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Mid Month Madness!

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Welcome :) this a group dedicated to those who test around the middle of the month!

32yrs old DH 36 TTC #1 TTC since Oct 2011 - diagnosed anovulatory Feb 2013 6th cycle clomiphene Party trick - mood swings par excellence! Located: Palmerston North, NZ User Image

1172 Replies • 10 years ago



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I'm still awaiting the inevitable success stories too. It's good you're almost ready to start ivf autumn. Do you have even better chances because you've been pregnant before? How great if you have twins!

Bindy, you should be really proud of your weightloss. You definitely have been doing everything in your power. I know someone with pcos who got pregnant after about 6 months or so of fertility drugs.

I'm 29weeks, so getting there.

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

9 years ago

Bindy any news yet? I am getting excited for you...

Dogmom! Time flew! Please let us know if you are having a boy or a girl :)

Soimpatient, the end is in sight for you! Before you knowit you will hold your baby.

9 years ago

Girls, this is really exciting for both of you. It's are going to be pregnant in no time now.

Autumn, would you be ok with twins? It could be neat!!!

Bindy, I would kill to be 55 kilos again. Pre prego I was waaaayyy over that already. You inspire me to try to get back down there one day.

Dogmom, really glad to hear from you! Are you feeling better? The 20 weeks scan is an exciting one.

I'll be 37 weeks on Saturday. Due date is August 2 (though Dr Google and even this site say July 26 and another Doc said July 29). One month from today anyway.

9 years ago

Ok so I went to my RE appt today and I'm on 25mg of clomid :) and DH has to do a SA so we will get the results late next week or early the week after. Also he wants me to test to see if I'm preg and if I am he has given me the paperwork for a blood test. If it's neg again I have the script to bring on a bleed and I will be starting clomid cd5 I hve paperwork for blood tests on cd21 I go back to see him on the 15th august. He said that if DHs results come back good he said he is fairly certain that I will be preg by Xmas. :) I'm so happy to be taking the next step.

Dogmom let us know if it's a boy or girl :)

Divact wow ur getting so close that's so exciting :)

So impatient you are getting so close it must be so exciting :)

Autumn how are you going today?

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

9 years ago

Bindy: Did I get the dates wrong for the RE? But awesome that you saw him already . Let us know what the pregnancy test says. So great that he says you'll be pregnant by xmas. I am doing well today. More positive again.

Divact: I would be ok with twins. Secretly wanted them my whole life. LOL. And even if it is hard work to raise them, I told my mom the other day that I would rather have 2 and be dead tired and poor than not have another 1.. Chances are good for twins with ivf. The place I am going to replaces 2 embryos. And my drs receptionist told me that they have had a lot of twins from ivf...You are full term! your little girl can come now and give you some time off! Are you going to do natural birth?

I would also kill to be 55kg again! I would love to be 75 again as well. I blame being tall.

9 years ago

Autumn my RE appt was originally the 4th but got moved up to the 3rd. It's late afternoon here at the moment. I've also always secretly wanted twins :)

Lol also I should mention I'm only short so 55kg is perfect weight for my short height lol

Divact I agree with autumn ur basically full term that's so exciting :D

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

9 years ago

Ok so I tested and it's very much a negative so onto these tablets to make me have a bleed than clomid cycle here I come .

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

9 years ago

Sorry that it is negative Bindy. :( Really hoped it would be positive. Maybe you can get clomid twins :)

9 years ago

I was really hoping for a bfp too Bindy. It's so late. Should you wait a day or two just in case before taking the pills?

I was 75 pre pregnancy and I've put on over 20k. Good god. I'm not very tall either. Just average height. I'll kill to be back down to 75 and gosh, 65 would be great now even though I would be even better at 55...though I think my days in the 50s are gone now. Lol.

You both are going to be prego by Christmas with these treatments.

I have so many friends who have had twins last year though IVF. Chances are definitely high.

Autumn, I'm going to try for a Natural birth. I think I can manage but its so hard to say in advance. I really hate the idea of an epidural and there are no other options at this hospital... how did you do yours?

9 years ago

lol Bindy made all of us jealous with the 55kg.

natural is good Divact. Ihad a c-section. I had placenta previa, so I wasn't allowed to give birth naturally (NOT that I wanted to anyway. hehe)

Well Bindy, we we will probably both start our processes over the weekend. Maybe this can be a lucky cycle for us both.

9 years ago

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