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9DPO TTC#2 tww survival tips please!

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Hi Everyone! I'm fairly new to the site, currently 9 DPO and driving myself insane, looking for any advise for surviving the TWW!!.....With my first, it took 2 years to conceive, I had irregular cycles and some months never ovulated, drove myself absolutely insane!! I promised myself if we ever tried again I wouldn't go nuts....and then here I am, 9 DPO and blowing through internet tests like a mad woman :) This is my 4th month TTC and my cycles have been text book perfect since stopping the pill-which is VERY unusual for me-so I thought hey, maybe this time it will be nice and easy??? Nope...last month I did have a CP and it was actually a relief just knowing everything is working without having to get poked and prodded 2-3 times a month.

Anyways, done rambling!! How do you find the patience and will power to not test constantly??? Gosh I wish I could just wait until AF is due, test, and let it be. Seeing BFN after BFN is exhausting and depressing, pure torture! Yet month after month I put myself through it, I can't help it! lol

75 Replies • 7 years ago



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Tina, thank you! I will gladly accept that baby dust.

I'm super excited for you! And more than a little envious! I think the ligament pain is just because you actually recognize it for what it is now. I don't think it's too early to tell at all!

And I agree whole-heartedly that the 1st trimester is so much worse than the TWW. haha. With my DD, I feel like my motion sickness and sinus problems were magnified ten-fold! It got so bad that I had to work from home because I couldn't even make it in the car for more than 15-20 mins without wanting to puke my guts out. And I lost weight...could only stomach some chips and popsicles.

But it was all worth it! I'd happily do it all over again for another little one.

Yep, still having a weird cycle. I did finally stop spotting at least, so I'm super happy about that. They never called me back...and I keep forgetting to call them until it's too late and they've closed. I'm on CD50 today (if I don't count all the weird spotting globby CM as actual ) and I've been having clear watery/slippery CM these last few days...maybe I'm finally gearing up to ovulate!

I don't really have any symptoms anymore...just some sore nips here and there and some twinges in my lower abdomen, alternating sides. Who knows what that's about. My tests are back to full-on now, so at least I know what not to expect.

Please keep me updated and I'll do the same!

7 years ago

I feel like time is DRAGGING!!! My Midwife won't order blood work until the end of the month, and won't order an ultrasound until next month. With my first, I had ultrasounds early, so I didn't have all this crazy worry!!

I've been so sick. And then my symptoms will disappear all together and then I worry , and then I'm sick again LOL a vicious cycle!!!

The exhaustion, upset stomach, stretching pains, and insomnia are really intense this time around. And I definitely pee WAY too much. Ohhh the joys of growing another human! Also, I'm so bloated all the time I look like I'm already 4-5 months. I don't know how much longer I can hide this if the bloat doesn't go away, but I didn't want to tell anyone at least till I knew everything was okay.

How have you been?? Any sight of your cycle ending yet??

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey Tina!

Hahaha! Sounds like you're already having a good first trimester. I personally LOVED the second trimester (and I'm sure I'm not the only one!

I'm not doing too terrible, I guess. Most of my symptoms have gone and now it's mostly just fatigue, some cramping, back pain, headaches, and soft stools (actually sounds like a lot more when I write them out, lol). But the fatigue is serious...I've slept for 12 hours, then can still nap and sleep another full 8-10!...only in the last week or so.

I'm supposed to take an HPT and call the doctor back, but I haven't been able to go out and get one yet. I'm pretty sure it'll still be a though.

So I've been checking my CM still and lately, it's been really watery - like I'll wake up in the morning and there will be a spot or two of wetness in my undies. I'm pretty certain it is not urine because there's no color or odor - it's like a few drops of clear liquid randomly. I've been getting up in the middle of the night to pee, too. Thursday, I did get some EWCM (CP was medium-low and soft/open) so DH and I DTD that day (about three days ago). My CM has been wet/watery ever since and my CP has finally become more firm and kinda closed.

Funny thing is that my sister had a dream Friday that we had another girl. LOL. And that same day, my mom got a fortune (from the cookie) that her dearest wish was about to come true within the next month. And she looked at me and had a HUGE smile - she's been telling me to have another. LOL. My DD's fortune was to prepare for the unexpected. Haha. Weird, right?

I still need to get some tests! How are you feeling?

7 years ago

That CM and position does sound very good!!! Did the ever show up for you?? Have you POAS???

I've been so sick I do NOT remember being this sick or exhausted with my first. I feel horrible because I want to use this time to spend with my DD but then-my body just won't let me! And it's only been.... about 3 weeks??? LOL

7 years ago • Post starter

Aww. Hang in there, Tina. The sickness totally sucks, but it's definitely for a good cause!

I did POAS this morning and it does look like there's a vvv faint line. BUT... I'm not going to read too much into it until I can get more tests and that imaginary line gets dark enough that there could be no mistaking the result!

No sign of AF at all for me. CM has gotten creamy with the white snotty globs, mostly soft CP and closed now. And I've been feeling swollen down there lately, like when I was in my third trimester and all the blood was down there... That kind of feeling plus dull cramps/ligament pains. No other real changes for me. Still tired and definitely bloated lately.

I was going to try to test again in a few days, but we both know that we are POAS addicts and that ain't gonna happen for me. So I'll probably try testing tomorrow, then just stop by the store on my way home from work. I'll keep you posted!

Wish me luck!

7 years ago

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