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February 2018 babies!!

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Hello ladies! Let's begin our quest for February 2018 babies!!! All are welcome! Even if you are already prego!!! Here's to another cycle together girls!


283 Replies • 7 years ago



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Daily update--- so I finally got a solid smile today... omg it took long enough. Throws off my whole BD plans! so I guess we just need to add one more turkey basting session in for Friday!

My DH was so great last night... we were both exhausted by like 10pm and all we wanted to do was sleep but he was a trooper and gave me a sample so I didn't have to get it myself and so we didn't miss an important fertile day! I totally owe him tonight lol!

So I'm assuming that I will ovulate by morning time. Feeling heaviness but no O pains yet. Temp only dropped like .04 degrees (97.90 to 97.86) today. so I guess Ill know if my temp drops more or if I go high tomorrow what day I actually O'd. I want it to be today to I can stay on schedule!

How's everyone else feeling? I want to enter the 2WW!!


7 years ago • Post starter

@Nelle yea finally that took long enough and hubby was a real trooper because I know when my DH is tired there is no getting him to do anything lol. I am excited that we are in this together. Since O day I have been experiencing mild breast pain and tenderness and a little wet cm. So I won't really say it is symptoms because it can just be o symptoms. but this is our month


7 years ago

Hey ladies!
I am supposed to ovulate tomorrow. We have be so off with the BD, DH has been not feeling so the last time we did anything was Monday morning, he had been going to bed super early and our mornings have been crazy. I am hoping he is feeling better this evening. I have been having -like cramps like crazy the last few days.
I did look for my cervix and was finally able to feel it but I am not 100% sure if it is open or closed. Hopefully I won't have to know what it normally feels like because this month will be the month !!!

7 years ago

@nelle - yes its alot but doc says i should be ok on all. i have not been feeling good on the metformin at all. Won't get to try this month but i am hoping AF comes by the beginning of June so that way i can try in June when DH comes to see me.

I realised over the weekend i am very angry and i am taking it out on DH a bit so i am avoiding him - imagine we are in two different countries and i am avoiding him... but i just cant deal with him right now - i don't even know why but i am just upset with him for some reason. maybe its the whole thing - i am just

7 years ago

Hi, im new to all this ttc and charting my bbt. My other pregnancies 'just happened' without really planning so i guess i was lucky there but ive never actually planned a pregnancy...untill now. I have no clue if im even doing my chart right so i would be sooo grateful if somebody could take a look and give me some info, does it look good, bad, right or wrong! Lol. Thanks ????

7 years ago

@kerrist- I'm SOOOOO in your boat! I want to throat punch everyone! I don't know what is wrong with me! I can be an emotional person but this cycle is ridiculous!! And get this... I'm 4dpo today and my temp has been 98.20 every day for the last 4 days!!! I've heard it's no big deal or that it could be just that my hormones are balanced. As long as my temps are above cover I guess I'm not worried but this has never happened to be before!!! My poor DH is getting the hit for my anger and ridiculously sad emotions.

@shirly- I looked at your chart. I'm not sure why your temps don't go above your cover right away. Did you set your cover? I mean your temp increased so that's good! As long as they stay up until after your are supposed to get AF. 18 days of temps above cover is a good thing! I'll look back in another post and see if I can find the outline I wrote out. It's detailed lol. The best thing to say is temp every day at the same time and to do it before u even move after at least 3-4 hours of sleep. Keep the thermometer under your pillow or on your nightstand. If you drink or are up late on a Saturday night and temp Sunday, expect your temp to be higher. And do NOT temp correct!!!

How is everyone else doing!?!? Haven't heard from everyone in a while!!!

@ladybug- Twin! How are you!!! You're about 5-6dpo right!? How is it going!? Feeling ok?


7 years ago • Post starter

@ Nelle, hey girlie how are things on your end??? This 2ww always gets to me. So far the only real symptom that has been standing out is severely painful bb's. I had them ever since I o'd on the 15th. At first I chucked it up to o symptoms but it seems to have gotten worse. It's almost unbearable like if they get touched they hurt, my nips feel like they are on fire and when it's bed time and I take my bra off to shower it's agony. I am 8dpo based of me o'ing on the 15th cycle day 13th. I had positive OPK and o pain. O I had some mild cramping 6dpo so I am not quite sure what to think. I know that progesterone spike after O but shouldn't it be decreased by now?? . I am trying not to look so much into it this month to get let down I hate this.


7 years ago

@ladybug- sore bbs are great!!! I keep squishing mine hoping they start hurting!!! I haven't really felt anything to speak of except constipation the first 3 days post o. Now I'm getting back to normal. Other than my emotions are ridiculous I don't feel a whole lot. It's only 5dop today so I'm not expecting much. Waiting for a temp dip and maybe some cramps! My temps have been the same the last 5 days and close to my coverline so not sure how I feel about that. I guess as long as they are above cover and don't go down... I'm going to be strong and wait as long as possible to test. With the holiday weekend approaching I know I'll be busy with family and that will help soooo much with keeping my mind occupied. When will you test?!


7 years ago • Post starter

@nelle distraction is good because even when I say I am not going to think about it I do or I find myself googling symptoms lol. I do not really temp I tried it awhile ago but I find that I always forget to do it at the same time. I am thinking if I should start this cycle or if this cycle is a bust then I will try it next cycle along with OPK. About the boobs it's so weird because I never had my boobs hurt like this since my daughter. Like even now if I just touch it they hurt badly :(


7 years ago

Let's hope that is a good sign!! I'm excited to get this cycle rolling!!!


7 years ago • Post starter

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