and then you ll go for the ultrasound? No blood test in the meanwhile?

9 years ago

Question for you girls - so on Friday (CD 2) I had blood test done and the Estradiol came at 48 and that night I started FSH injections. Today (CD4) I had another bloodwork and Estradiol jumped to 528. They want me to re-do bloodwork and do ultrasound tomorrow. I am a bit worried that they told me to come back tomorrow. Should I be worried about that jump in Estradiol? They also told me to lower my FSH injections from 225 units to 175.
UGHhhhhhhhhhhh... I hope my cycle does not get cancelled.

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies. How you all had a nice weekend. Dpo 5-6 today. Lots of midline cramping that started on Saturday night... A bit different from usual. My boobs are beginning to have burning sensation (usually they just hurt). Stuffy nose (usual - maybe from the progesterone suppositories) and constipation (first time for this). Have had a few episodes of nausea (also not typical). Can not help but hope. Though I have been wrong many times before. :) will do my first test on Friday which will be 12 days past trigger.

9 years ago

Ok ladies since my old Dr never discussed this with me what levels do I want to see when my new Dr.talks to me about my blood work.

9 years ago

Basia30, that's a bit on the high side for your E2 at this stage, that's why they backed off the FSH dosage. They're monitoring you carefully, so all should be fine. I have never had cycle where they didn't make adjustments to my dosage at least once - and usually it was more than once.

Super_sally888, all of those things are classic progesterone. Cramping, nausea, fatigue, sore breasts, constipation -- progesterone is a bit of a b*tch! :)

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

9 years ago

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