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TWW for a March 2017 BFP!

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Hi all! I am somewhat new here and on the journey of TTC for the first time around! This is our second active month to TTC. I have been off BC for a year now, and we did the pull out method until we decided we were ready to stop preventing last month.

I have always been nervous that I would have issues TTC and so I put it off for some time. Now that we are actually on the road to hopefully conceiving I am getting more and more excited and more and more stressed about it! Last month was a BFN, which I half heartedly expected especially since it was our first active month of TTC.

This month I am really hopeful and afraid I'm setting myself up for disappointment! I am currently 4 dpo and have had increased CM for longer than usual so I am hoping that is a good sign! If I were to conceive this month the estimated due date would be Mar 4 which is my mother's birthday! I would love that! And she would love it too, she has been waiting quite some time for a grandbaby.

This TWW is going to be downright miserable, but having a little company would help it pass quicker! :)

183 Replies • 8 years ago



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12dpo spotting enough to reach my panties yesterday. Neg hpt this morning I started not to test but thought oh well I have it, I'll use it and then next month I'm not buying any test so I won't test early and get my hopes up like I did this time. It seems we have had a virus and explains my off temps but regardless AF is on the way. I got pg in July with my last DD so hey maybe it will be my lucky month. DH,MIL,brother and my dear departed angel daddy all have birthday in April. Matter of fact I had DD on DH birthday. I should O around July 4th! I pray I don't see you ladies in the next forum but if so we will celebrate our Easter babies.

8 years ago

I've had a couple out of the norm things happen this morning! I had extremely vivid dreams last night and the night before. Saturday night I dreamed that my dog, who is my BABY as of right now, died. I woke up thinking it was real. Felt so relieved when I saw his little face curled up between me and DH :). Last night I dreamed that I got a crazy dark BFP and I was estatic, but when I went to pick it up again a few hours later to show DH the lines had disappeared and faded away. I've had the BFP dream just once before. It was back when we were doing the withdrawal method, probably about a year ago. Then this morning after having that dream I wake up and throw up in the sink while brushing my teeth. Yuck. Not gonna say that's NEVER happened before because I think that's happened to everyone at some point, but I will say I can't even remember the last time that happened.

Still no spotting, which I usually have at least the day before AF shows. But also haven't been having any CM recently. Just dry yesterday and today. I'm taking Nikki's advice and having me a bottle of wine if/when the witch shows up!!

Chicks, if I don't end up with a BFP, I too will be O'ing again on July 4th. Makes me sad because DH is going out of town the 1-4. I just hope if we do it right before he leaves and right when he comes back I will still have a chance. :(

8 years ago • Post starter

Good food & wine always helped me cope with af before.. probably why im lil overweight lol..
Also was just goin say i thought it was just me.. but before i even tested bfp i beep almost gettin sick every time i brush my teeth the last week or so. Its real hard to brush them & not get sick. Just the taste of toothpaste in my mouth makes me gag.. i didn't think too much of it before didn't want to get hopes up. Maybe thats a good sign for u. Its nasty n gross lol but hopefully good sign. & i hope next month is everyone elses lucky month. Easter babies sound the sweetest. Dh was kinda sad i was due in march because he was born & march & had bad asthma & thinks because march is very windy this time a year in west texas, thats what caused him to get sick easily. He just doesnt want our baby being sick with asthma like he was all the time.. :/ but told him i think if all goes well ill deliver in late February. Im short& have a heart shaped uterus. I doubt ill be able to carry to full term

8 years ago

That should be close to my ov date as well depending on when I start my cycle. My ovulation day is so varied so its hard to know. One month it was cd10 and this month it was cd14. Makes it hard to get my Donor here at the right time. I think I'll get him here for cd 11 and hope for the best. Maybe he can stay and be here cd11 and 12
But getting pregnant next cycle would out my edd right around my due date with my son so that could be fun. And only a couple weeks before my 31st birthday

8 years ago

Fruit loop, it sounds like we will all be together again next month if there are no more BFP's. An April edd may just be what's meant for you! Would be exciting to have it near the birthday plus a likeness with your other pregnancy :) I am really intrigued by your donor situation! I hope I am not imposing and if you don't feel comfortable answering I understand- did you know your donor previously or is he someone you met specifically for this reason? I would definitely try to get him to stay so that you would have a chance at both days!

Today is 12dpo and I had some CM come back today! It is nothing like the usual AF CM. When it's time for AF I tend to have clear watery CM tinged with bits of blood day before starting full on. The CM I had today was thicker, tacky, and milky colored with absolutely no blood or tinged blood coloring! I am really hoping that's a good sign. Boobs have been sore and heavy today although that's typical for PMS. I am probably going to test again tomorrow on 13dpo with FMU, but all I have is digi's left. Hoping it will pick it up if I am. Anyone here had a positive with digi and how many days past O you were? I've got my fingers crossed. If I end up with another BFN tomorrow I'm going to hide under the covers and wait on the witch to show.

8 years ago • Post starter

Oh, and side note: I cried today while watching (don't shame me) Keeping Up with the Kardashians. It's my guilty pleasure. And to cry during it....Even I know that's strange! Lol!

8 years ago • Post starter

My Donor is someone who I searched out simply for this purpose. I like that he isn't in town because we won't bump into each other, but it would be easier for timing of he was. We have signed contracts waiving his rights and stating I will never contact him for anything after we have a success and he will not ask for any contact or rights to the child. I don't mind answering questions at all.
I too had a bit of an increase in mucous. The last week it has been barely there to analyze but this morning there was a good (TMI) thick gob of creamy mucous. Trying not to get my hopes up but having lots of sharp cramping today that doesn't feel like Af at all. Might be just gas as there has been an abundance of that this tww. And I've had to lay down for a rest today and yesterday as I'm utterly exhausted.
Oh and I cried while watching finding dory with my son last night.
We shall see In a few days I guess.

8 years ago

FruitLoop- all of that sounds like good signs!!!! Maybe you're not out this month after all! Know what you mean though on not wanting to get your hopes up! I am dreading that for tomorrow as well. I have both a FR Gold Digi and a CB Digi and I have been reading up on the reviews of each. Had figured I would use the FR tomorrow and save the weeks indicator ones for later on if it was negative but after reading reviews I'm seeing that the FR has given lots of false results! So now I'm conflicted!

8 years ago • Post starter

Ya I've just been using wondfo because they are cheap but I'm worried they aren't as sensitive either. I have a cb digital as well that I'll use on Sunday if no af since Friday would be 15dpo if af doesn't show.
While i usually get a little nipple tenderness with pms today it has been much worse. Like burning/tingling feelings and it hurts.

8 years ago

Fruit I was curious about your donor but wasn't gonna ask. can't wait for you guys to test.
I use an app to help me keep up with my periods and went back several months I noticed that every couple of months I have a 4 day period followed by an ovulation around the 14 day and then start my next cycle on the 27th day. Then the next couple of cycles will be 5 days, ovulate on day 12 or 13 and a 28 day cycle. It rotates in that order. How odd. So if the cycle stays true to that. I will start tomorrow on my 27 th day because my last period was only 4 days long. Then have a 5 day period followed my ovulation on cd12-13 which means I'll get DH to bd all we can from cd 11 and end the day after I ovulate. This month we only done it prior to ovulation. So maybe that's where I went wrong. I have got a new notebook, charting all my temps so it's clear, I will be checking and charting cervix and cm and I'm going to use OPKs and will start Mucinex a week prior, doc said he didn't know if that really helps but what the hell worth a try. And I will not test early!!!!

8 years ago

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