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Late February/ Early March 2017 Babies?

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Just looking for other ladies due around the same time to experience this adventure with.

I'm a dietitian/nutritionist who helps keep other's babies healthy. Pregnant with my first after TTC 3 years (found out 6/23/16) + Endometriosis. In my 30's.

129 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi Ladies,

I am so sorry dietitianj! I hope you will be able to move from this experience, at least you know that you can get pregnant

So I have now made it to 14 weeks Sickness still present but I think could be subsiding. Energy is returning everyday but I am moving house next month so that is going to be a challenge.

I have my 2nd scan in 3 weeks and that's when I will find out if I am having a boy or a girl ?

How is everyone else feeling today?

<a href=""><img src="https://www.count

7 years ago


I am now 5w6d and still feeling pretty great. I am not too fatigued as long as I stay up and moving. My boobs are still awfully tender, especially nipples. Haven't experienced any MS yet, so I'm counting myself lucky there. I now have less than 2 weeks til my first scan!

7 years ago


My sickness didn't start until about 8 weeks and has actually gone now
Yeah your nipples will be tender all the way through the first trimester and mine are still tender now
Ohhh I bet you can't wait to see your little bean on the screen, it was so magical. I am counting down the days until mine.

Let me know how you are getting on

<a href=""><img src="https://www.count

7 years ago

I am SO excited/nervous/anxious/ready for the first scan!!!! Seeing it on the screen is going to melt my heart I know! Things are going great here. 6w2d now. Today I have really noticed a heightened sense of smell and believe it or not had a wave of nausea because of it. 10 days til the dr appt and counting down! Hope all is well for you!

7 years ago

Hi everyone, I'm currently 8w3d and had my second US today. Congrats to the other preggos here!

My heart goes out to those who've had miscarriages and/or bleeding. I had bleeding at 5 weeks and had a few extra blood tests and an early US to check everything was OK. It was such a stressful time but I've been so lucky to have continued on with a healthy baby.

I've been nauseous the whole pregnancy virtually but this week has been the absolute worst. My OB gave me a script for anti nausea medication today but I don't really want to take it unless I desperately need to.

7 years ago

Might be a bit late but I would like to join you here Ladies!

First, I'm so sorry to hear about the pregnancy loss with some of you. I know how difficult it is to be in this place. In March 2016, we found out that I was pregnant (first time). However, in our first ultrasound in April we found out that I had a missed miscarriage and had to undergo D&C in May. I was a wreck then.

But things turned around in June, we found out I''m pregnant again! Had an ultrasound to see the baby with a heartbeat on July 5. Looks like 7 weeks that day (8 weeks today). Looks like a Feb 21 due date. However, it's kinda hard to date right now because I never got a period in between.

We're just so happy right now. Even though nausea and fatigue are kicking my ass.

Congratulations to all the ladies here!

7 years ago

Diatician I am so sorry :(

I had my second ultra sound yesterday after all my blood loss and spend the day in ED last Monday.

I Saw and heard the heart beat at 120bpm
I just wasn't expecting it after being told I was going to mc last week in ED.
I am 6 weeks and 5 days today, with my due date being 03/03/207
My ultra sound showed the bleeding and I actually got a name for what it was/is that I have and the dr isn't concerned with what he saw.
I have a subchorionic hemotoma.
I will have more frequent check ups and US but I m not as worried now I have a name and reason to the bleeding and have done minimal research as googling is the worst thing.

I have no nausea and my boobs have started to be less painful.
I am just exhausted half way through the day now.

How is everyone else travelling?

7 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Welcome to all the new mums-to-be!

I keep getting pains in my lower pelvic area but it is the round ligament stretching to make way for my baby. I am feeling better but was sick again last night when I hadn't been sick for 4 days and thought I was over it.

My baby is now 7.5cm long and weighs approx. 25 grams, also can now hear my voice as the inner ears are developed.

Only 17 days until we find out if it's a girl or boy!

I hope you are all having a good week

<a href=""><img src="https://www.count

7 years ago

Hello ladies! And welcome to those of you who are new here!

I am 7 weeks today and all is going great! I have had a day or two of nausea in the morning but it passes around noon or once I eat a little something. Thursday I go for our first appt and scan. It will be a vaginal ultrasound and I'll be nearly 8 weeks then so I'm hoping to see baby and get to hear the heartbeat! Getting really excited and anxious! 5 days to go! :)

7 years ago

Hello ladies. I stumbled across this forum and I'm happy to join :).
I am 5w2days today 7/16 and have had beta's drawn this week, on Monday it was 1370 and on Wednesday it was 3,598 so it more than doubled (praying this is a great start) I will see my dr on Tuesday for my first vaginal ultrasound, hoping to see sweet baby!! My due date should be 3/14 if I've calculated right

Here's my TTC story. I'm 38 and hubby is 39, we have 7 children and one sweet baby girl in heaven. We wanted to add one more to our little family but it's been a LONG two years of TTC. Not sure why but it's like my body wasn't wanting to corporate with us. I had an HSG done last July and got pregnant that month, but had a mc right after. Got pregnant again in September and mc in November, had 7 cycles before finally getting my BFP this cycle. Got positive on cd10 and bloods drawn on cd 34 and cd 36.
Praying this is our little miracle baby!!
Good luck to all you sweet ladies!!!

7 years ago

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