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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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I just want to wish you all a bfp, if not now then next month. I don't think this will be noticed since everything I write doesn't seem to.

But again, welcome new comers, congrats to the people with the bfp's, and lots of baby dust to the people who are still trying.

I enjoyed my time with you all until it ended.


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9 years ago

Ababy- I have thought about a blood test but think I will wait until next week.

I will do another pee test tomorrow and see! Tonight at church I literally had to leave 4 times (in a hour period) to pee because there is so much pressure!!Every time I had to bend down to pick up one of the boys or one of their toys I was like.... oh no... gotta go!

Baby dust to all of you!!! Hoping for a positive tomorrow!

9 years ago

Whoah A baby2love! Are you ok?

9 years ago

ako: Today my left bb is sore and almost burning, and I've had this mild headache that has been lingering. Yesterday though I felt SO exhausted like I had been hit by a train, and my back was killing me and I was so crampy. I also have felt so emotional all day like tearing up over t.v. shows.. All of these symptoms are typical before Af though... Nothing to do but wait, but I just don't "feel" like I'm pregnant..

Ababy: It doesn't seem like we are too far off on cycles.. Are you having any promising symptoms??

9 years ago

Rebecca beat me too it... Everything okay ababy2love??

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9 years ago

Ababy2love-- goodbye? Why? Are you ok?

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

Maggie: when I was pregnant with my girls i didnt have that "feeling" lol I thought for sure no way! BUT it did and it happened! :) LOL

Ababy: Sometimes I feel like no one reads my stuff but people eventually do! If you need someone to chat with feel free to message me, I know things get lost on the boards alot!

9 years ago

Ababy: I hope you're doing ok. I find myself reading a flood of posts all at once from my phone and barely respond, usually with something generic, because I have so many posts to go through. Sorry if you've felt ignored. That said, hopefully your symptoms aren't indicative of AF, but of a BFP! Fingers crossed for you. You're not out until the stupid witch shows up.

Chickray: I remember the pregnancy site being pretty dull in comparison too. I was checking in back here a lot for a while. Heads up though, not to disparage people, but the babycenter birth boards are super full and active, but chock full of drama. So many hormones. Those ladies can rip each other to shreds. That said, lurking with occasional supportive comments can be really informative! :)

Snow: Still pulling for you.

Ladybug: Yay for the good appointment. Great news your doc is on board with you getting the ultrasound you want before the 20 week appointment. What an exciting thing to look forward to!

akotalk2me: You can do it! Don't get down. Friday is just around the corner! :)

lolo: I hope it was your implantation temp dip! Woo hoo!

Maggie: Fingers crossed for you. Just a couple days until test day. I remember last time being a symptom watcher like crazy. In another week or so I'll be doing the exact same thing. Ha ha.

Rebecca: Welcome! Those all sound like pregnancy symptoms to me. I hope they are! :) Take a test! :)

Bumpin: Hope your headaches go away. Being pregnant sure is magical, but sometimes the side effects are killer. Ha ha. :)

tjwjtw21: Awesome beta levels. Woo hoo! I totally took pregnancy tests every day for 3 weeks after my bfp to see that line get darker and darker. Ha ha.

AFM: Per a normal cycle I may have ovulated yesterday or today, maybe tomorrow. I got a 20 pack of opks for this cycle, didn't get a line at all today. I got a faint line yesterday with a 6 month expired one, so I really doubt it was accurate in any way. Regardless, DH and I bd'd on Sunday and yesterday. If there was an egg I hope it gets caught by some sperm. I won't be having any symptoms of anything for at least another 8 or 9 days so I just get to lurk and read about your TWWs. :) If no bfp this month I'll get some amazon opks and hpts per your suggestions. Thanks for the advice! :)

9 years ago

Well ladies... I'm out! I'm out for May too since I don't see my bf in August. :(

I'm not as disappointed as I thought I'd be. I guess in the subconcious I already knew I'm out.

Im sending all the best to you girls. I hope to see more BFPs before long.

Congrats to all the BFPs

I think I'm gonna take a little break from the forums and try to live my life outside of TTC. But I'll definitely be reading and catching up with all of you.


ababy2love- I hope you're still around. I was really pulling for you!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

Snow - So sorry to hear! Maybe being away will make him BD you much more when he returns with some "super" sperm?? lol

Quirky - fingers crossed!

I took another two internet cheapys this morning and nothing...
Still no Af on day 34 I think now? Dont know what day post O I am it could be either I can be either 18 or 12 day post O... I think I will use my good preg test tomorrow and get a blood test on Monday if no af...

9 years ago

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