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July 2015 Babies!

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I am out for June so why not create July board.

Good luck girls :)


Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

1008 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hello i would like to join this group. Believe i got my very faint positive tonight i took pictures of it but really cant she it on my cheap phone. But i will me testing tomorrow fmu i aint wait .... Im so excited ......

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9 years ago

robinmc26 how exciting!! I am going to test in a couple more days if I can hold out! Can't wait to hear about it tomorrow!


9 years ago

Kiki i hope u get ur baby dust..... Bfp to u hunny

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9 years ago

6dpo, my breasts are full and sore and my stomach feels a little full. No other symptoms... Excited for testing but don't want my hopes up. ð???

9 years ago

Hey ladies! 7dpo here. Can you take a look in my gallery just did a hpt... Might be delusional ... Hopefully not. Picture was taken after about 1-2 mins
Thanks in advance!


9 years ago

so excited so much EWCM 2 days after lap ...kind of down the doctor said no baby dancing but i guess its ok next month fingers crossed forsure

9 years ago

xoxo, nice to hear things are getting back to normal for you :) And yes, next month it'll be!

Cryslynn, wishing you all the best for next month!!

Anotherbaby, you knew it was a bit too early to test, so yeah, stay positive and test again in a couple of days. FX for you!!

NikkiN, how are you??

AFM had another two days of low bbt and was sure AF was on her way. But today the temp went up again. My chart is so confusing! I know I should stop reading too much into it, but it's inevitable, I think. I'm 13 dpo today and I've been having some light nausea and slightly sore boobs. Could be the meds, of course. What is new is that I've been having mild cramps on my calves. Weird.
Going away for the weekend, so don't know how much I'll be able to check the thread. Have a lovely weekend and best of luck to everybody :)

9 years ago

Cryslynn- I am sorry your out. Hopefully next month has your BFP waiting.

Altheok- I am doing well! This week seems to be dragging. I am thinking about breaking down and testing on Saturday (13DPO). I have gotten very excited for some reason this month and if negative feel I might need some time.

AFM- I had a lower, but still high, temp this morning. I wish I could stop over analyzing every temp reading and feeling in my body! WE tell each other not to symptom watch, but actually doing it is another story ;)

to everyone these next couple days!

9 years ago

CONGRATS LOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Sorry I keep posting these but I am having a very hard time believing it. This digital definitely makes it clearer...I have it posted on my page. I think I will still feel better after this weekend when AF doesn't show and I get a positive Blood test. FX'd!

I am feeling a little bit better today. Not like the last 2 days. But I am feeling cramps with some slight nausea and slight headache which are making me nervous and with AF due today or tomorrow I can't help but be nervous. But trying so hard to not stress over it because I don't want to lose my chance here. I know it seems silly to think that way after seeing the tests but after TTC this long, it's hard for me to get too excited.

Thanks for all the Happy's! You ladies are so wonderful!

Bumpin4Baby: I am definitely trying to stay positive that's for sure. But I think once I can get passed Saturday I will feel better.

awebste: I had bought those too! I heard they work great but I always had a hard time reading the OPK's that is why I went digital for those. I had bought the HPT's too. I never saw a BFP. I do have 2 left of those so tomorrow I will test with one and let you know if it works.

Margie_M: Thanks! I have definitely given myself headaches before from tight ponytails. I also have let my hair grow way too long and in desperate need of a hair I have really thick hair and it gets heavy which in turn gives me headaches. My plan is to get a haircut after Thanksgiving...if I can make it that

Hope your TWW goes by quickly!

Linasa: Makes me wonder, how many people realize their pages are made private and if they intended for that to be the

xoxocouture: YAY! So glad everything was fixable and fixed! When did the doctor say you can start being intimate and have sex?

aceron33: YAY for darker test and no spotting! I'm the same way...I live only 10 minutes away from Dr's office but work an hour away. So when they call up and see if I can get in for a test I say I can try but most of the time we push it to the morning.

Cryslynn86: Awww I'm sorry showed up. Hopefully this next round works out for you!

robinmc26: Welcome! Sadly I can't see those tests very well. Hopefully today's turned out darker.

Kiki2387: WOW! 7DPO is really early to be seeing something. Do you temp or use OPK's? That last chart posted on your page is dated for April. Maybe you are off a couple days? Either way, I do think I might see something. Hopefully it gets darker!

aletheok: Have fun this weekend!

NikkiN: If my temp hadn't spiked up on Wednesday I probably would have waited till Sat too...except I am also impatient and every month I expected the BFN...I guess you get used to it after 20 cycles of you see your BFP tomorrow morning.

DanielleH13: Thanks sweetie! I pray it stays this way.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

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